Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Shao mai

I bought shao mai lunch box in Shin-Yokohama station. Because Yokohama is famous for Kiyoken's shao mai. Normal shao mai lunch box was sold outed. So, I bought shao mai and fried rice set lunch box.
Eating lunch box in Shinkansen super express is always dalicious. I read a book and swept in the train until it reached Hiroshima.

in July 28, 2014

Station for return home

After I swept well in the hotel, I ate breakfast in the hotel in the morning. And, I prepared slowly, and I went to station Chino. As the railroad to Nagoya was broken by landslide, I had to through  Yokohama in order to return Hiroshima.
I regret about that I couldn't climb Mt. Tateshina. But, I could climbed main object Mt. Akadake. So, I should satisfy the climbing. What mountain will I climb in next summer?

in July 28, 2014

Buckwheat noodle

After I wash myself in hotel in Chino, I walk to Buckwheat noodle restaurant. It was a most sought after restaurant in Chino. I checked it on web before I left Hiroshima.
Chino is a city in Nagano pref. The area is famous for Soba (Japanese buckwheat noodle). Soba and beer after climbing is always royally delicious.
The soba was tasty. But the length of noodle was too short. I like to slurp up long noodles. What Buckwheat noodle restaurant will I go next summer ?

in July 27, 2014

Choose a wrong pass

I choose a wrong pass here after I climbed down from Mt. Kitayoko-dake. I should turned left, but I turned right.
The reason were hard rain, tiredness and careless miss. But, the most reason was bad signal on the marker at the branch.
When I noticed the mistake, I walked about 1 hour. If I returned to the branch and climb Mt. Tateshina, I would reach camp site after 18:00. As it was bad weather, it must be dangerous.
So, I decided to abandon climbing Mt. Tateshina. Climbing Mt. Tateshina was one of the most important object for the climbing. So, I was frustrated. But, I knew that such judgement was most important for climbing.
After I decided so, I climbing down to asphalt road. And I went to Chino town by bus.
I regretted for a long while after I went back to Hiroshima.

in July 27, 2014

Mt. Kitayoko-dake

It was under the hard wind and cold rain at the top of Mt. Kitayoko-dake. As it was too cold, I escaped from the top early. Some climbers left there early, too.
I left there and I went to the road to Mt. Tateshina.

in July 27, 2014

Deadwood's mountain

Mt. Mongare was famous of the standing deadwoods. As it was misty, the landscape of the forest was very fantastic and beautiful.
But, as I was alone for a long while, I felt loneliness. I met only a couple climber in the mountain.
When it was busy in mountain, I feel bad. But, when it was alone, I feel loneliness. I thought I was selfish.
Now it was good memory.

in July 27, 2014

Lonely road

Mountain road from mountain pass Mugikusa to Mt. Mongare was very hard. It was dark and rain. No climber walked. I was alone.
Large rocks were there on the road. It was like a depth of river. So, it was difficult to walk, and I sometimes slipped on the rock.
I continued to walk in order to reach some peaks. It was one of the most bitter climbing in my life.

in July 27, 2014

Wanted to ride

Third day was very hard. As the cold front through this area, it often be hard wind and rain.
When I reached the mountain path Mugikusa , I found bus stop. It was beside the National route. As I had been tired and it was bad weather, I wanted to wait bus and go to town.
But, I resist the temptation, and started to walk again.

in July 27, 2014

Camp site in lake Shirakoma

After I walked long long mountain road from morning, I reached camp site at last. The site was there near the lake Shirakoma.
Janitor of the site was surprised when I told her that I left the lodge kiret in the morning. Nobody walked to there after such long walking.
As the site was near the asphalt road, many campers (they are not climbers) were there with many heavy items.
I assembled my tent at the end of the site.
As clean water was there enough in the site, I washed my body by wet towel. But, my body must be very bad smelling.

in July 26, 2014

Icy food and drink

I could ate shaved ice and drunk cool drink at lodge Takamiiwa. They were civilized foods after a long interval. They were very delicious and cold. But, they were very expensive.
As the lodge was there near the car's road, many normal tourists were there. It was only sightseeing area. I escaped from there after I ate them quickly.

