Thursday, December 30, 2021

Maria in restaurant Magdara

A strange restaurant was there beside the sea in very local area. The restaurant was mandaged by a beautiful woman. She helped a guy who escaped from city with heart damage. Her heart was damaged, too.

It was written by Maha Harada. She always give me a nice time.

My lanking: ★★★★☆

Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Strange cloud

I watched a strange cloud in the morning. It was like a tape. It started from Western end to Eastern end.

From ancient days, it was said that strange cloud appear before the earthquake would be happen. 

I afraid it until the night. But, it was not happen.

Saturday, December 18, 2021

It's fine day today

It's a story that a lady work well as a speech writer.

I like the writer Maha Harada. I continue to read her books. It's a fourth one. It was not interesting than other three stories.

But, I'll continue to read her stories.

My lanking: ★★★☆☆

Friday, December 17, 2021

Soba noodle

I ate Soba noodle at the restaurant which I'd gone last week. It is standard Soba "Zaru soba". It was very tasty.

I'm fan of the Soba restaurant.

Monday, December 13, 2021


It was beautiful sunrise. As the time of sunrise is very later, I can see sunrise at near my office in these day.

Color made by nature is always more beautiful which made by human.

Sunday, December 12, 2021


Suddenly, firework exploded with big sound in the night. It shoot at park near my home. So, I could see in front of me.

Later, I heard that was held at several point in Hiroshima city. It was secret until it was started in order to avoid inflection of COVID.    


Friday, December 10, 2021

Soba noodle

I ate Soba noodle in lunch.

As the Soba bean was new, the color was green. It had nice smell and nice crunchy. I thought I wanted to eat again there.

Wednesday, December 08, 2021

Canvas in paradise

Two appraiser ordered to judge the picture was real or fake. The picture was Rousseou's ”Watched a dream".

During examine the picture, they found a deep and beautiful result.

In these days, I go crazy to Maha Harada's stories.

My lanking: ★★★★★

Sunday, November 28, 2021

Pro traveler Okaeri

The story was following.

A lady who was minor talent change the job. The new job was that she travel instead of people who can't travel themselves. She meet with heat full people at the sight seeing area. The her action save the soul of many people and herself.

It was very interesting and heart full story. I loved it.

I'll read another novels which be written by Maha Harada

My lanking: ★★★★★

Ruins of old shrine

In ancient days, sea around Yano in Hiroshima was more near than now. The small hill is on flat ground. But, it was cape in ancient days.

It was written that there was a shrine and treasure in it. But, the treasure was stolen and the shrine had been broken and disappeared. 

The name is Ushi-no-kubi. The meaning is Neck of cow. It is creepy name. 

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Never sink despite drifting

In the story, Two Japanese art dealer, Famous artist Gogh Vincent and his brother Theo live in French and work heartfully. 

The story was very interesting and beautiful. I could be into the world of the story. It was a new style novel for me.

It was first novel which be written by Harada Maha. I want to read his another one soon.

My lanking: ★★★★☆

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Handle of MTB was broken

When I started to commute by MTB, I found the handle could not be moved smoothly. As it was dangerous to use it, I commuted by car.

Later, I disassemble at the bearing of end of front fork, I found the bearing was broken.

Until then, I fixed the MTB by changing parts. But, changing the bearing is difficult and waste money.

So, I decided that I'll discard it. I feel sorry to the bicycle. But, I think I used it enough. It was the end of the life. I'll buy new one soon.   

Wednesday, November 03, 2021

Eat sheep's meat

I could enjoy cycling in fine day in local area.

We ate grilled sheep meat. It was cheap and tasty. Eating food with people who have same hobby was very interesting.   

Carry bicycle

I attended a touring event which we cycle from Kabe area in Hiroshima city to Miyoshi city. When we returned, we used train. The distance was about 60 km.

I bring my bicycle by train. Many workers came into the train at the Mukainada station. They were after night working in Mazda's car factory. I felt sorry about bringing big baggage in busy train. 

Monday, November 01, 2021

Dead angle of valley Ichino-sawa in Mt. Jhonen-dake

The book contains some stories which treated the murder in mountains. The title's "valley Ichino-sawa in Mt. Jhonen-dake" was my memorial place where I walked with my son in 3 years ago.

So, I could remember the climbing with my son who was junior high school student during I read the book.

My lanking: ★★★☆☆

Sunday, October 31, 2021

Mountains in the mist

I could see that the mist was flowed. I could see some mountains were like island on the sea.

Painted stone at the summit

At the summit of Mt. Hokki-san, I found a painted stone. I often find such a stone at some mountains, such as Mt. Ege-san and Mt. Dougo-yama, etc.

