Friday, January 11, 2013


I'm in bad condition from this morning. This may be because of having a cold. I'll go into bed after I returned my home.
By the way, this comment's title is not "Ⅲ", but "ill". Large "i" is similar with small "L".


  1. Could you receive my e-mail on Friday?

    And I called you then, but the line could not be connected without notification by communication company.

    Recently I bought a smart-phone.

    Since I did not receive your response, I suspected something was wrong.

    1. In this morning, I listened the phone's signal which I received your email. I confirmed it was sent from you on Friday.
      There was a similar trouble on Sunday. So, my phone must have some trouble.
      I want to go drink with you, soon. So, I'll call you at an early date.

      at an early date:近いうちに
