Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Dinner before surgecy

Everyone says that food in hospital always be bad teste.

But, the hospital's one was nice. It was delicious despite it was salt free. First dinner was Sukiyaki. 

Be given surgery

I stayed in Hospital for 8 days. It was for being given surgery

The point be given was my secret. 

Sunday, October 15, 2023

Tasteless Soba-noodle

The Soba was not good.

The length of Soba was very short. Bad liquid was on surface of noodle. It was one of my worst one.

Tasty Soba-noodle

We ate delicious soba noodle in Oku-Idumo town.

Beautiful forest in the mist

After we ate breakfast, we walked in misty forest. It was very beautiful.

Saturday, October 14, 2023

Hard camp in the rain

Hard rain attacked my zelt which was simple tent. Zelt was not tough for rain. Water entered inside.

I could not resist it. I escaped to the lodge.

Grilled meat in camp site

We ate grilled meat in the field. It was very dalicious.

It was not rain during we ate it.

Glass field in mountain

I went to wide grass field Daizen-Hara with my friend. It was after a year for us.

It was bad weather. It will be rain in the night.

Could I stayed in tent safety ?

Saturday, October 07, 2023

Mt. Fukuouji-san

I could reach the summit of Mt. Fukuouji-san easily.

The landscape was nice.

But a mobile phone's equipment was there beside the summit. It made summit's atmosphere bad.

I conquer it. It was one of 100 famous mountains in Hiroshima.

Large temple

The temple was big and beautiful. It looked be expensive. How to get money ?

Turtle was god

Temple was in Mt. Fukuouji-san. The god of the temple was turtle.

Carry bicycle by train

I brought bicycle by train.

The end station was Kodo-Homachi-gawa. It was my first approval.

Later, I climbed Mt. Fukuouji-san and went to friend's home.

Thursday, October 05, 2023


I went to theater in Hiroshima. The name was Hattyouza. The seat was soft and wide. The space in front of the seat was wide.

It was most nice theater in my life.

But the movie was not good. The title was "How do you should to

live ? " It was worst one in Hayao Miyazaki's animation.

Sunday, October 01, 2023

After the sick

I had a sick and had an absence 5 days. And, I'd stayed home.

As I didn't go hospital, I don't know the sick was COVID or influenza.

The climbing was first one after I had a sick. It was nice in mountain. Good condition was nice.