Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Nice landscape

 There were nice landscape there. I could see Nippon-sea, Setouch sea, all of Akiyoshi-dai and many mountains, etc.

It was a nice climbing.

The summit of Mt. Katsuragi-san

 When I reached the summit of Mt. Katsuragi-san, nobody was there. The summit was only for me. I like such a situation. I ate lunch there and waited for my son and his team mates who climbed from another road.

The peak was the summit

 The peak which be looked over the tower was the summit of Mt. Katsuragi-san. It was not hard climbing for me.

Climbed Mt. Katsuragi-san in Yamaguchi pref.

 I drove car about 200km and reached to the entrance of Mt. Katsuragi-san in Yamaguchi pref. The climbing race for high school students would be held there. So, I brought my son and climbed it. I'd never climbed mountains in Yamaguchi pref.

Saturday, September 19, 2020

sea urchin

 After we played enough, we went to local restaurant and ate sea urchin and fishes. It was because that I had a rule to eat local food when I went trip.

It was not good taste. It was not fresh. I sometimes miss selectin of restaurant. But, it may be one of interest of trip.

Silent sea

 In front of the grave, a silent sea was there. We played such as climbing big rock and slowing small stones to the sea.

Russian's grave

 At the edge of the island Oumi-shima, there were Russian solder's grave stone. It was there at very lonely place. I prayed it and hoped the friendship between Russians and Japanese.

Museum about whale

 After we left pond Myoujin-ike and Kaze ana in Hagi city, we went to Senzaki. In ancient day, many whales were fishing there. There was a museum about whale.

It was a small museum. There was nothing which I'd be interested in.

Wind hole

There was Kaze-Ana beside the pond Myojin. Kaze-Ana means wind hole. In summer, it was said that cold wind come from the hole. But, it was not hot today. So, I could not feel cool by it.

Drive to Nippon-sea with my friend

I went to my friends home town Iwakuni city by JR train. And we drive to North side of Yamaguch pref. by his new car. At first we went to pond Myoujin-ike. The pond made by volcano's work. The water contain the sea water. So, we could see many sea fishes in it.