Sunday, June 17, 2012

Midnight bus

I found a nice midnight bus for transport to entrance of North Alps. There are nice two route. One is from Osaka to Murodou, and the other is from Osaka to Kamikochi. If I use the bus, I can start to climb about 6 a.m. By another way, I could start to climb after 9~11 a.m. If I can start to climb at 6 a.m., climbing plan will be developed.
But, climbing after riding bus all over the night must be hard.
By the way, Murodou is a entrance of  Mt. Tsurugi and Mt. Tateyama, and Kamikochi is a entrance of  Mt. Hodaka and Mt. Yari, etc.


  1. route:経路
    6 a.m.:午前6時

  2. Murodou:室堂
    Mt. Tsurugi:剣岳
    Mt. Tateyama:立山
    Mt. Hodaka:穂高岳
    Mt. Yari:槍が岳
