Friday, January 22, 2021

Change battery

Apple corporation have a service to change the battery of smart phone. It was only about 6,000 yen which include the cost of transportation. I thought it was very cheap.

About one week was needed from sending it to coming back.

Before changing battery, I had needed to charge battery in every half days. But, after changing battery, I charge it in every 3 days. I'm using the smart phone with full satisfaction.

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Grove for cold season

The grove was used by workers who do in the refrigerator. So, it’s very cheap, tough and good for cold wind. I bought it for commuting by bicycle in winter.

The result was very good. Until then, I used grove for bike. When I compared them, I say the new one is better.

It will be tough for rain. It maybe a perfect grove without thinking about the looks.

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Front tire

 I exchanged front tire of MTB. I used it about 2 years. I'd run bicycle more than 10,000 km by the tire. The surface was not abrade away so much. But the material damaged under the hard condition such as hot surface of road in summer, ultraviolet lay from sun and wet by rain, etc. Some of block of tire had been separated. It was very dangerous. So, I exchanged it.

The tire was about 1,900 yen at 4 years ago. But, it is over 3,000 yen now on amazon's store. I'm thinking that I might have to change it to cheap model.

Monday, January 11, 2021

Food in the snow

Eating hot cup noodle was very nice. 

The cost was only about 300 yen, But, it was very luxury. No one in Hirohsima city was eating more nice food than I at the time.

Climbing in snow

 I climbed Mt. Ege-san today. As it was very cold in those days, it was snowy at the summit. 

Walking in the snow was very interesting. I always climb the mountain when I could see the mountain be covered by snow.

Saturday, January 09, 2021

iPhone SE 2nd generation

 I bought new smart phone, because old one's buttery had been weaken. new one was like with old one. There was no new technology. After I touched it for some minutes, I used to it.

But the buttery have long life.

I'll send old one to Apple company in order to change buttery. 

Saturday, January 02, 2021

First climbing

 First climbing in new year was Mt. Ege-san. At first, my son climbed there. Later I started to climb to chase him without his knowledge.

Later, I met him who was downing. He did not be surprised despite he found me. He was too cool.

All I did in long vacation was climbed Mt. Ege-san two times.