Friday, April 30, 2021

Running before working

 In these days, I run in forest of Moto-Ujina in every morning. As it was after rain, ambient in the forest was very clear and had good smell. It was very nice start of a day.

Sunday, April 25, 2021


 I found a snake moved. It means that the winter finished and start spring. His moving was slowly. He didn't try to escape from I. He may not woke up enough from his winter sleeping.

Fine day

 In these week, I can climb in every weekend. My body condition is good. If I will continue it, my body will be change to tough enough to long climbing such as in North Alps.

I hope COVID will be decreased until summer. But, it will be impossible, because our government is saying to held Olympic games.

Sunday, April 18, 2021

Forest after rain

 I like to climb after rain, because the trees and air are beautiful.

Mt. Ege-san

I climbed Mt. Ege. As my job is not so hard in this season, I can climb often. It is good season.

Sunday, April 11, 2021


In this season, I can see some beautiful flowers in the mountain. The purple color was Rhododendron. The Japanese name was Tsutsuji.

It is very beautiful. But, worm which have poison appear on it in autumn. I'd damaged by it about 2 years ago. 

Could see Mt. Isiduchi-san

I could see Mt. Ishiduchi in Shikoku island gloomy. It was over Mt. Haiga-mine.

Mt. Ishiduchi is one of 100 famous mountain in Japan. It was nearest famous mountain from my home. I'd climbed about 25 years ago with my friends.

It could be seen from Mt. Ege in good condition of whether and ambient. When I could see it, I always feel a little happiness. 

Blue sky

 I climbed Mt. Ege after a long interval. As I had not walked well, I could not climbed smoothly. I have to train in spring. I want to climb big mountain in summer.

Thursday, April 01, 2021

108 km

I moved about 108 km by bicycle. It was longest distance by bicycle.

It was a very very interesting cycling.

Had a nap

 After I ate lunch, I had a nap on the bench in park near port Nalkamachi. I was waked up by children's voice. When I woke up,  about 30 minutes had passed.

It must be because of tire by long move with bicycle. I'd rode about 80 km until the time.

Udon which had bean's taste

One of main object of the cycling was eating delicious Udon. The soup was made from beans. 

I'd eaten it some years ago.  And, I'd been fan of it. And, I'd thought to eat it again for a long while.

After I'd waited about 30 minutes, the restaurant was opened. And I selected double size Udon and a rice which include some vegetables.

Landscape from the summit

 Landscape from the summit was very nice. I could see beautiful bay, sea and islands.

As the wind was hard. So, I left there after a while.

Mt. Hiyama

 After hard hill climb by bicycle, I'd reached to the summit of Mt. Hi-yama. The summit was near from parking area of bicycle.

The mountain was famous mountain in Hiroshima pref. I'd thought that I wanted to climb it for some years. At last, I could do it.

Hill climb

 The road to Mt. Hi-yama was hard climbing. The average of angularity of the slope was over 9%. Some of the place was more than 10%.

It was most hard slope which I'd climbed by bicycle. I had to walk in some distances. 

Large bridge Hayase

 I moved to Kurahashi island by through large bridge Hayase.

Sakura in sunrise

 At first, I went to South beside the sea in Eda-jima island. After I climbe slope, I could see many beautiful Sakura.

What a nice touring it was !!

Island Eda-jima and Noumi-shima

 I rode on the ship with my bicycle.

My plan was ridding a bicycle and run around Island Eda-jima and Noumi-shima. And I would go to Kurahashi island and climb Mt, Hiyama in the island.

Shipping bicycle always make me interesting.