Thursday, August 31, 2017

Spa hotel

I stayed in spa hotel in Omachi after I down from Mt. Tateyama. The hotel was very nice. I enjoyed spa bath for a long while. I enjoyed dinner at the restaurant. I wanted to go there again with my wife someday.
It was a good rest for the next hard climbing of tomorrow.

Famous sight view point

 I used cable car, trolley bus and rope way when I transported from Murodou to Ogisawa. There were many tourists in them. It was baddest time in the climbing trip for me.
I walked over the famous Kurobe damn. But, I had no interest for it. Basically, I have no interest for modern buildings and machines.
Comment of worker of cable car etc was only noize for me. It was very very long time. It was like a torture for me. I only waited for the end.

Mt. Masago-dake

Mt. Masago-dake was a last peak of Mt. Tateyama system. At the peak, nobody was there, too. I could enjoy loneliness.
After that, all my job was under the mountain and reach to Murodou station.

Beautiful ridge line

What a nice ridge line it was ! And, we could see Mt. Tsurugi over there. Only some climbers were walking there.
I understand that peoples are very rare in end of summer when I compare with mid of summer.

Mt. Fuji-no-oritate

After I left Mt. Onanji, I reached to the next peak Mt. Fuji-no-oritate. When I reached there, a lady had a rest. I could enjoy talking for a while. She had a hobby which collect badge of lodge. But, she didn't have lodge Fuji-no-oritate. Before I met her, I through the lodge and I saw the inside empty. So, I know she would not get the badge then.

Mt. Onanji

After I was prayed by priest at Mt. Oyama, I went to Mt. Onanji. Mt. Onanji was the highest peak of Mt. Tateyama system.
Nobody was there. So, I could enjoyed good landscape, air of over 3000m and loneliness. It was a good mountain.

Mountain where the god was staying

At the top of Mt. Oyama, there was a beautiful shrine. People who paid some hundred yen could through the god's gate. I paid and through the gate. And, I was prayed by priest about my and my family's health, happiness and success, etc. It was a good event.

Mt. Oyama

I could watch the top area of Mt. Oyama. I could see a building. It was a part of shrine of the mountain.

View from middle of Mt. Oyama

I climbed Mt. Oyama fast. I could overtook other climbers. Normal climbers had not train enough. So, they are too slowly.
When you watch the phot, you will be able to understand that the slop was very hard. It was a nice climbing.

Base of climbing Murodou

I stand on Murodou after 4 years interval. I'd gone there 4 years ago with my friend in order to climb Mt. Tsurugi.
In front of me, Mt. Tateyama stood. Tateyama was one of 100 famous mountain in Japan. So, it was a target for me. It must be a very easy mountain for me.

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

New Toyama station

I went to Toyama after 4 years interval. During the 4 years, Shinkansen super express was started to through there. The buildings were changed to wide and beautiful.

Transported to North Alps

My summer climbing started at last. I planned to climb Mt. Tate-yama, Kashimayari-gadake and Goryu-dake.
After I finished my job, I moved to Hiroshima station by taxi. And, I used JR trains to Toyama. City Toyama was one of entrance of North Alps. I'd gone there 2 times for climbing.
The lunch box was bought in Hiroshima station. Beer and the box in Shinkansen express was a symbol of happiness for me. The time may be the most good time, because of hope.

Sunday, August 27, 2017


It was last train before climbing to North Alps in this summer.
Top of mountain in the morning was like a heaven. I could get a nap for a while.
My body condition was best. Preparation for long climbing in Alps was succeeded.

Sunday, August 20, 2017

25kg backpack

At last I brought 25kg backpack to the top. It was a very very hard job. But, it gave me a confidence for the climbing in North Alps in the end of August.


An old climber who I often meet at the top of Mt. Ege introduce me to the strange rock. I could stand on it and watch a landscape. It was not so better than that he told.


When I had a rest at the top of Mt. Ege, a butterfly flied to me and sit on my hand. He relaxed there for a while. He didn't escape, if I touched by another my hand. Was my hand tasty ?

Saturday, August 19, 2017

New hat

I bought them today.
The hat must be resist sunshine around my neck. I bought it, because I lost old one.

Friday, August 18, 2017


I could see PAC3 from on the bridge near the base of defense force in Kaita. PAC3 was a weapon which shoot the enemy's missile.
It looked very cheap and weak. Is it possible to shoot missile ? I thought.

Sunday, August 13, 2017

Good landscape

It was very fine. We could see good landscape. I could see Mt. Ishizuchi which was highest mountain in west Japan beside Mt. Haiga-mine.
It was a first experience for me.

Relationship between father and the son

I reached to the top in 43 minutes and 35 seconds. It was a best record for me. The reason must be a race with my son. I could climbed with better performance by fight with someone.
But, I loose the game. My son reached there in about 42 minutes and 0 seconds. I felt frustrated and happiness. I wanted to win him. But, my son's growth is my happiness. Relationship between father and the son is very strange.

Climbed with son


Friday, August 11, 2017


Wasted time from entrance of climbing road to the top was 64 minutes and 18 second. It was very bad record despite the backpack was light.
I expected the good record, because I train enough in these days. But, the result was always such a way. Good record suddenly appear in front of me, when I don't expected.
Today, I missed the allocation of power. I walked too fast at first. At the middle of the road, my legs didn't move well.
It was good experience for my climbing.

Cool wind

As I could not sleep well last night, I didn't bring heavy backpack. I felt cool in mountain today when I compare with last week. End of summer is coming I felt.

Tuesday, August 08, 2017


I drink some juice when I was returning to home from office. It was for resist to heat-related illness.
Riding in the morning was very cool and comfortable. But, in evening it was like hell.

Sunday, August 06, 2017


August 6 is a memorial day for Hiroshima. Atomic bomb exploded at 8:15 in 1945. I prayed with facing to Hiroshima city at the time from top of Mt. Ege.


I brought 20 kg backpack to the top of Mt. Ege. It was not so hard job now for me. As the typhoon is coming, it was hard wind. The wind made my body cool.

Thursday, August 03, 2017

Brake shoe

Brake shoe was abrade away in short time. I used it only 3 months. The reason was train for bicycle's standing, front lift and jack knife, etc. I'd ordered reserve one by