Friday, December 07, 2012


I went to Uokiri dam which was there near the construction site. The cost to construct it surprised me. The cost was about 16.9 billion yen.
On the stone monument, they brag about the huge cost and long term to construct as if they are the great conduct.
I don't know whether the dam is good for citizens around there or not. But, I think it is huge waste of money and silly conduct. I want to say them "Damn it ! ". ・・・It's a nice pun.


  1. stone monument:石碑

  2. I have not ever been to Uokiri dam.

    I hate the name of "Uokiri".

    It means that no fish can go up the river.

    Thus in the upstream of the dam, no natural fish from the sea can live.

    I hope seet fish,eel and amago should go up to the river, but never.

    I agree with you that the dam must be just only waste of money, and it is not so useful for citizens.

    1. I didn't know amago go up to the river from the sea.
