Friday, August 02, 2024

Exchange oil for brake

I exchange oil for brake. It was my first experience.

At first, I missed it. The brake power was very weak. It may be because of including air. Second trial was succeeded.

Wednesday, July 31, 2024


I went to Kagawa pref. for business trip. We ate Udon for breakfast. In Kagawa pref. , many people eat Udon as a breakfast. So, many Udon restaurant was open early in the morning.


Saturday, July 13, 2024

Ride bicycle for long distance

I rode bicycle to Obayashi area in Hiroshima city. The distance was about 31km.

I ate grilled meat with friends there, and I returned in the night.

Riding bicycle in mid night was very interesting. Total distance I'd rode was 71km.

Sunday, July 07, 2024

Buy car

New car was Toyota yaris. It was my favorite style compact car.

As I don't drive cars for long distance, I didn't select hybrid car. It was 1000cc engine car.

New car have many sensor to avoid traffic troubles. They may save my life in the future.

I have to care the lack of electricity in battery, because I don't drive car often.

Sold car

I sold car. I used about 14 years.

When I bought it, my daughter and son was a little child. So, I brought them by the car to many place such as Kansai area, Kyushu area, etc.

There were no problem for 14 years. It was very nice car. 

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

MTB tire

 I changed rear tire of MTB. As old one was abrade away, it was often burst.

Old one worked about 7100 km.


Sunday, June 02, 2024


 I can see lily near the summit of Mt. Ege-san in every this season.

Mt. Ege-san

I climbed Mt. Ege-san after a long interval.

In these week end, I had no motivation to climb. Before through the door, it's hard to move. But, it was easy after I'd through the door.

I could enjoy climbing.

Sunday, May 19, 2024


The cafe was in fruits shop.

It was include many kinds of fruits. It was delicious.

Sunday, May 05, 2024

A Samrai's grave

We went to a famous Samrai's grave. He was Kojirou Sasaki. He was famous sword master Musashi Miyamoto's enemy. He loosed the battle and killed.

End of looser  was very sad. The grave was hidden in silent mountain.


After I climbed to the summit of Mt. Kyougoya, my friend pickup me by his car, and we enjoyed driving.

We went beautiful canyon in mid of Yamaguchi pref.

I could see beautiful landscape. The island was famous sightsee point Miyajima.

Emperor Rock

In climbing road, there was a big rock.

It was named Emperor Rock. I could stand nearby it.

Mt. Kyougoya

I climbed Mt. Kyougoya in western area of Hiroshima pref. I went there before I would go to my friend's home in Iwakuni-city.

It was one of famous mountain in Hiroshima.

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Flower and bicycle

 I put my bicycle beside Japanese cherry.

Tuesday, April 09, 2024


 The breakfast was 1,400 yen. It was expensive.

I went there after I checked my body in clinic.

Sunday, April 07, 2024

Japanese cherry

 I went to see Japanese cherry with my wife.

Thursday, April 04, 2024

Disk break pad

I exchanged pad of disk break for MTB.

Old one had been abrade away

Sunday, March 10, 2024

Run on the bridge

 My son was on bicycle in front of I.

Sea food

We entered a restaurant beside the museum. It was selling sea foods. We select Donburi which is the fish's fresh on rice.

It was tasty. Eating food is most important mission for journey.


Pirates base

We went to museum of ancient pirates in Island Oshima. It was the last place in the journey. My son like such a museum. So, he often say he want to go.

In the museum, we could see their life and items, etc.

Salt island

Island Hakata-jima was famous with salt. We ate salty ice cream.

Sweetness and salt was make good harmony. It was very tasty.


Beautiful bridge

First bridge was Tatara-big bridge. Landscape of the bridge with mountain was very beautiful.

We had a rest with eating flied octopus there.


Start of cycling

I went to Shimanami sea road in order to ride bicycle with my son.

At first, I drove car to port Sunami. And I parked car there, and bring bicycle on the ship.

I think that the time before start, such as the time during being on ship is always most interesting time. 

Sunday, March 03, 2024

Mt. Ege-san after a long interval

I climbed Mt. Ege-san after a long interval. Last time I'd climbed was last October. 

The time to climb was 1 hour and 5 minutes. It was not bad record.

I have to train for summer climbing.

The summit was very cold. It was snow.

Thursday, February 29, 2024

Son stand on western island

My son is traveling western island in Okinawa pref.

The board was written that it was most western point in Japan. It was in Island Yonakuni.

I'm envious him.

Sunday, February 18, 2024

Coffee restaurant in old home

After we left museum, we entered coffee house. The house was built in about 300 years ago.
It was very beautiful Japanese style building.
My wife like to go such coffee house.

Ancient iron creation

In ancient days, Oku-Izumo area was famous by making iron. We went to museum about it.
We could see many gears for making iron.
Especially my son enjoyed it. 

Soba noodle

I went to Oku-Izumo town in order to eat Soba noodle. 
It was because that my wife and son wanted to go anywhere. My son came back from Sendai city, and he was free in Hiroshima. 
The noodle was very tasty. Fried mushroom was tasty, too.

Sunday, February 11, 2024

Walked with father

I walked to mother's tomb with father. He walked very slowly.


I read the book which had title "Anarog".

It was written by Japanese famous movie director Takeshi Kitano.

I don't know that he wrote it truely.

It was a normal love story. I don't like the categry.


Saturday, February 10, 2024

Cut leaves

I cat leaves in father's garden.

Because, it was dangerous to work on high step for old.

It was my first experience. But, It was nice work.




Sunday, February 04, 2024

Climbed mountain after a long interval

I climbed mountain today after a long interval. I had not climbed after I was given surgery in November. 

I train everyday by ridding bicycle and running. So, I thought I would easily climb small mountain. But, it was hard now for me.

But, I could enjoy it. I like to climb mountain.

Sunday, January 28, 2024

Non-slip tire

I bought non-slip tire.

Until then, I stop using car when it was cold or snow. It was not useful.

I would go anywhere without afraid in winter.