Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Heat of late summer

Heat of late summer is intense. Please, cool down first. I like summer basically. But, I hate hot late summer.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Lack of time

In this weekend, I'll exam for electricity license. I don't have studied enough. I want one more week. I don't want to say excuses, but it was too busy to study from September to August.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Lack of sleep

As I swept during the day, I couldn't sleep well last night. Because I couldn't sleep, I abandoned to sleep and woke up and studied for examination. Definitely I went to bed again at 3AM.

Sunday, August 28, 2011


I am spending relax time in my home now. I'm getting a rest after a long interval.
I went to Okayama for Buddhist memorial service in a week ago. I went to campsite with my family in 2 weeks ago. I went to North Alps in 3 weeks ago. I went to Okayama for Buddhist memorial service in 4 weeks ago. I worked in holiday in 5 weeks ago. I stayed in Okayama for Buddhist memorial service in 6 weeks ago.
Strange to say, when the job is busy, the private is busy, too. When it is leisure in job, I have free time on private.

Power up

My bike ran powerful than before I burned the muffler. I realized it when I commuting from company to my home. I'll supply the fuel to bike on Monday. I expect the fuel consumption be better. I understood that I periodically have to clean the muffler

Saturday, August 27, 2011


A mass of dusts were appeared from muffler after I'd burned it. The dust contains the unburned oil and gasoline. Such massive dust must interfere a smooth exhaust. This must be the reason why decline of power and fuel consumption.
Later, I'll ride bike. I'll get a good result.


In these days, my bike's power and fuel consumption are declining. I'd changed spark plug before. But, there was no result.
So, I decided that the muffler is bunged up. I burn the muffler in this morning.

Friday, August 26, 2011


I ate sushi with my president and customers at lunch. I realized that sushi is taste good.

Thursday, August 25, 2011


In baseball stadium, many fans were there.
I hate throng from when I was a child. If it's busy in the restaurant, I don't eat there even if it's very delicious. I'll go to empty restaurant even if it's taste awful.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Night game

I'll go to see baseball game in this evening. Hiroshima Carp play against Yokohama mariners. I'm not interested in watching baseball. But, I have to go, because of social obligation on business.
Beer in baseball stadium is very tasty. So, I'll go there in order to drink.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Licenced electrician

I'll examine for Licensed electrician third grade in 10 days later. I'm studying in the morning every day. Can I success the examination ?

Monday, August 22, 2011

Devil tile

In the temple, I found a old tile. The shape is the face of devil. Of course, the devil is good one. The devil save family in the house. He attack to illness and bad things, etc. It had been set at roof in old Japanese houses.

49th day

Buddhist memorial service was held yesterday. The service was held at 49th day after she died. All my family attend it. It was held in old temple. Later, we went to the place where my mother's tomb would be constructed. And, we put her bone into the case in the ground.
All the event's about my mother's dead was finished. Now, I have to start studying for examination which will held 2 weeks later.

Saturday, August 20, 2011


It is cool in the morning in these days. I'm sleeping with opening window. When I go in bed, it is suitable. But, I wake up early in the morning by feeling cold. At such season, I often get a cold. So, I have to control my condition.

Friday, August 19, 2011


In the weekend in 2 weeks before, I climbed North Alps. In the weekend in a week before, I went to play camp with my family. In this weekend, I'll go home in Okayama.
I'm very tired now. I'm overtired.

Buddhist memorial service

I'll go home in Okayama with my family tomorrow. The day after tomorrow is 49th day from my mother died. The 49th day has a special meaning for Buddhist. We have to hold a Buddhist memorial service. I think this 49 days is very long.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Yesterday was first anniversary from I start to write this blog. I started to write this from August 16, 2010. I think it's miracle that I could continue such a plain work.
When I read a blog comment which I wrote about a year ago, I think my English expression to be better a little. I want to continue this blog until a year later.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

How to kill the vampires

When I was sleeping in the noon yesterday, I watched a nightmare. In the nightmare many zombies and Vampires attacked people in the town. And, I found the way how to kill the vampires. At the moment I woke up and write the way on my notebook in the real world before I forget it. I must do such a stupid, because I was sleep-fogged.
I photoed the memo. Now, I can't understand what is written. But, we can see human (or vampire) sleeping in the casket.
If such a accident happened in the future, this memo may help the Homo sapience.

