Sunday, May 30, 2021


 I can see lily flower in this season at near the summit of Mt. Ege. But, I couldn't see it there. I found it on ridge line between Mt. Ege and Mt. Myoujin. I'd never found it there. 

Thursday, May 27, 2021

Drive recorder for bicycle

I bought a movie camera in order to record vision while I drive bicycle. GOPRO is famous in such camera. At first I considered to buy GOPRO. But, it was too expensive.

So, I bought cheap one which made in China. The price was about one 5th with GOPRO. It was about 10,000 yen.

As a result, the performance was enough for my use. It will help me when I will be crashed with crazy car.

Sunday, May 23, 2021

Mt. Ege

I climbed Mt. Ege in this morning. I left my home at 5:00 and returned home at 8:00. The 3 hours was good time.

Once I climbed in the morning, I could feel satisfaction in all day long.

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Old tire

When I commuted, MTB's rear tire burst with big sound.

I knew that there were many hurts on the surface, because it was very old. I'd used it about 2 years and more than 10,000 km.

I decided to use it continuously. I put rubber patch inside of the hurt. I want to know how long time it can be used.

Sunday, May 09, 2021

Wisteria floribunda

Wisteria floribunda shows me the beauty in every spring. I like to see it. I remembered that there were many in last year. I could see 2 flowers only. Did anyone cut and brought out ?

Mt. Fukunaga

Mt. Fukunaga is a local mountain which is not written the name on map. It is beside Mt. Ege. There is a branch on the climbing road to Mt. Ege. I'd climbed it about 4 years ago.

As the road to Mt. Fukunaga is in the bush. So, it' difficult to climb in summer.

When I'd climbed it in 4 years ago, there was no signal about it. But, somebody set the signal which showed the summit of Mt. Fukunaga.

Monday, May 03, 2021

Many campers

Camp site was there at the foot of Mt. Mikura-dake. Many campers were enjoyed there. It maybe a good action under the spread of COVID-19.

Lunch box in the mountain

After I climbed all summit of Mt. Mikura-dake, I ate blanch at the table in forest. Every foods in mountain was tasty.

Third summit

Third summit had no signal which showed it was the summit. So, I looked for it around there. I met 2 young climbers who came from Fukuyama city. They looked for it, too.

They were bothered whether they would go to first summit or not. Because the direct route couldn't be through. 

I'd bothered about it. too. But, I'd climbed it. Climbing Mt. Mikura-dake means climbing all the 3 summit.

Second summit

The second summit was on big rock. It had nice landscape. I didn't know such a nice mountain was there in Hiroshima pref.

It was certainly one of the most nice mountain in Hiroshima pref.

Beside cliff

In order to reach the summit, I walked beside the cliff. If I'd be slipped and drop down, I would be die.


Road to second summit had some chains, because it was sharp and hard. Basically, I don't use chains, because nobody promise me the safety. So, I catch it at some place as a support. 

Landscape around the summit

I could see Ogri village at the entrance of mountain. The landscape showed that the mountain was very sharp. 

First peak

First peak was on the rock. There was some trees. It had a nice landscape.

But, I had no memory about it, because the next peak was so great.

Triangulation point of Mikura-dake

A place which had triangulation point was real summit of Mt. Mikura-dake. But, there was no landscape. Nobody thought that it was main of  Mt. Mikura-dake. Three peaks are the main of the mountain.

Bad news

Mt. Mikura-dake had 3 sharp peaks like the lance. I wanted to stand all of the peaks.

There was massage board which said that the road between two peaks can't be through. So, I had to back to under side and climb again through another route, if I stand all of the summit. It be needed to walk about with twice normal condition.

After I considered for a while, I decide to climb to all summit. 

Climb in new green

 It was best season for walking in woods. The leaves were new and had beautiful green color. It was nice.

Mt. MIkura-dake in the mist

 I climbed Mt. Mikura-dake in Ohtake city. It was famous mountain in Hiroshima pref. I thought I wanted to climb it for a long while.

At last, I decided to climb it. I drove car about one and half hours, and reached there.

When I reached the entrance of the mountain, it was in deep mist. I thought I would not be able to watch landscape. 

Sunday, May 02, 2021

Stone like potato

There was a stone which had even surface like egg in Mt. Ege. I could stand on it.

Obstructed by wood

Old wood obstruct the road to summit.

Old life die and give the energy to new life. Human can live despite it had no power to live. Human waste stocks too much. Threes and wild animals were great.