It make me funny. I thought I might make such stone and put it on the summit of some mountain.

Colored leaves

 In Mt. Ege-san, I could see beautiful yellow. It was autumn.

Monday, October 18, 2021

Bee in the sky

It was following story.

A big helicopter was stolen by terrorists. They put the helicopter over the atomic power plant. They order to stop every atomic power plant in Japan.

It was written before the accident in Fukushima. I think that the thinking about atomic power plant must be changed by the accident.

My lanking: ★★★☆☆

Sunday, October 10, 2021

Silent climbing road

In these days, I don't stand on the summit of mountains. Because, There often were many people at the summit. I hope I stay in silent.

Instead of stand on summit, I walk minor road. On such road, leaves covered the surface of the road. Walking such road is interesting.

It's a new my climbing style. 

Monday, October 04, 2021

Bicycle's seat

There were some crucks on the seat of MTB. It was used about 20 years. Sunshine, rain and wind damaged it.

I fixed it by using melting resin. But, it was not fit well. It will peel away, soon.

Sunday, October 03, 2021

Damaged by smart phone

The book said that too much using smart phone gave damage to our brain.

Before I read the book, I used smart phone about 2 hours in a day. It was too much. I'm waking up about 16 hours in a day. So, The one 8th times wasted by smart phone. Using smart phone can't leave merit to me. It was only a eraze of time on my life.  

Social network service such as twitter and Instaglam create Dopamine which is drag to make human happy in our brain. And it have hard addictiveness.

After I read it, I made some rules for smart phone. I can use only 30 minutes in a day. I can use it from 6:00 to 21:00. There is a switch to control so in smart phone.

After I started to control using smart phone, I feel my soul condition clear and clever.

My lanking: ★★★★☆

Land slide

 I climbed Mt. Ege-san in this morning. There was a ruins of land slide which appeared about 3 years ago. It was very hard rain and the ground in mountain slide. And much sand and stones were flowed to the town.

About 3 years had passed. But, a little plants grew on the new ground. Someday, Do it change to a normal surface of the mountain ?

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

The sputnik Sweetheart

I read the book which had title "The sputnik Sweetheart".

The story was following.

A girl love a woman with sexual. The lady love the girl without sexual. A boy love the girl with sexual. The girl love the boy without sexual.

The girl had disappeared in Greek island. The boy and lady search her.

It was beautiful story. I like some of Murakami's novels. The story was one of them.

My lanking: ★★★★☆

Sunday, September 26, 2021

Mt. Hinoura-yama

There were many old climbers at the summit. I hate such summit and climbing road. Because I like mountain's silent. After I stayed a little while, I left there.

Climbing with Religion's smell

I climbed Mt. Hinoura-yama. I'd climbed it 4~5 times. 

The entrance was in temple. It had religion's atmosphere.

Friday, September 24, 2021

Triangulation point

I read the book had a title "Mt. Tsurugi-dake". Before world war Ⅱ had been finished, A civil servant climbed difficult mountain in order to make maps. Until then it was said that nobody had climbed it. 

It must be difficult and hard job. I like the hero who work with his serious style and tender to workers.

I'd climbed the mountain about 7 years ago. I could climbed it without danger. It was because of there job.

My lanking: ★★★☆☆

Thursday, September 23, 2021

Tired to climb

I climbed Mt. Ege after a long interval.

There were some reason why I hadn't climbed for long while. One of the reason was using smart phone too much. I thought  that the smart phone was like Drug. It had addictiveness.

As I found the truth, I stopped using it too much. I set my smart phone the limit using time. Now, I can use it only 30 minutes every day.

After I reduce the time to use it, the power to do anything had returned to me.

As the climbing was after a long interval, it was hard for my body. But, it was very nice and I felt good condition in my body.  

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Rain suddenly

It started rain hard suddenly when I commuted. As it was too suddenly, I was wetted before I wore rain wear.

Saturday, September 18, 2021

Hand made desk

I made desk from woods which do away in my company. After I assembled it, I colored to sky blue.

I'm using it beside the chair at balcony.

Monday, September 13, 2021


My wife is admitted into hospital from last Tuesday. So, my family eating convenient food every day.

But, we got tired with eating such foods. So, I tried to make dinner by my hands.

As a result, my daughter and son said that it was very tasty. It was my succeed. It might be adulation.

Monday, August 30, 2021


I found a good words 「得意淡然、失意泰然」on newspaper today. The meaning is that "We should to do naturally when we are succeeded, and we should do normally when we missed." 

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Have a rest in rain

I commuted by bicycle in the rain.

