Friday, August 28, 2020

Prime minister

 Japanese prime minister Shinzo Abe decided to finish his job today. The reason was his bad body condition.

I think he was a greatest prime minister in Japan who I knew. I thought that he worked well for our benefit. I'd never seen such a good politician.

I hope he would get enough rest and fix his condition. Thank you for good job for us. 

Saturday, August 15, 2020

Mt. Hinoura-yama

I could reach the summit fast. But, it was very hot. So, climbing it was hard job. At the summit, I met old climbers. One of them took off his shut because of the hotness.
After I stayed there for a while, I downed the mountain.

Climb from temple

I climbed Mt. Hiura-yama in Kaita city. The reason why I select the mountain was that it was easy to climb when I compared with Mt. Ege-san.
At the entrance of climbing road, there was a temple. It was nice to walk in temple in the morning.

Monday, August 10, 2020

Talked with old climber

I met an old climber who stayed in Yakeyama in Kure city near the summit. I often met him at Mt. Ege-san.
He was near 80 years old. But, he climbed the mountain almost every day. What a tough guy he is ! I hoped I wanted to be such a old climber.

Saturday, August 01, 2020

Mt. Ege

It is very hot in these days in the town. But, At the summit in the morning, it is very cool. I stayed there for a while and enjoyed the cool air.

Cloud sea

I could see beautiful cloud sea from the summit. I had sown cloud see at Mt. Ege-san twice.

Beautiful sunrise

I climbed mountain after a long interval. Last time I'd climbed was more than 2 months ago. It may be the longest while in these 10 years after I started climbing mountains.The reason why I didn't climbed for a long while was Corona virus.
As my body for climbing was weak. But, I continued to train by bicycle. So, It was not so hard.
From middle height in the mountain, I could see beautiful sunrise.
Mountain always make me nice.