Friday, May 27, 2016

Running shoes

I bought new running shoes in Amazon. It was about 30% cheaper than in sports real shop. There were no need to buy it at the shop, because my boots size already be known by me.
Old shoes was abraded away at the sole. And the elastic force had been deleted. I used it more than 5 years.
Upper photograph is old one. The surface of sole was pealed away.
So, new shoes was very nice when I ran especially at the down slope.
After I bought it, I run every morning. Good item give me a motivation.

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Spa Misasa

After we climbed, we went to spa near there. There was a spa are. The hot water was too hot for me. So, I couldn't stay in the water for long while. I like a little warm water. But, the bathhouse was the origin of the spa Misasa. And, the building's wood wall and poles were very nice. So, I enjoyed the bath.
The reason why we went the bathhouse was by my friend's recommend.

Local ramen

Ramen soup tasted by beef's born was a new popular food in Tottori pref. We ate it there, because I had a rule which I eat local food in the trip.
The soup was tasted mild when I compare with pig's soup and chicken's soup. The taste was not bad.

Country's treasure

This was the Japanese country's treasure "Nage-ire-dou". Nage-ire means throw into. Dou means the temple. The ancient legend said that a super priest threw the woods to rock wall and built the temple.
Constructing it must be a hard job. Ancient engineers were great.

Beautiful construction

Until the main temple, there were two wood stage which we could stand on. The stages was built on erratic rocks. The wood columns were constructed beautifully. Ancient engineers were great, I thought so.

Hard road

As he was weak and less of power, we climbed the mountain slowly. Some other climbers overtook us. When I climb alone, I'd never be overtaken by other climbers. So, I recognized it was not climbing, but sightseeing.
Climb with talking was not bad. I could enjoyed walking in the easy mountain.

Temple Mitoku

I went to temple Mitoku in Tottori pref. with my friend. The reason was his hope.
We woke up early in the morning and left Hiroshima at 4:00. We reached there at 8:30. And, we started to climb the mountain.

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Top of crown

When I reached the top, nobody was there. So, I could enjoyed loneliness and enjoyed silence.
Later, a young climber appeared there and I could talk with him and talked about mountains which we had climbed each other. It was a nice time, too.

When I returned from the top, I missed the road. So, I had to climb to the top, again. At the second time, I met a climber who was from Taipei in Taiwan. He came Japan in the previous day and started to climb local mountains. He walked from Mt, Jakuchi in Yamaguchi pref. to the mountain. I thought him strange, because the mountains must be minor for foreigner. I thought normal foreigner would climb famous mountains such as Fuji and Hodaka, etc. But, I couldn't ask about it. And left there.

During I returned to my bike, I ate lunch box in beautiful forest. Lunch in the mountain always good. By the way, the climbing was very nice. I'll be happy if I can climb there with my son someday.

Kuruson Rock

"Kuruson" is a Buddhist's ward which means good success. I don't know the deep meaning and why it named so.
It was a very big rock and symbol of the mountain.

Beautiful forest

Forest green in this season always be beautiful. These are beech trees. The beech tree is most favorite plants in the world. I could enjoyed walking in the forest.

Start to climb

The entrance of mountain road was a bridge. The road until there was dart. So, my off-road bike was suitable for access to climbing road.
After I prepared for climbing, I went over the bridge and enter in Mt. Yoshiwa-Kannmuri.

Mt. Yoshiwa-kanmuri

Mt. Yoshiwa-kanmuri was a mountain which I wanted to climb for a long while. The beautiful style was seen from Mt. Ege.
But, it was there far away from my home. So, I could not climb until then.
I drove my bike for about 2 hours until I reached the entrance of climbing road.

Saturday, May 07, 2016

Good landscape

At the top of Mt. Yasaka-yama, I could see the wide area of Okayama city. It was a nice climbing.


There were many temples and shrines around the mountain. So, I thought the area was the place where many people who had a heavy religion stayed. I found such a seal on the walls and poles. It perhaps have a power to avoid the devils, illnesses and curse, etc.

Climbed in Okayama

I climbed Mt. Yasaka-yama during I stayed in Okayama.
The mountain was there near the high school where I had studied. The name had be written on the school song. So, I had be interested in the mountain for a very long while. But, I had not climbed it.
As I was free in my old home, I decided to climb it despite it was a little rain.