Monday, October 23, 2017

Brake shoe

I changed rear tire's brake shoe. I have to change it every half year.
I crashed to the car about a half year ago, because the brake shoe was abrade away. After the traffic accident, I often check it.
The slit was not deleted fully. So, it must be a good timing to change.

Thin tire

As the front tire's surface was worn out , I exchanged it to new one. And I selected thin one in order to run smoothly and fast.
The change was from 1.5 inch to 1.25 inch. You can acknowledge the difference of the thickness when you see the photo.
As I continued to use tube for 1.5, it was difficult to assemble it. I'm worrying about that the bicycle could be driven without blowout the tire.

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Bottom bracket

I changed a bottom bracket of my bicycle. Bottom bracket was a pedal's shaft assembly parts.
As the old one was too long, front side gear exchanging was not smooth. So, I bought short one and changed it.
As the result, front gear exchanging had been smooth.

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Amazon's box

I bought a bicycle's tire from Amazon. They send it by very big box. The tire could be bent. So, they could select smaller one.
The box may be selected by AI.
As the payment of sending it was free, there was no problem for me.

Sunday, October 15, 2017

Soba restaurant in Oku-Izumo

The third Soba restaurant was "Ippuu-an". It was there in Oku-Izumo town where was near the border between Shimane pref. and Hiroshima pref.
As a result, it was best Soba in today's 3 Soba noodle despite it was not from new Soba beans.
I like eating tenpura with Soba. So, I ate it at the last eating.
I enjoyed driving with friends and eating foods with friends. It was a nice day.

In Retro station

Old Izumo station was preserved. It had a Showa's atmosphere when I was a small child. It may be more old.
Wood floor, wood wall and wood chair, etc. They were very cool. I always think the old design was good.

Soba in minor restaurant

We selected "Taisyo-an" as a second Soba restaurant. The reason we selected it was that the building was old and it was there at far from sight seeing point. We thought that real delicious restaurant must be there at such place.
When I take it into my mouse, I was surprised because it was not good. It didn't have elastic force, good smell and good taste. If I ate it in Hiroshima city, I might feel so. But, it was very bad when I compared with "Sunaya".
After we ate it, we went out from the restaurant silently.

In Retro train

The old train was showed in the station Izumo-taisya. The inside was built by woods and it looked very beautiful.
I always think the old design in Japan was very very beautiful. The reason may be because of waste. Modern design always pursue high efficiency. And it cut beauty at the time.
Waste make a beauty for many items and constructions.

Soba restaurant beside shrine Izumo

I went to Izumo area in Shimane prefecture in order to eat Nippon soba with my 2 friends. They were the old friend from I was about 24 years old.
The plan was eating in 3 Izumo soba restaurants. And, we would compare the tastes.
The first restaurant was "Suna-ya" which was there in front of the gate of shrine Izumo Taisya. The noodle had a good elastic force. And, it was made from new Soba beans. So, it had a good smell.
As the restaurant was there near the sightseeing place, it was expensive. I paid 1,100 yen for it. But, I could get a good satisfaction.

Friday, October 13, 2017

Mad fender

I made mad fender for bicycle.
Before I set it, rain and mad on the road flied to my back. Because the original one was too short. The material was from plastic cover for catalog. I cut it and fixed it by bolt and nut.
The result was very nice. No water and mad flied to my back. And the style was very cool.

Monday, October 09, 2017

Mt. Ege

I met some old climbers who I'd sometimes talked before I reached the top. They talked about Matsutake mushroom which be gotten in Mt. Ege. They teach me to search it under the pine tree.
At the top, I could see a beautiful blue sky and moon. The landscape was hidden by fog.
During I downed from the top, I met 3 students and talked a little. We talked about spider's net. They were the nice young guys.
It was a nice climbing because I could talked with nice young and old.


I found a beautiful mushroom in Mt. Ege. The surface was lubricious. I couldn't judge it can be eaten. So, I send the photo to my friend who knew well about mushrooms. And, I'm waiting for his answer.

Climb after a long interval

I hadn't climbed mountain for more than one month. The last climbing was at North Alps in the first of September. Until then, I didn't train.
I could walked well in mountain despite it was after a long interval.
It was very nice. I recognized that my life is in climbing.