Saturday, July 31, 2021

Mt. Ege-san

I climbed Mt. Ege-san. I continued to climb in every weekend in these months. So, the body condition for climbing was improved. In spring, I want to climb some big mountain if the COVID will be converged. It was training for it.

Friday, July 30, 2021

Change the wire

Shift wire of rear gear changer for road bike. I ordered it by Amazon and waited for 3 days.

The road bike was ridden only about 5000 km. I thought the life was too short. The MTB's one was using over 20,000 km.

I recorded the distance. And, I will be care at next 5000 km.  

Sunday, July 25, 2021

It's cool in summit

It was very cool at the summit early in the morning. It was different with the town. I stayed for a long while in shadow of the tree at the summit of Mt. Ege-san. It was natural cooler.

Friday, July 23, 2021

Mt. Moriyama

Mt. Moriyama is in peninsula in Saka. I sometimes had gone the mountain in order to see Sakura flower in spring. But, I'd never climbed to the summit.

The climbing road was flat and short. But, it was hard climbing because of the high humidity and high temperature. The summit had no landscape. But, I was satisfied by conquered new summit. 

Cycling in Saka area

I bought hamburger at McDonald's at 5 AM. And I ride a bicycle to the sea in Saka town. Riding early in the morning was very nice in summer. It was very cool.

At first, I wanted to eat hamburger at the beach with watching waves and blue sea. But, the gate of beach was closed until 9 AM.

So, I ate hamburger beside the road in front of the gate.

After I ate the breakfast, I ride to peninsula in Saka instead of beach.

Thursday, July 22, 2021

Friend in mountain

He was a climber I often met at Mt. Ege-san. He was kind and friendly guy. I always climb Mt. Ege-san with hoping to meet him.

He was over 80 years old. He climbing everyday. I want to be old like him.

painted stone at the summit

There was a stone which had be painted an animation character. It was Obanai who was one of main character of Demon slayer.

I sometimes find such painted stone at the summit. I considered why someone put such a thing at the summit.  

When I climbed there 3 days later, the stone was not there. I don't know whether someone bring it home or throw away.

Mountains in Shikoku-island

The ambient was not so clear, when I watched Hiroshima city from the summit of Mt, Ege-san. But, many mountains which were in far away had seen well. I don't know the reason.

The mountains in far away were mountains in Shikoku island. I'd never seen it so clearly. I remember the days I was stayed in the island when I was university student. 

Monday, July 19, 2021


Rear tire of MTB was burst with a big sound. The tire was used more than 2 years and more than 11,000 km.

After I brought the bicycle to factory of my office, I changed the tire to new one.

Thursday, July 08, 2021

Commute in hard rain by bicycle

In hard rain, I commuted by bicycle today. River, road and parking area had same surface of water.

It's needed that big power to pedal a bicycle, when the half of wheel sink in water.

Sunday, July 04, 2021


In these days, number of COVID's new infected person is a little in Hiroshima and Okayama. It will be increased at the start of Olympic games.

So, I decided to go home in Okayama in order to meet my old father. He already got vaccination twice.

We walked to mother's tomb to pray. 10 years had passed after she died.