Monday, October 31, 2022

Fix backpack

I'm fixing my old backpack by myself. 

I'd used the backpack more than 12 years. All of band's materials were damaged. So, I decided to change the place of the material.

At first, I challenged to fix the most difficult point which was at the bottom of the body. 

It was needed about 2 weeks to fix only it. 

I like to use gears for long while with fixing. 

Sunday, October 23, 2022

Walk in silent town in island

It was silent town around the octopus restaurant. In about 10 years ago, it was busy. Many tourists were there.

But, I like to walk in silent town.

Octopus in island Ikuchi

A specialty food was octopus in the island. So, we ate it.

Out of gate

There was exotic temple in the island. We had to pay expensive, if we entered there. So, we abandoned to enter it.

Ice cream in island Ikuchi

I drive car with my wife and went to island Ikuchi-jima. We ate ice cream which had taste of lemon in the island. It was tasty.

Saturday, October 22, 2022

Mt. Ege-san

I reached to the summit in 48 minutes and 18 seconds. It was good record in these months.

But, after I went home, I'd backache. It was needed about 5 days to fix it.

Friday, October 21, 2022

Orange sunrise

When I was commuting in the morning, I watched orange sunrise. Surface of the bay was like mirror.

Monday, October 17, 2022

Orange sky

The sky was colored orange or purple in the evening. What condition make such sky? 

Sunday, October 16, 2022

Time record don't be improved

I train hard in these 2 weeks. But the time record don't be improved.

I have to continue it. I want to think that my body is charging power and energy now. The record must be improved soon.


Saturday, October 15, 2022

Old shoes

I decided to discard shoes. I'd been used it for more than 5 years.

I used it for commuting, walking, running and easy climbing, etc.

I like to use old one despite it be broken, and be dirty. Old gears are friendly to me.

Sunday, October 09, 2022

Japanese Soba noodle in Oku-idumo

After we wake up in tent, we went to eat soba noodle in Oku-idumo area.

Saturday, October 08, 2022

Full moon over silver grass

We could see beautiful full moon and shining silver grass. It was like an animation's one scene.

The silver grass was moved like wave when the wind flowed.

What a beautiful landscape. 

Grill beef

In the evening, we ate grilled beef in camp site. Eating foods with friend was very interesting.

Camp with my friend

I went to Mt. Aduma-yama with friend by his car.

The object was watching full moon over the silver grass.

Sunday, October 02, 2022

Sky at Mt. Ege-san

I climbed Mt. Ege-san. It was fine and cool.

The time record to the summit was 49:11.

Saturday, October 01, 2022

Adapter for head lump

This is a gear which hold head lamp at the end of front tire's shaft.

I used it about 1 week. It was not good. I put it off from bicycle and throw it into the keeping box.  

Mat in tent

Old mat for climbing had been broken about 3 years ago. As I had not climbed with tent and mat about 3 years, I did not buy it. Old one had been used about 10 years.

I want to use it for long while.