in July 26, 2014

Mt. Tengu-dake

Mt. Tengudake was one of 200 famous mountains in Japan. And it was one of Yatsuga-dake mountains. So, climbing this mountain was important object for this climbing.
But, too many climbers were there on the top. And a climber listened the radio with big volume. So, I don't have nice image to this mountain. After I ate some foods, I escaped from this mountain.

in July 26, 2014

Japanese serow

After I left Mt. Iou-dake, I met Japanese serow. It was first experience for me.
He (She?) walked slowly and ate grasses. When I closed up to him, he didn't afraid me and continued to eat grasses. And, he often watched me by his gentle eyes. He was elegant and beautiful.
It was my max nice event in the climbing.

in July 26, 2014

Volcanic vent

This big wall was called "Exploded volcanic vent". I could see it from top of Mt. Iou-dake. This might be the best point in Yatsuda-dake mountain system. It had a stringency.
The wall had made at the big explosion of volcano in old day.
I left there after I saw this wall for a while.

in July 26, 2014

Mt. Iou-dake

Mt. Iou-dake was one of Yatsuga-dake mountain systems. It was a nice mountain. The top was wide and flat surface. And, I could see many clouds under my foot. I stayed there for a while and ate lunch.

in July 26, 2014

Mt. Yoko-dake

Mt. Yokodake was one of the Yatsuga-dake mountain systems. I photoed and walked through there. So, I can't remember there.
Was there any meaning for such climbing ? I often think such a thing. But, I had a plan which I perfectly walk through Yatsuga-dake mountain systems from south side to north side.

in July 26, 2014

Long ridge line

I could see Mt. Tateshina over the long ridge line. The mountain was my final mountain which I would climb in the climbing. I could see many peak and kiret between Tateshina and I. It must be hard climbing.

in July 26, 2014

Mt. Aka-dake

I reached top of Mt. Aka-dake. As it was famous mountain, many climbers were there from early in the morning. Most of them might came from lodge near the top.
From the top, I could see blue sky, white cloud under my boots, mountains in North Alps and another famous mountains. It was good top.
The top was my maximum object to the climbing. But, I don't like crowded top, I stayed for a few minutes and left there.

in July 26, 2014

Friendly guy

He was a guy who stayed in same camp site. As he started faster than I, I caught up him near the top of Mt. Aka-dake. Both he and I was solo climber. So, we could talk easily. It was one of the merit of solo climbing. If there were partner, it's difficult to talk for another one.
I could talk many with him about mountain and climbing. It's easy to be friend, if we have same hobby. He said that seeing Mt. Yari was most nice in mountain. I had same impression.
He went down to another way at the top of Aka-dake.

in July 26, 2014

North Alps

I could see North Alps mountain systems from near the top of Mt. Aka-dake. I could see Mt. Hodaka, Yari, Goryu, Kashimayari and Tateyama, etc.
I always be moved when I watch Mt. Yari-gatake. Yari is the most great and beautiful mountain in the world for me. Tari is there in the center of this photograph.

in July 26, 2014

Mt. Fuji

I could see Mt. Fuji like island in cloud sea. I don't want to climb Mt. Fuji because of the jam-up of many climbers. But, watching it from far away was very nice. Mt. Fuji is symbol of Japan.
Mountain in left side might be Koushinetsu area's one. Walking early in the morning have a merit to see cloud sea.

in July 26, 2014


On the road to Mt. Aka-dake, many dangerous point were there like Mt. Hodaka and Tsurugi.
But. it was very fine, and I could enjoy walking on such dangerous point.

in July 26, 2014


When I woke up before sunrise, many stars shined over my head. Such many and bright stars can't be seen in town. I always overcome by it in high mountain. And I could see big shooting star.
During I ate breakfast in darkness, sky beside Mt. Aka-dake changed the color to red. It was beautiful. I felt certain that it must be fine the day.

in July 26, 2014

Bad water

Water point for this camp site was there in depth of valley. So, I had to walk down there.
The water was clear. But, it was from dirty dust and many insects were there around there. So, I couldn't judge the water was possible to drink or not.
But, If I didn't get water there, I had to walk mountain in next day without water. So, I decided to drink it. I got about 4 litter.
As a result, I had not gotten stomachache. There were no problem.

