Thursday, February 29, 2024

Son stand on western island

My son is traveling western island in Okinawa pref.

The board was written that it was most western point in Japan. It was in Island Yonakuni.

I'm envious him.

Sunday, February 18, 2024

Coffee restaurant in old home

After we left museum, we entered coffee house. The house was built in about 300 years ago.
It was very beautiful Japanese style building.
My wife like to go such coffee house.

Ancient iron creation

In ancient days, Oku-Izumo area was famous by making iron. We went to museum about it.
We could see many gears for making iron.
Especially my son enjoyed it. 

Soba noodle

I went to Oku-Izumo town in order to eat Soba noodle. 
It was because that my wife and son wanted to go anywhere. My son came back from Sendai city, and he was free in Hiroshima. 
The noodle was very tasty. Fried mushroom was tasty, too.

Sunday, February 11, 2024

Walked with father

I walked to mother's tomb with father. He walked very slowly.


I read the book which had title "Anarog".

It was written by Japanese famous movie director Takeshi Kitano.

I don't know that he wrote it truely.

It was a normal love story. I don't like the categry.


Saturday, February 10, 2024

Cut leaves

I cat leaves in father's garden.

Because, it was dangerous to work on high step for old.

It was my first experience. But, It was nice work.




Sunday, February 04, 2024

Climbed mountain after a long interval

I climbed mountain today after a long interval. I had not climbed after I was given surgery in November. 

I train everyday by ridding bicycle and running. So, I thought I would easily climb small mountain. But, it was hard now for me.

But, I could enjoy it. I like to climb mountain.