Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Camera for bicycle

I bought camera for bicycle.

When the traffic accident will happen, it will work well.

Wireless earphone

I bought wireless earphone for smart phone.

It was cheap one.

But, it was enough for me.

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Sea food reataurant

Before we left the island, we went to sea food reataurant.

As the restaurant was famous, it was busy.

Miso soup which include fish's meat was very tasty.

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Beautiful sea

 In island, the sea was very beautiful.

Udon in Edajima-island

 I ate my favorite Udon in Edajima-island. I always eat it in the island.

In old house in Edajima-island

I stayed my colleague's home in Edajima-island

The home was from more than 100 years ago.

We broke bee's big tunnel by powerful spray insect killer.