in July 25, 2014

Camp site in col

After I walked long road in mountain, I reached camp site in front of Kiretto lodge. It was a very narrow camp site. There were only some space for tent. But, only one camper was there except me. So, I could stayed in silent. Silent camp site is best one for me.

in July 25, 2014

Mt. Aka-dake

During I went down to the camp site, Mt. Aka-dake appeared in front of me. Mt. Aka-dake was a main peak of Yatsuga-dake mountain systems. So, that was my max target of that climbing.
What a great mountain that was ! That had a dignity like Mt. Yari-gatake, and Tsurugi-dake. When I watched it, I was excited.
I would climb this mountain in next day.

in July 25, 2014

Hardest stairs

This was the hardest stairs in my life. The poles were not fixed on the rock certainly. That was supported only by wires.
I'd walked on many hard stairs in Mt. Yari-gadake, Hodaka-dake and Tsurugi-dake. But, they were better than this stairs.
When I walk on such stairs or chains, I decide that it's OK if I die there.
As a result, I could through this obstacle.

in July 25, 2014

Another peak

The peak over the mist was peak Mitsugashira. That may be the real peak of Mt. Gongen-dake. If I conquer Mt. Yatsuga-dake, I might should to climb the top.
But, it takes about 20 minutes to the top. If I went there and turn to here, it would take about 40 minutes. And, the whether was changing to bad. So, I couldn't go there.

in July 25, 2014

Mt. Gongen

This was the peak of Mt. Gongen-dake. Mt. Gongen-dake was one of the peak of Yatsuga-dake mountain systems. But, there was no clear signal on this board. So, it may be not the peak.
But, I through there without conviction, because I want to reach camp site early.

in July 25, 2014

Ridge line

I could see Mt. Gongen-dake, Aka-dake and Amida-dake over the beautiful ridge line. Peak which is in the center of this picture is Mt. Gongen-dake. Camp site was there over the peak. So, I had to walk long road in order to sleep.
But, what a nice landscape this was !

in July 25, 2014

Nice guy at Mt. Amigasa

After a while I reached the top, a climber reached the top. He was very sosial, and he told me about many mountains. As he was a rocal resident, he often climb Yatsuga-dake mountain systems. I always think that I envious of people who stays in such area.
Talking with other climber is one of the pleasure of climbing.

in July 25, 2014

Mt. Amigasa

Mt. Amigasa-yama was one of Mt. Yatsuga-dake mountain system. Mt. Amigasa-yama was a typical konide type mountain like Mt. Fuji. So, the landscape from the top was very nice. I could see Mt. Kaikomaga-dake, Kita-dake and central Alps mountain systems, etc. If the crowd was not there, I could see Mt. Fuji.
It was nice start for the climbing.

in July 25, 2014

Over the forest

When I over the limit height of forest, I could see beautiful blue sky. I photoed it near the top of Mt. Amigasa-yama. As I have no technique and used cheap camera, I couldn't express the beauty of blue sky.
High mountains always have beautiful blue sky. They remember it to me in every summer.

in July 25, 2014

Entrance of mountain road

Kannon-daira was one of entrance of Mt. Yatsuga-dake. It was most southern entrance of it. I would through Yatsuga-dake mountain system from south to north. So, I select this entrance.
In front of this entrance, many cars were stayed. They would come back same way from Mt. Aka-dake which was main mountain of  Mt. Yatsuga-dake.

in July 25, 2014

Station Obuchi-sawa

Station Obuchi-sawa was a nearest mountain from mountain road of Mt. Yatsuga-dake. It was old and nostalgic building. I like such station, because I can remember old memories.
After I went out from the station, I rode on taxi, and I went to Kannon-daira which was the entrance of mountain road. I paid 3,400 yen to driver.

in July 25, 2014


She is a beautiful actress. She always give me a smile from inside of the poster.

in July 25, 2014

Station early in the morning

I woke up in 3 AM in the hotel in Hatioji. And, I rode on the first train which started in 4:52. As it was early, nobody was there on same plat home.
It may be the most interesting time that I transport to entrance of mountain road.

