Monday, October 19, 2015

Forest road by bike

I went to forest road at north side in Hiroshima pref. by bike. It was there near the borderline between Hiroshima pref. and Shimane pref.
The road was very rough and many rocks and stones were there on surface of the road. It was to hard for my performance. So, it was not so interesting. Terrible was bigger then interst.
But, the nature in deep forest was very nice. During rest time, my friend and I were stayed beside stream.
A trouble had happened at the riding for my friend. Number plate of his bike was hidden when we went out from the forest road. He returned to forest road and searched it for a long while. But, he couldn't. As he didn't returned from the forest, I worried him to dropped in valley beside the road. So, I went back to forest road, too. And I searched him. Later, I found him comfortably.
We returned to Hiroshima city through narrow local road in order to not to be found by policeman.

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