Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Paid holiday

I had a headache and felt my body heavy when I woke up in this morning. I may have a cold. So, I've gotten a paid holiday today. As I'm busy in my office, getting a paid holiday is not pleasure.
But, I'm feel fine now more than in the morning. Getting a rest during busyness may be important thing.

Monday, January 30, 2012


I'm studying about electricity for license examination for about half year. So, I can understand about electricity a little in these days.
When the centrifugal pump is driven, electricity and many control regulations are needed. So, I think mechanical engineers should have the knowledge about them. I want to be a engineer who have total balanced knowledge.

Sunday, January 29, 2012


It looks unbalance. Isn't it illegal ?
Later, he went into high way.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Slipped many times

I slipped on the road many times, during I drove the car on snowy road. Studless tire couldn't work enough on pressed snow or icy snow. Fortunately, I didn't clash.

Heavy snow

I worked in Miyoshi and Shobara which were there at North area of Hiroshima pref. until yesterday. It was heavy snow. I've never seen such a heavy snow except climbing.
I could resist it, as I stayed there during only several days. It must be tough to stay there in all winter long. On Wednesday, temperature gauge on the road showed -6℃ in Hiwa.
This is a forest in prefectural park which I photoed from hotel's window. Trees looks very beautiful.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Cold wave

Cold wave will come in this week. Unfortunately, I'll be north area of Hiroshima pref. from tomorrow to weekend. Weather report says it will be -6℃ there. I have to be careful not to slip on the road and not to have a cold.

Luxury ?

In these years, I can't feel interesting when I compare with 20's. In those years, I always had played without suffering. In these years, I may burden now more than before. Most of middle ages must be similar with me. Saying such a thing may be luxury.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Memory trick

I'm trying memory trick which I read in the book. Especially, I'm utilizing the forgetting curve. I feel it making good result in these days.
I applied it to my daughter's education in this morning. I hope it make good result for her, too.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Despite holiday

I'm in office despite such a late time. I'm working now despite it's holiday today.
I want to escape into forest road.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Save forest road

I found a nice news today on the web.
There was a construction plan to Hosomidani-forest road. But, Hiroshima prefecture abandoned it, because of lack of money.
Many companies and institutions tried to break environment around there in order to get dirty money. Good-bye, son of a bitch ! Go to hell !
Sorry, I used dirty wards.


Forgetting curve

I read a book which is written about memory skill. I bought the book because I feel my memory skill  is declining.
Forgetting curve says that we should repeat it at 1hour later, 6hours later and 24 hour later. Then, temporary memory will change to stable memory.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Mind condition

In these days, my mind condition is very bad, despite my brain was diagnosed as fine. I don't feel do anything in real world.
I want to stay in the bed forever. I want to escape into deep mountains with tent and climbing gears, and stay there for a long while..
I understood that the mind and physical brain are not equal. All I can do now is waiting until the condition will be improved.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Brain wave

I went to hospital in order to check my brain wave in this morning. As a result, there was no problem on it. My faint was a hard lightheadedness.
I could feel relief now. So, I'll play climbing and jogging. But, I have to be careful when I stand up suddenly.

Indian food

I went to Indian food restaurant with my family in last evening. The restaurant is there near my office. It is cheap and delicious, and the clerks are friendly to my children. So, I often go there.
We ate Naan, Indian curry and tandoori chicken. I paid only about three thousand yen despite we all ate stomach full.

Friday, January 13, 2012

No problem

I went to civilian hospital in order to be diagnosed about my faint. I could watch my brain's section by CT. It was my first experience.
As a result, there was no problem. The accident was only a hard lightheadedness. The doctor said " It may happen when you stand up fast or pass urine after impound much."
My bother was disappeared. Just to be safe, I have to go to check brain wave on next Monday.

Thursday, January 12, 2012


I decide to go to hospital today. I'll get paid holiday today.
I don't like to go to hospital. I'm afraid that doctor will say me the serious story.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Mid finger

I was injured on mid finger of right hand yesterday. One third of nail was peeled.
Strangely, I could not know when the trouble had happened. When I was walking in factory, I found my finger was wet by my blood. At the time, I didn't feel any ache. After I cover there by band-aid, hard ache started to bother me.
I have understood that mid finger always be working hard. When I ride bike, I can't hold the brake lever enough. When I eat dinner, I can't use chopsticks enough. When I write this blog, I can't click the key on the board enough.
I have many trouble after the New year's day.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

On the beach

I went to beach in Saka with my son in the day before yesterday. He always make lake, river and dam on the beach.
When I was child, I made them, too. But, I can't do it now, because the water and sand is very cold.

Monday, January 09, 2012

Holiday job

I'm working in office despite it's holiday today. I'll be busy until the end of March.

Sunday, January 08, 2012

Comic cafe

I went to comic cafe after new year's party had finished yesterday.
I could read every comic for 4 hours only pay 1,000 yen. I could take various drink free.
I'm going there almost every half year. It was a paradise for me.

Saturday, January 07, 2012


I have a hard headache from early in the morning. The ache is continuing despite I drunk medicine.
I afraid the headache have some relationship with faint in a few days ago. I should go to hospital immediately.

Friday, January 06, 2012

New year's visit to a shrine

In my corporation, we go to New year's visit to a shrine in every year. But, I can't attend. It's a rule for religion that it's impossible to go to shrine in a year after family's death.
I don't take into such a religion. And, I like to see a building of shrine and the garden. But, my father said me not to go to shrine for a while. So, I decided not to go there.
Old people's religion always plug my way of life.

Thursday, January 05, 2012


Surface of road was frozen in this morning. My rear tire was slipped at the traffic corner. Fortunately, I didn't fall.
Temperature gauge showed -0 ℃. It must mean the temperature be between -0.1℃ to -0.4℃. I hope spring will come fast.

Wednesday, January 04, 2012


I fainted in front of my wife and daughter last night.
After I woke up from short sleep, width of my sight narrowed. I have no memory after it. When I woke up, floor was there at same level with my eye. I couldn't understand what happened at the time.
They said that I woke up about 10 seconds later after I had fainted. When I woke up, they worried me very much.
I have to be careful when I stand up.

Commute in the snow

I commute to office after 5 days vacation. It was snow. So, it was hard job to commute by bike. A hard new year has started.

Tuesday, January 03, 2012

Plastic model

There is nothing to do after I return from Okayama. So, I went to buy a plastic model with my son. This is not my son's one. But, It's mine.
I decide to stay home in the rest of this vacation.


We walked to my mother's tomb in new year's day. Both my old home and tomb is there nearby a river. So, we could walk on the bank.
Walking on the bank was cold, but very nice. We could see many plants and birds. It was a very fine day.

I hope

In last year, many bad accidents happened, such as large earthquake, my mother's dead and European economic depression, etc. I hope we can stay peacefully in this year.

New year's eve

I stayed in my old home in Okayama from New year's eve to New year's day.
The last day in the year is said "New year's eve" in English. I found it on digital dictionary. It looks like Christmas eve. So, I can understand easily.