Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Thursday's children

The following is brief of the novel.

Some years ago, A student killed his classmates by poison. Son of central character was controlled by the murderer. And he tried to help his son.

I could not understand why the characters were moved so. I will never read his story.

My lanking: ★☆☆☆☆

Monday, April 25, 2022

Purple flowers beside sea

When I ran beside sea in Moto-Ujina, I could see beautiful purple flowers. We can see the purple in the season every year.

The plant was Japanese wisteria. It is one of my favorite flowers.

Sunday, April 10, 2022

Run in the sky

The bridge stand at high place. It was connected the summits of two island.

When I rode bicycle on there, I could imagined that I'd be flying in the sky then.

Good environment in island

In island, time flowed slowly.

I found an old house and SAKURA.

Pork which grew eating lemon

The pork grew up in the island with eating lemon which grew up in the island. I had eaten same one when we visited there 2 years ago.

It was tasty, and I could be full stomach.

Sky, bridge, islands and sea

It was very fine.

In islands which be not connected to mainland by bridge, cars are  few. So, it was very nice for bicycle.

Udon before bicycle

Until my partners appear, I ate Udon at the waiting room in port building. I always think that the food which be eaten at such situation is very delicious.

It would be an energy to ride bicycle for long distance.

Port Sunami

I drove the car to port Sunami with bringing bicycle. From Sunami, we can reach to Island Innoshima easily by ferry.

We would through some bridges and islands by bicycle.