Monday, August 15, 2011


I went to play camp with my family. There was the camp site near the beautiful river. So, we could swim and play in the river. They satisfied their selves. I could finish one of my job.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Service to families

As a service to families, I have to bring them to camp tomorrow. Location of camp is not so high elevation. So, it must be hot. I want to stay my home and have a rest.

Thursday, August 11, 2011


At last, I cleared climbing items in this morning.
I didn't change wears during 4 days in the mountain. So, they had bad smell. But, I washed them.
My tent, sheets and other items were wet by rain and my perspiration. But, I washed and dried them. I may don't use them until next summer.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Go down mountains

At least, I reached to the end of mountain road where the bus stop is there. Only an hour was rested until the bus start from there.
The last slope which through from Lodge Taro to Oritate was very long and hard. I felt pain in my left nee. So, I couldn't walk fast.
But, I satisfied about this climbing. I'll do such a climbing in the next summer.

Date: August 8, 2011

Landscape from Mt. Yakushi-dake

After the mist disappeared, lovely landscape was appeared in front of me.
Upper photo is curl of Mt. Yakushi-dake. This grand geography was made by eroding from snow.
In lower photo, we can see many famous mountains such as Mt. Suisho-dake, Yari-gadake, Hodaka-dake, Mitsumatarenge-dake, Kasa-dake and Kurobegoro-dake, etc.
I've never seen such a wonderful landscape before. There are many merit if I wake up early in the morning.

Date: August 8, 2011

Cloud sea

After I waited about 5 minutes at the top of Mt. Yakushi-dake, the sun rose up from the cloud. Deep mist was disappeared. And, the wide cloud sea appeared in front of me. What a beautiful !

Date: August 8, 2011

Mt. Yakushi-dake

Mt. Yakushi-dake is one of the 100 most famous mountains in Japan.

As I leave my heavy backpack at camp site, I could climb to the top in the fast more than I expected.
But, when I reached to the top, deep mist was there like Mt. Washiba-dake and Mt. Suisho-dake.
In the high mountain, it always be mist before sunrise. So I waited until sunrise at the top of the mounrain.

Date: August 8, 2011

Climb in the darkness

At first, I planed to climb Mt. Yakushi-dake at third day. But, I couldn't do it, because I reached camp site too late. So, I abandoned to climb Mt. Yakushi-dake.
But, at the 4th day's morning, I could wake up at 2:30 a.m. When I wake up, I understand that I will be on time of the bus start from Oritate, if I start to climb at 3 a.m.
After I ate breakfast, I started to climb at 3:30 a.m. It was very dark. So, I had lost road sometimes.
Date: August 8, 2011

I could see Mt. Yari-gadake

When I was walking on Kumo-no-taira in the morning, I could see Mt. Yari-dake.
What a great mountain the Yari is ! I was deeply moved by it. Why did Yari can move me ?
I have climbed the mountain about a year ago with my friend. I thought that I want to climb there again.

Date: August 7, 2011


When I reach to Kumo-no-taira, it was stop to rain and the mist was deleted. So, I could see a beautiful landscape on Kumo-no-taira.
Kumo-no-taira is said that the last rarely visited region in Japan. I walked alone on wood road. Nobody was walking.
Later, I reached camp site about 7 p.m. I'd walked about 12 hours at the day.

Date: August 6, 2011

Mt. Jii-dake

Mt. Jii-dake is old volcano. The melted rock and stones had made Kumo-no-taira.
As, it was volcano, there are few plants there. So, the landscape looked like the hell. As the hard rain fall and it thundered, nobody walked there. So, I felt loneliness.
But I could enjoy silence and got an unreal experience.

