Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Mt. Washiba-dake

Mt. Washiba-dake is one of the 100 most famous mountains in Japan.

It was rain and misty. So, I couldn't see landscape.
Road from lodge-Mitsumatarenge to top of Washiba-dake was a hard slope. But, many people which include me were climbing slowly like ants.
Top of the mountain was in mist. So, I couldn't see anything. I heard that it had a great landscape, if it was fine.
But, I had to photo me with the sign of top. So, I asked other climber to photo me, as I was single climber.

Date: August 6, 2011


  1. Mt. Washiba:鷲羽岳
    100 most famous mountains in Japan:日本百名山
