Monday, May 29, 2017

Bamboo forest

There is a clear ridge line between our Yano town and Kaita town. By some maps, there is a road which cross the ridge line. I thought to climb over the ridge line. And decided to do it today.
After I enter the forest, the road disappeared. At first, I tried to go bamboo's bush. But, I abandoned soon. The reasons were that the surface of ground was very wet, many mosquito attacked me, red mark of road was deleted, and the slope to be hard. Perhaps, nobody walked there for a long while.
GPS showed that I could't reach to one third of distance to ridge line. I'll try to reach the line from another route someday.

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Good gear change

After I changed wires of rear derailleur and front brake, they moved well. I hadn't expected such a development. The wires were very important parts.

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Talk with many climbers

During I had a rest on the top of Mt. Ege, many old climbers appeared there by spells. I talked with them and I stayed there for about an hour. Taking with old in mountain was not bad.

Locust ?

Near the top of Mt. Ege, I found small insects on the leaf. Perhaps, they were locust, because they had a long rear feet.
It was not dark night. But, the background of the photograph had been black. It may be because of flash and macro.

Mt. Fukunaga in the bush

Mt. Fukunaga was there at the under side of Mt. Ege. The road to the peak was covered by bushes and deadwood. And the footmark was deleted. It was said to hard road on the signboard.
So, I sometimes had tried to climb there and abandoned.
But, I reached there at last !!!
GPS map of smart phone was very useful. If I didn't bring it, I couldn't find the peak.
When GPS mark reached the peak on web map, I could find old concrete base under the leaves. After I delete the leaves, I could find the mark for measure the geography.
There was no signboard which showed there the top of mountain. But, I satisfied well.

Monday, May 22, 2017

Gear shift wire

I changed rear gear shift wire. As the wire cover destroyed, I decided to change wires. Rear gear shift wire was more complicated than brakes one. So, It spend longer time.
I thought it moved smoothly than before.
I expect to enjoy commuting in this evening. I'll change wires for frond shift's one and rear brake's one tomorrow.

Brake wire

I changed front brake wire today. It was very easy job. I thought the brake moved smoothly than before.


I bought bicycle's wires and the cutter by Amazon. The wires for brakes and gear shifts had been used for about 10 years. The wires were the important parts especially brakes one.

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Real elevation

There were many board at the top of Mt. Myoujin. Many climbers made himself and fixed it.
The elevation which written on the board were different each other such as 494m, 495m and 503m. Which was a true elevation ? On some web site, it was written to 500m.

49 minutes

I climbed Mt. Ege today. I reached to the top in 49 minutes from the entrance of mountain road. The time don't reduce in there attack.
I'll challenge the time record for a while. Later, I'll challenge the weight of backpack.

Saturday, May 13, 2017

Resist water test

I tested new smart phone's cover. It was said that it resist damage and water. So, I checked it to sink it in the water. The result was very good.

Friday, May 12, 2017

Can photo the beautiful color

As the sky's color was beautiful in this morning, I photoed it by my smart phone. It could get the red color correctly. My camera which I bought about 5 years ago could not get the color. It means that the photo performance of smart phone is better than camera's. I surprised it.

Thursday, May 11, 2017

New big store

I went to new shopping mole "Lect" today. It was very big store. There were many customers despite it was weekday.
I'd been surprised by a very very big book cabinet. How to get books which were there on upper side ?

Sunday, May 07, 2017

End of the road

There was a branch which reach to Mt. Fukunaga in climbing road of Mt. Ege. I wanted to stand on the top. So, I walked to the ridge line.
But, I stopped about 5 minutes later by deep bushes. I need enough preparation to reach there. I checked web site and understood where the point was there.

Beautiful stitching

The stitching which I fixed was beautiful. I like this old shoes. So, I want to use this forever. But, the performance of resist water had not been for it. So, the shoes is only for one day climbing in good weather.


I could reached to the top in 48 minutes and 19 seconds. It was a good record. But, it was not top record.
I didn't take a rest from start to the top. But, the climbing in last week which I'd taken some rest was better.
I don't know the difference of my condition. Someday, will I can reduce the time to under 40 minutes ? It may be the battle with age.

Mt. Ege

Last day of golden week vacation, I climbed Mt. Ege alone. Mt. Ege was larger than Mt. Hinoura and Mt. Iwataki. So, I was satisfy myself to the climbing. I acknowledged that I like Mt. Ege.

Friday, May 05, 2017

End of the road

When we went down from the mountain, my son found a small ridge line and said to want to walk on the ridge line. I could a red mark on branches on the ridge line. So, I decided to agree with him.
I knew the deep cliff over there. So, I afraid to slip down to the valley.
The road changed to narrow after we walked for a while. And, we lost the red mark around there. And, the down slope changed to hard. So, I decided to return to normal road. He wanted to go to front. But, I thought my decide was correct.

Mt. Hinoura-yama

I'd brought my son there when he was about 7 years old. But, he couldn't remember it. After we went home, I showed the photographs which I photoed about 5 years before. He was surprised.
The height was only 345m. But, the landscape was very nice.

Entrance of climbing road in the temple

I climbed Mt. Hinoura-yama with my son. During he was commuting to school, He watched the mountain from in the train, and he thought to want to climb. So, we climbed it.
Until the entrance of climbing road, we transported by bicycle.
Climbing with my son is very interesting for me. But, I don't know until when he comes with me.

Thursday, May 04, 2017

Buddhist figure

Entrance of Mt. Iwaki-yama was there near the historical road. On the road, a strange shop was there. It was selling Buddhist figures. It must be because there were many shrines and temples around there.
I like to see such a shop.

Wisteria floribunda

The purple flower was Wisteria floribunda. It is on season now. We can see it in this season in mountains.

Mt. Iwataki-yama

The peak of Mt. Iwataki was there in the forest. So, There was no landscape was there. There was only a small sign board which was written the name "Mt. Iwataki". After I photoed there, I left there and started to climb down.

Nice road and nice view

Mt, Iwataki-yama was not famous and be not high level. But the road to the top was very nice. The road was there beside the cliff. So, I could see the city Hiroshima and Kaita.

Climbing road in shrine

Climbing road to Mt. Iwataki started from in shrine. The garden was maintained well and be very beautiful.
I parked my bicycle beside the entrance gate of shrine. And, I started to climb.