Sunday, December 31, 2023

Contumely and goodness

I read the book which title was ”Contumely and goodness”

I selected it only by the title. But, it was love story. I usually don't read the category. 

It was not bad despite such a category.

My lanking: ★★★☆☆

Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Chain checker

I bought a tool for bicycle Chain checker. The tool check the strech of chain. If it showed NG, I have to change chain.

Thursday, December 14, 2023

Handle cover

I assembled handle cover to my MTB. It worked well in cold morning.

But the MTB's looks was not good. It's not cool.

Saturday, December 09, 2023

Strange name

I went to friend's home in order to drink beer. When we walked near his home, we found tree which be named strange name.

The name is "tree Nangya-Monjya". 

I searched the meaning of it by google. It said that Nangya-Monjya is an animate beings which have only head , hand and leg. He have no body.

I don't know why the tree had given such name.

Friday, December 01, 2023

Soup in can

I drunk pot food's soup in can.

The taste was not good. It was same with my foresee. 

Monday, November 20, 2023

Bicycle after a long interval

I rode bicycle after a long interval. It was very interesting.

I don't like drive car, because it can't be controlled by myself. We have to care another cars.

But, the bicycle was free from it.


Sunday, November 12, 2023

Red fructification

 During I walked red fructification. It may be Houduki.

First walk after coming back

I walked around my home after I came back from hospital.

I walked with care for anus.

The walking was fine and nice.

Wednesday, November 08, 2023

All novels I'd red in hospital

These are all novels I'd red in hospital. 

Tuesday, November 07, 2023

Walked near the hospital

I could be get approval of going out after 4 days had passed from operation. There was the hospital near a small mountain Hiji-yama.

Until then, I didn't know that walking outside was very nice.


Saturday, November 04, 2023

My wife brought sweets to me in hospital.

Limit time when visitor could stay in hospital was 30 minutes. After 30 minutes had passed, she went back to home.

Thursday, November 02, 2023

Foods in hospital

In first 4 days, all I could do was staying on bed and eating foods.

Eating foods was my most favorite event.

At first, I felt them lack of salt taste. But, I'd used to it. They were delicious.

Wednesday, November 01, 2023

Foods which be easy to digest

I'd gotten operation at 10:30. I could not eat breakfast and lunch.

So, I felt hunger before I ate dinner. The dinner was soft foods. They were good for digest.

It was a little volume. But it was enough for me after operation.


 The intravenous was for reduce pain and avoid maturate

Anesthesia for Operation

After operation, I stayed on bed alone. 

My under half was anesthetize. So, there was no pain and no feeling. I checked feelings by touching many point of under half.

It was my first experience.  

Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Dinner before surgecy

Everyone says that food in hospital always be bad teste.

But, the hospital's one was nice. It was delicious despite it was salt free. First dinner was Sukiyaki. 

Be given surgery

I stayed in Hospital for 8 days. It was for being given surgery

The point be given was my secret. 

Sunday, October 15, 2023

Tasteless Soba-noodle

The Soba was not good.

The length of Soba was very short. Bad liquid was on surface of noodle. It was one of my worst one.

Tasty Soba-noodle

We ate delicious soba noodle in Oku-Idumo town.

Beautiful forest in the mist

After we ate breakfast, we walked in misty forest. It was very beautiful.

Saturday, October 14, 2023

Hard camp in the rain

Hard rain attacked my zelt which was simple tent. Zelt was not tough for rain. Water entered inside.

I could not resist it. I escaped to the lodge.

Grilled meat in camp site

We ate grilled meat in the field. It was very dalicious.

It was not rain during we ate it.

Glass field in mountain

I went to wide grass field Daizen-Hara with my friend. It was after a year for us.

It was bad weather. It will be rain in the night.

Could I stayed in tent safety ?

Saturday, October 07, 2023

Mt. Fukuouji-san

I could reach the summit of Mt. Fukuouji-san easily.

The landscape was nice.

But a mobile phone's equipment was there beside the summit. It made summit's atmosphere bad.

I conquer it. It was one of 100 famous mountains in Hiroshima.

Large temple

The temple was big and beautiful. It looked be expensive. How to get money ?

Turtle was god

Temple was in Mt. Fukuouji-san. The god of the temple was turtle.

