Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Go home

As my hard jobs were finished, I want to play after work in evening. I want to go to drink beer. I want to go to comic cafe. But, I will have to drive to Kyusyu in this weekend. So I have to take my condition to best. I will go home straight until then.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


At last, Plutonium was found in gland of No.1 Fukushima nuclear power plant. People say that plutonium is very toxic material. It's getting worse day the day.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Free time

At long last, I've gotten free times. Almost all my jobs were finished.
I could stay in my company at leisure today. And I've gotten three days vacation in the next week. I'll travel to Kyusyu with my family from this Saturday.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Cherry blossom

I could see Cherry blossom at the foot of castle mountain. The opening up is very first. Spring has come.

Stone statues

There were many stone statues at the top of castle mountain. I couldn't find the answer when thay were made. Were they made at the age of civil wars ?

Friday, March 25, 2011

Ruins of a castle

I got a free time when I went to Hongo for business. So, I climbed a mountain in this evening.
I could reach to top of the mountain only in 25 minutes. 
There was ruins of a castle which name is Shin Takayama Castle at the top of there.

TV programs

Many TV programs were stopped from the earthquake. I watched "Little Charo" and "One Piece" at every week, but I can't watch them. I hope that the society before earthquake will come back first. 

Start walking

I start to do walking from the day before yesterday. I have not done the sports until new year day. So my muscles were to be weaken. From yesterday, I have muscle ache at my legs. But, I have to continue it in order to enjoy climbing.


I had thought that volume of my job would be reduced today. But I have many backlogs now. I'm buried in the paper's mountain.
Perhaps, I will be free in the next week. I had said the same thing in last week.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Lack a sense of reality

In Hiroshima, there are many goods enough at shops. Many cars are running on the road. These are the my impression when I drive to hospital yesterday.
In the TV, many victims in Tohoku have no foods, no gasoline and no houses.
I think sorry, but I am lack a sense of reality. I feel it a story in the movie. When I write such a thing, victims may get angry.
All I can do is continue my jobs. It will help them later.
But, I am start to think that I contribute for victims. It will be my first experience.

Monday, March 14, 2011

All I can do now

In Tohoku, many people have no home. They are freezing and dieing.
I don't think I give away them. But, I have my job now. So I can do nothing directly to them. All I can do now is working. My work will make a contribution to Japanese society. Later, it will be help for them as a result. But, it may be my apology.

Sunday, March 13, 2011


A large earthquake happened between Tohoku and Kanto in the day before yesterday. Difficulty of afflicted people must be harder than my imagine. I offer my condolences to them.

Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Plan to travel

My families are planning to travel to Kyusyu. At the first of April, we will drive there for 3 days. We will go to Nagasaki, Sasebo and Mt. Aso. For my children, it is the first experience.

Tuesday, March 08, 2011


I watched a beautiful bamboo forest in Hongo town. I like a bamboo forest, because it make me feeling cool even if it is hot.

Sunday, March 06, 2011

Have a cold

I am having a cold from yesterday. The reason must be my defenses are down. I expect my health to be fine until tomorrow.

Saturday, March 05, 2011


This month is the last month which is busy. As soon as, there will be much free. At the time, I will do many things.