Monday, November 24, 2014

Colored leaves

There was a temple which famous for the colored leaves beside Mt. Soko. The road of climbing down through the ground of the temple. So, I could see beautiful colored leaves there. Many visitors watched the leaves and photoed by camera.
It was good option of the climbing.

Cup noodle at the top

I brought a hot water flask with cup noodle. I thought I would eat hot cup noodle by the boiled water in the flask, because the flask had a good performance for keeping the heat.
As a result, I could eat delicious hot noodle at the top. I'll bring it to the mountain in winter.

Mt. Soko

I climbed Mt. Soko today. The mountain was one of the famous mountain in Hiroshima Pref.
Near the entrance of the climbing road, surface of ground was damaged by disaster of hard rain. So, it was difficult to walk. But, many climbers were there at the top.
The top had a good landscape. I could sea Hiroshima bay, Islands in Setouch sea and city Hiroshima. It was a nice climbing.

Saturday, November 22, 2014


It was there near the cycling station. It was hunger for bicycles. I thought it was nice design.

Salt ramen

I went to island Hakata as a business trip. Natural salt is famous there. In the island, I ate salt ramen. As the customer who stay there recomend, the restaurant's salt ramen was very delicious. After I ate the lunch, I ate salt ice cream at the beach.

Monday, November 10, 2014

Plastic model

As it was rain yesterday, I assembled plastic model. The model was space battle ship "Yamato" which was the machine in animation.
I am a fun of the animation. So, getting the 3D model was very happiness. After I assembled it, I watched it for a long while.

Monday, November 03, 2014

Four legs

At the depth of deep valley, 4 branches ceder was there. The road from top of Mt. Togo to the tree was very hard. The slope was very heavy. And the surface of the road was often hidden by bush. And the surface of the road was muddy by the rain in the last night.
I often thought that I should abandon to reach there, because the road was too long and I thought I might miss the road.
When I found the tree over the deep bush, I was very happy.

The tree was very strange. branches were connected each other by the iron rings and chains as if they are handcuff. And the atmosphere around the tree was eerie and dark.
After I returned home, I heard the legend about the tree. It was more than 400 years old. And the tree had walked by the 4 legs in Edo period. So, the people in the age connected the 4 branches in order to inhibit it walk.

I could understood the strange atmosphere around it. It was mysterious and interesting experience.

Simple top

There were no landscape from the top, because there were surrounded by many trees. There were no board which showed the top of mountain. I could see only signal for ceder which have 4 branches.
But, it was nice climbing, because I could see beautiful colored leaves around the climbing road.
Mt. Togo was famous mountain in Hiroshima pref. But, I met nobody at the top and climbing road. So, I could enjoy loneliness.


I met a huntsman at the entrance of climbing road. He advised me that I shouldn't climb alone. Some climbers met bear in the mountain.
There was warning board there, too. The board said that "Asiatic black bear often appeared in Yuki town. When you enter the mountain, you have to bring a bell for avoiding bear. Or, you should use radio."
After I met huntsman and saw the warning, I feared to enter mountain. But, I couldn't stop climbing because I wasted more than 1 hour to reach there.
I entered mountain by sounding music loudly by mobile phone, because I didn't have the bell and radio.
I often be surprised when I watch black stone or black stub.

Mt. Togo

I climbed Mt Togo in the morning. Mt Togo is famous for the ceder which have 4 branches.
I have a book which introduce 52 famous mountain in Hiroshima. I have a goal which I'll conquer all of them. Mt. Yogo is one of the mountains.