Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Coffee time in nice landscape

At the wide flat space in mountain, I boiled and drunk coffee with watching good landscape.

Cheap instant coffee always change to delicious nice one in mountain.

Missed the road

When I was returning from Mt. Shiro-yama, I missed the road and walked down to the another town Kumano. So, I had to returned to correct road by climbing hard slope.

I often miss the road. I may have no sense to judge the correct road.

Strange stones

There were some strange stones around Mt. Shiro-yama.

Mt. Shiro-yama

It was today's object Mt. Shiro-yama. It was listed in 100 famous mountain in Hiroshima pref.

The road to there was hard more than I'd imagined.

Like Damon hunter

I cut the big rock by my stick. It was like a damon hunter Tanjiro. 

Nice landscape

After I passed Mt. Kanega-tourou-san, I reached the mountain pass Shin-touge. There was a nice landscape. I decided I would have a rest there when ) would be back.

Walk in beautiful forest

The climbing road was very silent and beautiful. I felt that I stayed on the heaven.

Ride bicycle on hard slope

I rode bicycle to the entrance of climbing road of Mt. Kanega-tourou-san. The slope was very hard. So, I walked and pushed bicycle most of the road.

I met some bicycle riders on the road. It may be the good for hill climbing for bicycle. But, it was too hard for me.

But, the landscape form the road was very nice. It was Hiroshima bay and the city. 

Sunday, March 06, 2022

Mt. Kanega-tourou-san

After a long interval, I stand on the summit of Mt. Kanega-tourou-san. Last time I stand on there was with my son. It was about 1~2 years ago.

Stone stela was used

I found a stone which be written the words on the climbing road. The word was "港域" which means the area of port. It may be there beside the sea in ancient day.

Spring flowers

In mountain, I see some flowers were blossomed. The spring will come soon.

Stairs to shrine

I climbed Mt. Kanega-tourou-san today. The entrance was a stairs of shrine.