Sunday, July 31, 2022

Climbing shoes

I found my old climbing shoes damaged after I returned from Mt. Ege-san. I'd used it about 15 years. I changed the sole twice.

It can't prevent water coming inside now. Some cracks were there on the surface. I should to decide the end of it.

I'd climbed many mountains with the shoes, such as Mt. yarigadake, hodaka, kumono-taira, tsurugi, Ystsu, and Miyanoura, etc.



Forest in the mist was very beautiful.

Mist made beautiful green, and Green made cool mist. It was in good balance.

In the mist

I climbed Mt. Ege-san under high humidity. In the valley, mosquito attacked me. Climbing in such season was hard work.

But, it was cool at the summit.

Sunday, July 24, 2022

Mt. Ege

I climbed Mt. Ege today. Many bees were there at the summit.

I could climb fast more that last week. My body maintained for climb in these days.

Monday, July 18, 2022

Start to train

I'd decided to climb mountain in Alps in September. So, I started to train for climbing.

As a training, I climbed Mt. Ege-san. It was my home ground.

I met my old friend who always climb Mt. Ege-san. I could talked with him for a while. It was a nice time.