Saturday, June 30, 2012

Heavy baggage

As a training for North Alps, I brought the baggage which was filled by many pet bottles. The bottles were filled up by water. The baggage's weight was about 10 kg.
The weight bothered me during climbing up and climbing down. But, I always bring about 20 kg weight when I climb in North Alps. I have to train more.

Climbed in the rain

I climbed Mt. Ege in the rain in this morning. Landscape from top was hidden by the mist.
But, I do not hate rainy climbing. On the top of the mountain, I could feel nice wind through the rain. It was nice climbing.

Friday, June 29, 2012

Blow off walking

I blew off walking in this morning, because I loose the motivation when I woke up. I'll climb Mt. Ege tomorrow morning.

Thursday, June 28, 2012


I'll go to Fukuoka in order to watch the animation movie "space battle ship YAMATO 2199" with my friend on Sunday. We'll go there by his car from early in the morning. Driving with friend is very interesting. So, I'm waiting the Sunday will come soon.
After we watched the movie, we'll eat Kyusyu ramen and watch gold stamp in museum. What a pleasure day it will be !

Beautiful crow

I could see a crow nearly in this morning. Until then, I thought that the crow is dirty and insalubrious animal. But it looked beautiful. He was black and brilliant.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Ruins of castle in Yano

There is a ruin of Yano castle at the road to top of Mt. Ege. I always through it, when I climb to top of the mountain. There are only some old tombs there now.

No climbing shoes

I climbed Mt. Ege by running shoes in this morning, because the climbing shoes is fixing now at climbing equipment store. When I climb up, there was no problem. But, when I climbed down, the grip power was too weak. So, I couldn't walk fast.
I have to climb by the shoes until mid of July.

Thursday, June 21, 2012


As my colleague stay in a hospital, I'm busy. I want to stay in a hospital, too.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012


I may have to buy crampons and ice axe for summer climbing in North Alps. Because I'm planning to walk Tsurugidani snow gorge near Mt. Tsurugi.
There is much permanent snow on there despite in August. As the surface is frozen, I'll drop down to the end of the gorge if I slip. So the items are needed.
As I'm beginner, walking there alone may be risky. I'll consider whether I'll go there or not for a while.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Addicted to running

It is rain today.
My heart and body is vague now, because I couldn't jog in this morning. I must be addicted to walking and running. I always be such a condition in the season for summer climbing.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Sparrow attacked me

A sparrow attacked me, during I was jogging in this morning. When I was running beside wall, it flied to my face, and it stand on the ground. As I got angry, I tried to kick it. But he escaped from my leg and tried to attacked my face again.
I couldn't understand why the sparrow was so violent at the time. But I wander now that there may be his house and children around there. It was strange experience for me.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Midnight bus

I found a nice midnight bus for transport to entrance of North Alps. There are nice two route. One is from Osaka to Murodou, and the other is from Osaka to Kamikochi. If I use the bus, I can start to climb about 6 a.m. By another way, I could start to climb after 9~11 a.m. If I can start to climb at 6 a.m., climbing plan will be developed.
But, climbing after riding bus all over the night must be hard.
By the way, Murodou is a entrance of  Mt. Tsurugi and Mt. Tateyama, and Kamikochi is a entrance of  Mt. Hodaka and Mt. Yari, etc.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Travel with friend

I'll drive to Fukuoka with my friend in order to watch the movie which won't be held in Hiroshima. The day is July 1. Distance from here to there is about 270 km. It will spend more than 3 hours. It must be hard job. But, planning schedule for pleasure is one of the most interesting thing.

Friday, June 15, 2012


I ordered my mountain boot to change the sole at climbing equipment shop in last evening. It will cost about 10,000 yen. It will spend about a month.
I have to climb mountains without mountain boot until then. But, I expect the renewal boots. The grip power must be improved.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Shoe sole

When I check the new boot's sole in the store, I understood that my shoe sole is very worn. Point of toe is especially very worn. I decide to change the sole soon. I'll bring the shoes to store today.


I bought groves and dry rice pack yesterday. The groves are for climbing in summer. The rice is for climbing North Alps in this summer.
These dry rice is very useful. One package give me enough rice for dinner and breakfast. I always bring it to North Alps.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Sacred tree

I watched a sacred tree near the Haizuka dam yesterday.
If you compare the tree with a person in this picture, you will understand the largeness.
There was a small shrine at the base of the tree. So, I could know the tree is sacred tree.
I like such an old and large tree. I often think some gods staying in the tree, despite I don't believe the god's existence.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Unstable rock

There was a large unstable rock near the top of mountain. Can you find my son sit on the rock ? Finding him may be difficult, because he is in the tree and he is small when we compare with the rock.


I climbed Mt.(?) Iwaya-Kannon with my son yesterday. There is a strange statue of the Goddess of Kannon at top of the Rock mountain.
As it was very hot, it was hard climbing more than I counted on. So, he felt thirsty and drank water very much.
Landscape from there is always nice.

Sunday, June 10, 2012


I could see the beautiful white lily near the top of Mt. Ege.
Such a meeting is one of the interest of climbing. I have met thunder birds in North Alps in last summer.


I climbed Mt. Ege yesterday. I could reach the top in an hour. It is almost best time. My body already be built up for North Alps. I only sustain this condition until August. I passed through top of Mt. Myojin when I returned.

Friday, June 08, 2012


My friend lent me the blue-ray disc of "Yamato 2199"in this morning. Original Yamato was very popular animation when I was elementary school student. I was a fun of Yamato, too.
Yamato 2199 is a animation which was remade by recently animation technology. I already be exciting.

Thursday, June 07, 2012


She is a character of animation Lupin the third. I think that almost every guy in Japan loves her. This figure is an added bonus of coffee.

Wednesday, June 06, 2012

Son's shogi skill

My son's shogi skill is developing day by day. In these days, I can't win him when I take off the "Hisya" which is most powerful piece.
He must be realize himself being powerful. So, he challenge me almost every night. As he is powerful, I can enjoy playing in these days. I might have waited that the partner would appear. I may lose in a half year.

Fuel consumption

I tried to check how long distance that my bike can run in last evening. The bike wasted about 5.5 litter gasoline for 109km. 5.5 litter is the volume of my bike's tank.
After the tank to be empty, I was forced to bring the heavy bike to gas stop. It was nice training for climbing.

Tuesday, June 05, 2012

North Alps

I'll climb mountains in North Alps in this summer. If my friend will go along with me, we'll climb Mt. Tsurugidake and Mt. Tateyama. If he don't go, I'll climb Mt. Kashimayarigatake and Mt. Goryudake.I'll apply the paid holidays.

Monday, June 04, 2012

Compensation day

My son got a compensation day, as an alternate of Sunday's athletic festival. He must be stay home, have a rest and playing.
I'm really envious of him. I have to work today despite I joined the festival, too.

Saturday, June 02, 2012

Friend's bike

This is my friend's bike. What a cool ! I'm really envious of him.

Friday, June 01, 2012


There were some arts around the museum. I don't like such an art. What the artist wanted to express ? Friendship, family or collaboration ?

Prefectural museum

There was a prefectural museum beside the lake. I wanted to enter there. But I could not do, because I had only 700 yen at the time. The entrance fee was 1,000 yen.
When I walk, I always bring only some coins.


I could see many shells seaside of the lake. They must be the sijimi.
Shijimi is indigenous product at lake Sinji.

Lake Shinji

I went to Matsue as a business trip in the day before yesterday..
I walked from hotel to Lake Shinji in the evening. I could see the beautiful sight there. This sight view is famous as a beautiful sunset. Some cameraman were there around me.