Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Shadow of Mt. Ege

I could see a big shadow of Mt. Ege from near the top. It had covered some island and the top reached to the center of city Hiroshima.
And I could see many nice mountains near the border lime with Yamaguchi pref. It was a very fine day.

Mt. Ege

I climbed Mt. Ege in this morning. It was a first day of long continuous holiday. First day is very important for staying for fulfill of holidays. So, I decided to climb in this morning.
As I don't train enough, it was hard for climb the hard slope. But, after my body had been warmed up, my body changed to be light.
At the top, I ate miso soup.
And I could meet a old climber who sometimes meet me there. And, we said each other "Have a nice new year !"

Sunday, December 13, 2015


As the islands were the place which planted many oranges, many orange's shop which no seller was there. I could buy a many oranges by paying only a hundred coin. It was a nice buying. It was one of pleasure of the touring and climbing event.

Okamura island

After I climbed down from Mt. Nanakunimi-yama, I rode bike and went to Island Okamura. It was a last island which I could go by bike through many bridges. The island was in pref. Ehime. I crossed the boarder line on the bridge. It was a exciting event.
The local island's landscape and life style always give me a moving. So, I like to go island.
By the way, building on the photograph was port's one. The ferry which start from the port went to City Imabari which was there in Shikoku big island in Japan. The payment was very cheep. So, I'll use it when I'll go to Shikoku island someday.

Stamp at the top

At the top of Mt. Nanakunimi-yama, there were a wood stage which good for seeing landscape. Under the roof, there were a stamp box. But, the rubber of the stamp was deleted. So, I couldn't stamp it on my notebook.
After I had a rest and eating chocolate, I left there and returned to my bike.
It was a nice mountain. But, I would never go there. So, I said good bye to the mountain before I left the top.

Beautiful sunrise

I could see a beautiful bay near the mountain from the climbing road. It might be a good timing, because I could see sunrise from there, too.
Mountain which I'd never climbed always give me some of moving.

Many shrines

Climbing road in Mt. Nanakunimi-yama was through in shrine. The shrines were very silent and I could felt the goddess atmosphere. So, I walked silently.

Mt. Nanakunimi-yama

I climbed Mt. Nanakunimi-yama in this morning. The mountain was said to one of famous mountain in Hiroshima pref. by my book. The mountain was there in island Kami-Kamagari in city Kure. So, I rode bike in cold morning.

Saturday, December 05, 2015

Mt. Ege

I climbed mountain after a long interval. As it was cold and I'm busy for work, it was hard to climb. But, it was very nice to climbing, if I started to climb once.
At the top, it was very cold wind. So, I stayed there for a short during. And I left there.

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Lunch box in the mountain

I ate lunch box alone on the rock with watching nice landscape.
I hate lunchbox in convenience store because all of them have same taste and a little volume and very expensive. But, it always change to delicious lunch box in the mountain. I could enjoyed a nice lunch.

Western peak

At the western peak, some polite climbers were there. So, I could stayed there with happiness. As the western peak was higher than eastern's one, it was a main peak.
After I stayed there and talked with some climbers, I left there.

Colored leaves

I could see beautiful colored leaves in the mountain. I was not interesting flowers in the mountain, So, I couldn't understand the climbers who photoed flowers by large heavy camera.
But, I like watch the colored leaves. I remembered the climbing Mt. Soko in last year's autumn. It was very red forest.

Good landscape

I could see wide forest from female rock. I thought it was a nice mountain.

Female rock

The rock named to Female rock. Can you understand why the rock named so ?
Until I was explained by a old climber, I couldn't understand why it was named so.

Eastern peak

Many children and their parents were there at the eastern peak. As they stayed the peak without thinking for other climbers, I couldn't stand at the peak point. So, i decided to leave there and I thought I would climb when I would return from western peak.
I hate such selfish climbers. I hate party which constructed by many members. They always encumber my interesting climbing. I prayed to god that all of them fall down under the rock and go to hell or heaven.

Nice Landscape

There were many large rocks near the top of mountain. I could see Hiroshima city and islands in Setouch sea.

Entrance of Mt. Madoga-yama

After I finished the proceeding of driving licence, I went to Mt. Madoga-yama. It was one of the famous mountain in Hiroshima pref. It had twin peak. It was first climbing about the mountain for me.

Tuesday, November 03, 2015

Speed climbing

I could reached to top of Mt. Ege from entrance of climbing road only in an hour. It was spent only 54 minutes. It was as fast as the record when my power was at the peak.
I got the old record more than 3 years ago when I'd climbed Mt. Hotaka. I didn't train enough in these days. All of my training was a weekend climbing only. My performance of body may be great more than I thought.