in July 25, 2014

Sushi in leave

I ate lunch box in Shinkansen super express which was from Hiroshima to Shin-Yokohama.
The lunch box was sushi which was covered by plum's leave. It was local food in Nara pref. The rice include the smell of the leaf. Off course, I ate it with beer.
I was eating with planning of climbing in following days. By the way, I always enjoy when I eat lunch box in the train.

in July 24, 2014

Wednesday, July 23, 2014


I always assemble tent before long climbing. As I sleep in the tent for 3 continuous nights in mountain, it is important for comfort camping life and climbing.
As I checked that there was no trouble for this tent, I can go mountain without worrying.

New Items

I bought new items for climbing Mt. Yatsuga-dake. I have almost every items for climbing. So, I bought only consumable items in these years.
As gloved was abraded away, I bought new one. As the mountain boots's resist for rain was weaken, I bought shoe cream. Candles are for warm up inside tent.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

26kg backpack

I brought 26 kg backpack to the top of Mt. Ege. 26 kg was very heavy. It was first experience for me. In Yatsuga-dake, I'll bring about 20 kg backbpack. So, it must be good train.
Pet bottle include water is very useful. If I'll be tired, I can do away of water in pet bottle. This train gave me a confidence. It must be possible to walk enough in Mt. Yatsuga-dake.

Last train

I climbed Mt. Ege on Sunday. It was last train for climbing Mt. Yatsuga-dake.

Shogi battle

My son joined the convention of Shogi which held in Okayama. It was first experience for him. He said he was very nervous. Being used to nervous is very important. So, it must be very good experience for him. It was one of the object of joining this convention.
As a result, he won the game once and loosed twice. I thought it was good result for first time. He said he want to join it again next year.

Sunday, July 06, 2014


After I left Mt. Yuzukishiro, I missed the road. As it was hard rain, I couldn't consider well about the road.
At first, I wanted to go down to Shin-Inokuchi through the top of Mt. Suzugamine. But, I went down to Furue.
I photoed this near the entrance of mountain road in Furue.
I failed this climbing. I'll try this course again.

Mt. Yuzukishiro

When I reached top of Mt. Yuzukishiro, a little rain changed to hard rain. I putted on rain wear. And I only walked in order to reach the last top.

Lunch box

I ate lunch on the large rock near the top of Mt. Ohchausu. Inside of lunch box was destroyed by vibration in backpack. Every lunch box in climbing always be such situation. But, what a delicious lunch it was ! Beautiful landscape and tired of walk always exchange cheap lunch to great full course dinner.

Mt. Ohchausu

Mt. Ohchausu is conspicuous mountain by the some towers of the top. So, we could see the mountain almost every place in Hiroshima city.
To tell the truth, I don't like such mountain which have tower on the top. Because I think the nature of the mountain was begrimed.

Mt. Hiyama

Mt. Hiyama is sharp mountain especially near the top. As this climbing was train for long climbing in the end of this month, I ran almost all of this climbing. So, it was very hard for my lung.
I met 2 climbers there. One of them was trying to reach Mt. Suzugamine like me. I left there after I'd gotten 5 minutes rest.

Mt. Takeda

Mt. Takeda is main mountain of South Hiroshima Alps.
The local residents must be taking effort to maintain the mountain road. The road was very beautiful. So, it was easy despite the slope was hard.
It had a nice landscape. I could see the center of Hiroshima city and Hiroshima bay. I realized that this was nice mountain in Hiroshima.

South Hiroshima Alps

My friend often recommend me that I should climb Mt. Takeda. So, I decided to climb the mountain today.
As I have to pay money to use train until the entrance of mountain road, climbing only one mountain is not efficient. So, I decided to climb the following mountains ; Mt. Kagari, Takeda, Hiyama, Ohchausu, Yuzunoki and Suzugamine. They are called South Hiroshima Alps mountain systems.
This photo is top of Mt. Kagari. There was a nice landscape.

Thursday, July 03, 2014

Good brake

I rode new bike in the rain in this morning. The brake worked very well. As the brake disc of CRM80 was injured, it wasn't work well, especially in rain.
Good brake make nice riding. I realized it today.