Sunday, December 27, 2020

Fix the wear

 I fixed my wear which I'd used for running, riding bicycles and climbing. It was abraded away and was in hole by hard using. 

So, I fixed it. It wasted time about 2 hours. I'd used it about 10 years. I would be able to use it more 10 years from now.

Sunday, December 13, 2020

Hidden water fall

 After I'd climbed with hard difficulty, I reached there. It was not damaged by landslide disaster. I thought it was miracle, because it was existed after that hard disaster.

But the landscape around it was changed. The reason was that the tree around it was disappeared. Until then it was dark place there.

I climbed beside it and went to the summit with happiness.

Walked to meet water fall

I climbed to find water fall in Mt. Ege-san.

I thought that it would be broken by landslide disaster in 2 years ago. I wanted to check it by my eyes. And I tried to reach there.

The road to the water fall was damaged by landslide. So, I had to changed route sometimes. I often climbed by handling branches.


Friday, December 11, 2020

Seed of ginkgo

 I got seeds of ginkgo (maiden hair tree) and get prosses to eat. At first it was covered by fresh which had bad smell. So, I put them into water about 3days. And, I got off it. And I am drying it under the sunshine. It will be possible to eat about 3 days later.


Sunday, December 06, 2020

Rock wall

 I walked down beside the landslide disaster which appeared about 2 years ago. There were no road. It was dangerous action.

I could not walked to the end of it.

The rock wall had about 10m height.

Sunrise from Mt. Ege-san

I could see beautiful sunrise in Mt. Ege-san. It was very beautiful.

Morning in mountain always make me happy.