Date: August 6, 2011


Until I return to Warimo-bunki, I was worried about my leaved backpack. If it was stolen, I would not be able to continue climbing.
When I return there, it was there. After I had a rest about 5 minutes, I started to walk to Mt. Jii-dake.

Date: August 6, 2011

Thunder bird

During I was returning from top of Suisho-dake, I could see the family of thunder bird. It was my first experience.
I heard that they often appeared when it was cloudy. So, I could think that cloudy whether was not so bad.
The children were walking on the slope of rock with dexterity.

Date: August 6, 2011

Mt. Suisho-dake

Mt. Suisho-dake is one of the 100 most famous mountains in Japan, too.

The entrance of climbing road to Mt. Suisho-dake was at Warimo-bunki. By my plan, after I climb top of Mt. Suisho-dake, I have to back there. So, I decided to leave my heavy backpack there and climb Mt. Suisho-dake.

As it start to be thunder, nobody walk in the mountain. I felt loneliness. I prayed that the thunder won't to hit me.
At the top, it was misty. So, I couldn't see the landscape. I was alone. So, I photoed myself with the sign by holding my right hand out.

Date: August 6, 2011

Mt. Washiba-dake

Mt. Washiba-dake is one of the 100 most famous mountains in Japan.

It was rain and misty. So, I couldn't see landscape.
Road from lodge-Mitsumatarenge to top of Washiba-dake was a hard slope. But, many people which include me were climbing slowly like ants.
Top of the mountain was in mist. So, I couldn't see anything. I heard that it had a great landscape, if it was fine.
But, I had to photo me with the sign of top. So, I asked other climber to photo me, as I was single climber.

Date: August 6, 2011

Start to climb

I reached to Shin-Hodaka Spa. It was a entrance of my this climbing. When I saw from bus stop, a big rock wall stand in front of me.
In the day, I climbed to Sugoroku camp area. I had climbed about 1,500m height. It was a hard job.

Date: August 5, 2011

Empty bus

I used a bus which runs from City Takayama to Shin-Hodaka Spa. It is a only transportation system which I could use there.
Before I went there, I afraid that it would be busy in the bus. But, there were a few people in the bus. So I could bring a big backpack in the bus.
It was a local line. So, I could see a country view. I had stayed in it about 1.5 hours.

Date: August 5, 2011

Thursday, August 04, 2011


I bring backpack to Hiroshima station, and leave it in coin locker there. The backpack was very heavy. When I measure the weight in a few days ago, it was about 20kg. Can I bring it to 3000m height mountains ?

North Alps

At last, I'll start to North Alps in this evening. I'll finish job before five, and I'll reach to City Takayama, and I'll stay there in this night. In tomorrow morning, I'll go to spa Shinhodaka and start to climb. I'm waiting the time.

Wednesday, August 03, 2011

Spark plug

I changed plug for my bike in this morning.
The reason why I do it was that the condition of my bike was very bad. There was no power. The fuel consumption was huge.
When I opened it, edge of the plug was colored black, and the edge was abraded.


I bought oxygen tablets. I don't know whether it is effective or not. In last summer, I had a headache at near top of Mt. Yari, because of lack of oxygen. So, I decide to try it.
If it is effective, it will be a useful item.


I bought new climbing items yesterday. They may be excess. As a result, most of such items won't be used in mountains.


I assembled tent in a few days ago. I'd never assembled it from last September. There were no trouble for it. I can bring it to North Alps without worrying.

Tuesday, August 02, 2011


I'm busy now in job. There is a large paper mountain on the my desk. Before I climb mountain in North Alps, I will be buried by paper mountain.
I planned to go to Takayama in the evening in the day after tomorrow. Can I go there ?

Monday, August 01, 2011


As I had a nap too much, I couldn't sleep well last night. Total sleeping time must be enough. But, I feel lack of sleep now.