Monday, April 01, 2013

Space world

We went to amusement park "Space World" on Sunday. I hate to play at such place. Because, I afraid screaming machine (!?) such as roller coaster. Because, I hate to line up to wait.
As my son was shorter than 130 cm, I had to come with him when he rode on  roller coaster. Titan was the very dangerous  roller coaster  My soul separated from my body during I rode on the Titan. I'll never ride on such machine. My son laughed beside I was crying on Titan.


  1. screaming machine:Japanese call "thrill ride" to "screaming machine"

  2. line up:並ぶ
    come with:~に同伴する

  3. Titan:タイタン(ジェットコースターの固有名称)