I had a rest at under the roof in park. And, I drunk a coffee for a while with watching the rain fall.

It was nice time.

Saturday, July 31, 2021

Mt. Ege-san

I climbed Mt. Ege-san. I continued to climb in every weekend in these months. So, the body condition for climbing was improved. In spring, I want to climb some big mountain if the COVID will be converged. It was training for it.

Friday, July 30, 2021

Change the wire

Shift wire of rear gear changer for road bike. I ordered it by Amazon and waited for 3 days.

The road bike was ridden only about 5000 km. I thought the life was too short. The MTB's one was using over 20,000 km.

I recorded the distance. And, I will be care at next 5000 km.  

Sunday, July 25, 2021

It's cool in summit

It was very cool at the summit early in the morning. It was different with the town. I stayed for a long while in shadow of the tree at the summit of Mt. Ege-san. It was natural cooler.

Friday, July 23, 2021

Mt. Moriyama

Mt. Moriyama is in peninsula in Saka. I sometimes had gone the mountain in order to see Sakura flower in spring. But, I'd never climbed to the summit.

The climbing road was flat and short. But, it was hard climbing because of the high humidity and high temperature. The summit had no landscape. But, I was satisfied by conquered new summit. 

Cycling in Saka area

I bought hamburger at McDonald's at 5 AM. And I ride a bicycle to the sea in Saka town. Riding early in the morning was very nice in summer. It was very cool.

At first, I wanted to eat hamburger at the beach with watching waves and blue sea. But, the gate of beach was closed until 9 AM.

So, I ate hamburger beside the road in front of the gate.

After I ate the breakfast, I ride to peninsula in Saka instead of beach.

Thursday, July 22, 2021

Friend in mountain

He was a climber I often met at Mt. Ege-san. He was kind and friendly guy. I always climb Mt. Ege-san with hoping to meet him.

He was over 80 years old. He climbing everyday. I want to be old like him.

painted stone at the summit

There was a stone which had be painted an animation character. It was Obanai who was one of main character of Demon slayer.

I sometimes find such painted stone at the summit. I considered why someone put such a thing at the summit.  

When I climbed there 3 days later, the stone was not there. I don't know whether someone bring it home or throw away.

Mountains in Shikoku-island

The ambient was not so clear, when I watched Hiroshima city from the summit of Mt, Ege-san. But, many mountains which were in far away had seen well. I don't know the reason.

The mountains in far away were mountains in Shikoku island. I'd never seen it so clearly. I remember the days I was stayed in the island when I was university student. 

Monday, July 19, 2021


Rear tire of MTB was burst with a big sound. The tire was used more than 2 years and more than 11,000 km.

After I brought the bicycle to factory of my office, I changed the tire to new one.

Thursday, July 08, 2021

Commute in hard rain by bicycle

In hard rain, I commuted by bicycle today. River, road and parking area had same surface of water.

It's needed that big power to pedal a bicycle, when the half of wheel sink in water.

Sunday, July 04, 2021


In these days, number of COVID's new infected person is a little in Hiroshima and Okayama. It will be increased at the start of Olympic games.

So, I decided to go home in Okayama in order to meet my old father. He already got vaccination twice.

We walked to mother's tomb to pray. 10 years had passed after she died.

Sunday, June 20, 2021

Tired to climb

I could not climb well. Because I'd not climbed about a month and the temperature was high, and the humidity was high.

I thought I need to train more.  

Friday, June 04, 2021

Cycle computer

I bought new cycle computer for road bike, as the old one had been broken. The design was very beautiful. I want to use it soon. 

Sunday, May 30, 2021


 I can see lily flower in this season at near the summit of Mt. Ege. But, I couldn't see it there. I found it on ridge line between Mt. Ege and Mt. Myoujin. I'd never found it there. 

Thursday, May 27, 2021

Drive recorder for bicycle

I bought a movie camera in order to record vision while I drive bicycle. GOPRO is famous in such camera. At first I considered to buy GOPRO. But, it was too expensive.

So, I bought cheap one which made in China. The price was about one 5th with GOPRO. It was about 10,000 yen.

As a result, the performance was enough for my use. It will help me when I will be crashed with crazy car.

Sunday, May 23, 2021

Mt. Ege

I climbed Mt. Ege in this morning. I left my home at 5:00 and returned home at 8:00. The 3 hours was good time.

Once I climbed in the morning, I could feel satisfaction in all day long.

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Old tire

When I commuted, MTB's rear tire burst with big sound.

I knew that there were many hurts on the surface, because it was very old. I'd used it about 2 years and more than 10,000 km.

I decided to use it continuously. I put rubber patch inside of the hurt. I want to know how long time it can be used.