Sunday, May 24, 2020

End of long climbing road

After we left Mt. Saka-yama, we reached the another side of climbing road in Seno area. We walked more than 15 km in the mountain system. It was hard job. But my heart had been in full satisfaction.

Mt. Saka-yama

Summit of Mt. Saka-yama was very nice. I could see landscape which include North side of Asa area in Hiroshima city.
It was last summit of the mountain system. It was a nice climbing.

Beautiful climbing road

After we left Mt. Hokotori-yama, I walked climbing road which I'd never walked. It was a road to Senogawa JR station through Mt. Sakayama. It was very beautiful and easy to walk.

Mt. Hokotori-yama

Mt. Hokotori-yama had no landscape. In some years ago, I climbed from the mountain and walked through to yano. It was reverse route.
Hokotori was a Japanese which mean "get lancer". I don't know the reason why it was named so.

In the green

The green was very beautiful. My son walked fast in the green. It was a nice climbing road.

Get natural water

We climbed down from Mt. Hara-yama and reached to the point where we could get water.
I had listened that the professor said the water was most delicious in Japan.
I thought it was very delicious. It was tender than the water from valve.
I'd brought him there when he was a small child. When he reached there, he said that he had gone there. He remembered.

Mt. Hara-yama

Mt Hara-yama was a mountain which had two tower for TV or telephone. We can see it from wide area in Hiroshima city.
But, the summit was very simple. There was no landscape.
After we ate lunch, we left there. And we started to walk to get water.

Mt. Doudoko-yama

I stood at Mt. Doudoko-yama after a long interval. The last time was in some years ago.
Mt. Doudoko-yama was goal point in son's plan. But, he said he wanted to walk through the mountain system. I agreed his plan.
But, my son's water was wasted. So, we planned to water point which was there out of the route.

Department of army

There were some gravestone one the climbing road. It was made by Japanese army before the end of world war 2.
Government which control land of the company was under the army at the time.  

Mt. Shiro-yama

Mt. Shiro-yama is nominated as one of 100 famous mountain in Hiroshima pref. I don't know the reason.
But, the climbing road around it was very nice. I' climbed about 4 times. I'd never met anyone there. My image about the mountain was silent. It was nice mountain.

Strange stones

Near the summit of Mt. Shiro-yama, there were many strange rocks.
Stone which crack to two pieces was like a stone which cut by Tanjiro who was a hero of Kimetsu no yaiba.
Stone which like ball on flat surface of other stone was strange. How to made was it ?  

Mt. Kanegatourou-san

First summit was Mt. Kanegatourou-san. It was a summit which I'd climbed about 2 weeks ago. My son reached there about 5 minutes faster than I.

Walk smoothly

My son train in climbing team in his high school. So, his climbing style was not amateur's one. He walked smoothly and beautifully.

Start long walk in mountain

My son planned to climb some mountains which in Kaita town and Yano. It was a long distance. I climbed it with him.
The first mountain was Mt. Kanegatourou-san. During climbing it, we through long stairs and shrine.

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Takeout ramen

Under the Spreading of Corona virus, I'm afraid to eat in restaurant. In such situation, many restaurant were holding the style of taking out.
I bought a set of ramen's noodle, soup, egg and meat, etc at the ramen restautant which I'd liked.
I could cook it easily after I boiled noodle and warmed up soup. It was tasty enough. It may be a new style of after Corona.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Wisteria floribunda

There was a beautiful purple flower in Mt. Ege-san. I can see many beautiful flowers in this season.

Cloud sea

When I reached the summit of Mt. Ege-san, it was very fine. And a wide cloud sea surrounded the summit. It was a great landscape.
During I was climbing, I thought it was mist. But, it was not mist, but a part of cloud. I climbed in the cloud.
Mountains were like island in the cloud sea.
Nobody staying under the cloud knows that it is very fine at the summit of mountain.

In the mist

I climbed Mt. Ege-san in the deep mist It was not rain. But, my wear was wet. So, it was not good climbing at first. But,・・・.

Saturday, May 09, 2020

Sharoic's children

Sharoic is a avaricious banker in Shakespeare’s story.
The story was about some bankers. They are staying under hard job. I thought I could't work at such a situation. Bankers were great.
The writer Ikeido Jyun is especially special about the story of banker.

My lanking: ★★★☆☆