Sunday, October 15, 2017

Soba restaurant beside shrine Izumo

I went to Izumo area in Shimane prefecture in order to eat Nippon soba with my 2 friends. They were the old friend from I was about 24 years old.
The plan was eating in 3 Izumo soba restaurants. And, we would compare the tastes.
The first restaurant was "Suna-ya" which was there in front of the gate of shrine Izumo Taisya. The noodle had a good elastic force. And, it was made from new Soba beans. So, it had a good smell.
As the restaurant was there near the sightseeing place, it was expensive. I paid 1,100 yen for it. But, I could get a good satisfaction.

1 comment:

  1. Izumo:出雲
    Shimane prefecture:島根県
    shrine Izumo Taisya:出雲大社
    elastic force:弾力→麺のコシ?