Carry bicycle by train

I brought bicycle by train.

The end station was Kodo-Homachi-gawa. It was my first approval.

Later, I climbed Mt. Fukuouji-san and went to friend's home.

Thursday, October 05, 2023


I went to theater in Hiroshima. The name was Hattyouza. The seat was soft and wide. The space in front of the seat was wide.

It was most nice theater in my life.

But the movie was not good. The title was "How do you should to

live ? " It was worst one in Hayao Miyazaki's animation.

Sunday, October 01, 2023

After the sick

I had a sick and had an absence 5 days. And, I'd stayed home.

As I didn't go hospital, I don't know the sick was COVID or influenza.

The climbing was first one after I had a sick. It was nice in mountain. Good condition was nice.

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Attack backpack and the cover

I bought small and light backpack and the cover.

I'll use it when I'll attack the summit. The volume was 27 litter.

I'd had such backpack. But, it was too small. It was 20 litter.

I'll climb Mt. Hakkouda-san and Mt. Iwaki-san with bringing it.

Wednesday, September 06, 2023

Smart watch

 I start to use smart watch.

At first, I used it for running. During I'm running, it showed distance, BPM and time, etc.

Using it is very interesting and useful. 

Tuesday, September 05, 2023

Air pump for bicycle

I bought an air pump for bicycle. It's written that it is compact and power full by comment in Amazon.

Sunday, August 27, 2023

Son is in Mt. Ishizuchi

If the air is clear, it is possible to see the summit of Mt. Ishizuchi-san from Mt. Ege-san.

I heard my son would climb it today. I looked for him from Mt. Ege-san. He would be there over the cloud. 

Mt. Ishizuchi-san is highest in western half of Japan. I'd climbed it twice when I was young.

Cool in mountain

I climbed Mt. Ege-san in the morning.

It was very cool near the summit compare with in town. Some cars were stayed near the summit and enjoyed the weather.

Friday, August 18, 2023

Son in the bush

My son is in the bush at Mt. Shirakami-dake in Aomori pref. Such climbing is dangerous for solo climber. So, it's impossible for me.

I'm envious to him. But, I hope he will enjoy climbing during he is student. 

Saturday, August 12, 2023

Wash old home

I washed father's home, because he was old.

In his garden, beautiful red flower had been blossomed.

Sunday, August 06, 2023

Blue, white and green

I climbed Mt. Ege-san for training.

The summit was cool. So, many people were there around the summit. The sky was blue. The cloud was very near.

It was nice climbing.

Saturday, August 05, 2023

New wears

My wife bought me shut for climbing. The reason was that I continue to use old wears which had holes. She hesitate it.

The socks was for climb in next Spring. It was bought by myself.

Friday, August 04, 2023

Have a rest

During I commute in the morning, I often have a rest near office. It was wide park near my office. It was fine and hot.

Tuesday, August 01, 2023

Mud fender

When I ride bicycle in the rain, drip of rain on surface of road fly to my back and face.

So, I bought mud fender. It will defend me from rain.

But, the style change to be uncool.

Monday, July 31, 2023

Carrying bag for road bicycle

I bought a carrying bag for road bicycle. The reason was following.

Female bolt for bottle cage was broken and disassembled. So, the small gear box couldn't be held to bicycle. And I select the bag.

The bag have huge volume, and can be carry much gears. It is good. But the style of bicycle changed to be uncool. 

Sunday, July 30, 2023

Convenient store had closed

It had been a nearest convenient store from entrance of Mt. Ege-san. So, I'd used until the another store would be open near there.

New store's stuff was very kind and friendly. So, the old store was not need for me. Later, the old one was closed. Most of people must be select store like me.

Selling work is severe. 

Climb for train

I will climb mountains in Aomori pref. in September. Such big climbing event is after a long interval.

I'll climb Mt. Hakkouda-san, Iwaki-san in Aomori pref. and Komaga-dake in Hokkaido.

I have to make my body for long walk in mountain. So, I'd start to train for climbing.

Sunday, July 16, 2023

Cycle around Mt. Shintou-zan

I climbed Mt. Shintou-zan with my bicycle. As the mountain was nearest one, I'd often climbed it when I was child.

The slope was hard for bicycle. When I climbed down, I had to break carefully.