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Mt. Ege

I climbed  Mt. Ege in the morning. I always enjoyed in holiday, if I climb mountain in the morning. If I don't do it, I had no satisfaction all day long.
It must be a best season for climbing. I could see many nice mountains in Hiroshima pref. such as Mt. Yoshiwa Kanmuri and Mt. Osorakan. I'd never climbed these mountains because they were far from my house. I'll have to drive for more than 2 hours until I'd reached the entrance of climbing road.

Monday, October 19, 2015

Forest road by bike

I went to forest road at north side in Hiroshima pref. by bike. It was there near the borderline between Hiroshima pref. and Shimane pref.
The road was very rough and many rocks and stones were there on surface of the road. It was to hard for my performance. So, it was not so interesting. Terrible was bigger then interst.
But, the nature in deep forest was very nice. During rest time, my friend and I were stayed beside stream.
A trouble had happened at the riding for my friend. Number plate of his bike was hidden when we went out from the forest road. He returned to forest road and searched it for a long while. But, he couldn't. As he didn't returned from the forest, I worried him to dropped in valley beside the road. So, I went back to forest road, too. And I searched him. Later, I found him comfortably.
We returned to Hiroshima city through narrow local road in order to not to be found by policeman.

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Mt. Ege

I climbed Mt. Ege after a long interval.
Walking in the mountain was very pleasant in this season. I could enjoy the climbing.
My daughter brought my camera to travel which was event of her school. So, I photoed by mobile phone.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

End of long climbing

At last, I'd reached to the exit of the climbing road. It was a hard climbing because of the knee trouble.
But, I got a big satisfaction for the succeed of the climbing. I had retired the climbing about a year ago. I always regret when I watched the mountains from the city for this 1 year. I would be able to see the mountains with satisfaction because I could conquered them. It was a nice climbing.

Mt. Kagara-yama

Mt. Kagara was a my favorite mountain, because of the a lonely atmosphere. It was a second time for me.
It was a last peak of the long climbing. I stayed the top for a while and made my knees having a rest.

Mt. Takeda-yama

I could stand on the top of Mt. Takeda-yama. under the trouble of my knees. Mt. Takeda was a famous mountain in Hiroshima. But, I think that Mt. Hi-yama's shape is better than Mt. Takeda-yama.
Basically, I like a sharp mountain like Mt. Yari-gatake.
But, I like wide space like Mt. Takeda-yama, too.
After I had a rest for knee for a while, I started to walk in order to reach the top of Mt. Kagara. The road had a long down slope.
My knee had a hard pain when I walked in down slope,

Mt. Hiyama

I reached Mt. Hiyama with hard pain at my right knee. I had know image to the mountain because of my pain.

Last two mountains

Mt. Hiyama and Mt. Takeda-yama are the leftover main mountains which I had to climb.
My knees started to give me a pain. My knee was my weak point. So, I always use supporter when I climb long distance. But, I forgot it.
It looked very hard road for me at the time. But, I had to go.

Every foods in mountain is delicious

Every foods in mountain was very delicious.
I was tired eating lunch box which was bought in convenient. But it changed to great food in the mountain.
It was nice lunch time.

Mt. Ohchausu

Mt.Ohchausu is conspicuous by the big TV tower when we watch from Hiroshima city. As it was very hot, I searched shadow which was easy to sit on. And I found a small shadow of rock. I stayed for a while and had a rest.

Ridge line which I walked through

During I climbed Mt. Oh-Chausu, I watched back and saw a long ridge line which I climbed until then. I thought I walked a long distance. I could see peaks of Mt. Suzuga-mine, Onigashiro and Yuzuki. It was a mid of all road of the climbing. I had to walk more and more.

Mt. Yuzuki-yama

After I left Mt. Oniga-shiro, I crossed a big road and entered into mountain again. The entrance was there near the big road which I often drove through by job. So, I watched the board and I'd thought I wanted to climb it.
Climbing road to Mt. Yuzuki was very hard slope. But, I reached the top, later.
I'd tried to through the road in reverse about a year ago. But, I'd missed the road and downed to missed place in hard rain. Mt. Yuzuki was a last mountain which I'd climbed when I missed road at the time. So, I got a satisfaction when I reached the top. I thought I would win the mission easily at the time.

Shrine for ghost beauty

Between Mt. Suzuga-mine and Oni-gashiro, a small shrine which keep stone figure was there. Ground around the shrine was cleaned by someone. After I finished the climbing, I checked it on the internet. Some web site said that terrible legend was there for the shrine. In ancient day, a beautiful lady was killed there by samurai who loved her. The beautiful ghost appeared around there and surprised local residents. The local residents afraid and built the shrine in order to sorry her.
After I left the beautiful area around the shrine, I reached top of Mt. Oniga-shiro.

