Sunday, April 28, 2013


I went to shop in order to buy my son's new bicycle. It was more expensive than I imagined. But, he had been pleasure. After we returned to my home, he went to train for riding the bicycle. He brought me the training despite I wanted to have a nap.

Drunk too much

As I drunk too much in the day before yesterday, I was under bad condition yesterday. I was on bed almost all day long. I thought I have to reduce the volume of alcohol.
By the way, too much drinking for me is only 2 gļ½Œasses of beer. I'm becoming weak for alcohol year by year.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Wi-fi connection

I tried to connect electric book "kindle paper white" to wi-fi network. But, it was difficult. I understood how to connect it by watching the site on web. But, I lost the eagerness to try it. So, I download the book's data by USB connection. It was very easy.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Kindle paperwhite

I bought Kindle paperwhite on the web shop. It reached me yesterday. As I don't prepare the wi-fi system, I downloaded electronic bookmark on PC. And I sent the data to Kindle later through USB.
It is useful more than I'd imagined. As it is guarded by password, my hobby of book is kept secret. It is the best function for me.  If I prepare the wi-fi system, it will be more useful.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Animation movie

I went to Fukuoka in order to see the animation movie "YAMATO 2199". I went there with my friend. There was enough value to go to far place. I promised him to go to see continuation of the story. After we watch the movie, we went to noodle restaurant. And, we ate delicious ramen.

Thursday, April 11, 2013


I went to health check on this Monday. The result was not good. Good cholesterol in my blood had reduced to under the normal level. And, Bad cholesterol had increased to near the upper limit. And, weight had been added about 3.5 kg when I compared with last year.
I know the reasons. I always eat high calorie foods which be bought at convenience store which opened about a month before for lunch.
I have to reduce volume of eating foods. And I have to select healthy food. Because I'm 44 years old now.

Sunday, April 07, 2013


I swept all day long today. All I had done is walk as train early in the morning.
Too much sleeping always make headache.

Saturday, April 06, 2013

Muscle ache

I walked too long in the day before yesterday. So, I have hard muscle ache at thigh.. I have to train more slowly for climbing. There is a good proverb "The last drop makes the cup run over."

Friday, April 05, 2013

Presbyopic eye

In these years, I can't see object which is there near my eyes. It's because of presbyopic eye.  I have been near sightedness from I was a junior high school student. So, I always use glasses. But, I have to take off it when I see nearby object.
I'll buy useful glasses soon.

Wednesday, April 03, 2013

Lunch box

A new convenience store opened near my office about a month ago. As it is useful, I always buy lunch box there. But, I get tired of it in these days.
What should I eat today ?

Tuesday, April 02, 2013

Start training

I walked in this morning after a absence of 2 months.
I'll climb some mountain in North Alps and Mt. Miyanoura-dake in this summer. Enough train make good climbing. I have to continue the training.

Monday, April 01, 2013

Space world

We went to amusement park "Space World" on Sunday. I hate to play at such place. Because, I afraid screaming machine (!?) such as roller coaster. Because, I hate to line up to wait.
As my son was shorter than 130 cm, I had to come with him when he rode on  roller coaster. Titan was the very dangerous  roller coaster  My soul separated from my body during I rode on the Titan. I'll never ride on such machine. My son laughed beside I was crying on Titan.

My hero

We stayed the hotel near the Kokura station. When I walked out to eat dinner, I found Mr. Captain Herlock. Herlock is one of the greatest hero for me. He waited me in front of Kokura station.
Captain Herlock is comic character which was written by Reiji Matsumoto. Kokura may be the home town for Matsumoto.
I was photoed with Herlock as if we are the comrade. This was the best experience in this trip.


Moji is famous for the retro. I thought the city have both retro and modern. The sight of this photo represent it. There are both retro western style mansion and high building.
This mansion is library which is working now. What a beautiful library it is !
My wife and daughter enjoyed shopping and eating in Moji. But, my son and I was tired. All we wanted to do was sleeping in the hotel.

God's help

God in this shrine is specialist for examination. So, many students and their parents visit there.
In the shop of the shrine, many expensive lucky charm was soled. Now, I have no plan to say the charm have real power or not.
I want to talk about these stupid people who make long line to buy it. They should study instead of waste of time to make long line. Effort on the desk must be greatest item in order to win examination.
Somebody said that the religion was effective business. I agree with it.
By the way, my wife and daughter were there in this line.

Shrine Dazaifu

I'd driven to the city Dazaifu in order to go to the famous shrine. The distance from Hiroshima was about 300 km. It was a hard job. The building of shrine was large and beautiful.