Wednesday, January 04, 2012


I fainted in front of my wife and daughter last night.
After I woke up from short sleep, width of my sight narrowed. I have no memory after it. When I woke up, floor was there at same level with my eye. I couldn't understand what happened at the time.
They said that I woke up about 10 seconds later after I had fainted. When I woke up, they worried me very much.
I have to be careful when I stand up.


  1. faint:気絶する
    short sleep:仮眠

  2. Please be careful for your family!

    I also sometimes feel giddy when I stand up quickly.

    But I have not yet fainted for 10 seconds so far.

  3. Thank you for your worrying about me.
    I sometimes be such a situation from when I was young. It is the fifth time. So, I don't worry so. But, if my head strike something hard, it must be a heavy trouble. So, I have to be careful.
    I have to acknowledge that I (and you) am not young now.