Mt. Suzuga-mine

First peak was Mt. Suzuga-mine. Suzuga-mine was a famous mountain in Hiroshima pref. It was first climbing for me. I had thought that I had to climb it someday.
I could see many Islands and Hiroshima city.
As I had to climb other 9 peaks, I left there without long staying.

Climb many mountains continually

I planed to climb and walk in mountain from station Shin-Inokuchi to station Honmachi. Distance between the two stations for railroad was about 13.2 km So, mountain road must be more than 20 km. I had to through 10 peaks. It must be a hard climbing.
At the entrance of first mountain, I met a old couple. They said me that good luck ! I started to climbed after I said good-bye them.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Sauce Pork cutlet on rice

I always eat famous food at the city after I climbed mountain. I selected sauce Pork cutlet on rice in Fukui.
The deference with other pork cutlet was the sauce. Normal pork cutlet was used soup.
As a result, it was not delicious. Looks of it was not good, too. Delicious food is always beautiful.
I selected the restaurant only because the location was near the station. If I walked for long distance, I could ate in famous restaurant for sauce Pork cutlet on rice. But, I had no power to go long distance.
I don't know whether all sauce Pork cutlet on rice or only the restaurant's one was not delicious. If I wanted to eat, I shouldn't save effort.
But, the beer was very good. And, experience which I'd ate sauce Pork cutlet on rice was important.

I thought in front of god's gate

When I returned to entrance of climbing road, no climbers were there. So, I could photo the gate slowly. When I reached there in previous day, many ape guys and ladies were praying to the gate. So, I had walked through there without photoing and watching the gate and bridge.
Few of people was most important for my climbing. As I didn't believe the existence of god, there were no need to pray in front of the gate.
God was not need for my climbing. But, only luck, help of nature, good gears and myself were important for my climbing. But, Help of nature may be a part of god's power.

Missed at branch

I returned from the left side at this branch when I climbed down from campsite. On the board, left side was marked not to enter. I had a memory which I'd selected the right side on the branch, when I'd climbed up in previous day.
Before I reached there, I walked narrow and dangerous road which I'd never walked when I climbed up to mountain. So, I must be missed road and entered to bad road.
As a result, I had no damage and no problem. I laughed in front of the board. But, Entering wrong road without conscious was very very dangerous. I understood that I had to be care in the mountain.

Mist and rain

After I spend cold night, I woke up early in the morning and disassembled tent and packed them in backpack.
I photoed my backpack in the rain. Hard mist and rain shade my sight.
Staying in tent in the rain and cold weather was very tough. But, walking in such situation was not so hard. So, I finished packing fast and left tent site.

Dinner in cold night

I heard from other campers that it would be under 5 ℃ in the morning. After the sunset, I felt cold and quaked. So, I wore all of clothes and stayed in sleeping bag.
I tried to eat many foods for dinner in order to warm up my body. But, I couldn't rice and carry. All I could ate was instant noodle. I thought I had a cold because I was lack of appetite and quaked. It was my first experience.
Later, it started hard rain. A long night started.

Peak of Onanji-yama

Mt. Onanji-yama was not main peak of Haku-san. So, a few people were climbed there. I was alone at the peak.
One of reason which I like the mountain is that there is few people. So, I liked the mountain. I could see main peak Gozen-hou from there.
As I was alone, I photoed myself by using self timer of my camera.

Have a rest

They are peak of Ohnaiji-yama and peak of Mt. Kenga-mine. Mt. Kenga-mine had no road to top. So, I'd climbed peak of Ohnaiji-yama later.
This landscape was very beautiful. It's impossible to find such a landscape in the city. Only people who could walk long distance in mountain were given such a landscape.

Blue lakes

Around top of Mt. Gozen-hou, many blue lakes were there. They are old volcanic vent. I watched inside of them. There were no fishes.

Landscape from the top

Landscape from the top was great.
The mountain at the center of the photo was Mt. Onanji which I would climb later. The lake was Lake Midoriga-ike. I could see North Alps mountain system and other many mountains.
I stayed there for a while and had a rest and photoed.

Top of main peak

Mt. Gozen-hou was the main mountain in Haku-san mountain systems. The height was 2702m. I hadn't climbed to such height after I climbed Mt. Aka-dake in Yatsuga-dake mountain system in last summer. So, my heart beated fast. And I had a light headach. But, feeling nice at the nice top was larger than such traoubles. It was a nice peak which I'll remember forever.

Main peak of Mt. Haku-san

After I left the view point which could be watched Alps, top of Mt. Haku-san Appeared in front of me. Some snows were there after they resist heat of summer.
Blue sky, beautiful style of mountain, white snow and green grass. What a nice view it was !
As the mountain road was roundabout pass, no climbers were there except me. It was one of reason which I liked the climbing.