Monday, November 20, 2023

Bicycle after a long interval

I rode bicycle after a long interval. It was very interesting.

I don't like drive car, because it can't be controlled by myself. We have to care another cars.

But, the bicycle was free from it.


Sunday, November 12, 2023

Red fructification

 During I walked red fructification. It may be Houduki.

First walk after coming back

I walked around my home after I came back from hospital.

I walked with care for anus.

The walking was fine and nice.

Wednesday, November 08, 2023

All novels I'd red in hospital

These are all novels I'd red in hospital. 

Tuesday, November 07, 2023

Walked near the hospital

I could be get approval of going out after 4 days had passed from operation. There was the hospital near a small mountain Hiji-yama.

Until then, I didn't know that walking outside was very nice.


Saturday, November 04, 2023

My wife brought sweets to me in hospital.

Limit time when visitor could stay in hospital was 30 minutes. After 30 minutes had passed, she went back to home.

Thursday, November 02, 2023

Foods in hospital

In first 4 days, all I could do was staying on bed and eating foods.

Eating foods was my most favorite event.

At first, I felt them lack of salt taste. But, I'd used to it. They were delicious.

Wednesday, November 01, 2023

Foods which be easy to digest

I'd gotten operation at 10:30. I could not eat breakfast and lunch.

So, I felt hunger before I ate dinner. The dinner was soft foods. They were good for digest.

It was a little volume. But it was enough for me after operation.


 The intravenous was for reduce pain and avoid maturate

Anesthesia for Operation

After operation, I stayed on bed alone. 

My under half was anesthetize. So, there was no pain and no feeling. I checked feelings by touching many point of under half.

It was my first experience.