Sunday, September 23, 2012


I had a nap twice today. At first, I swept between 8 to 10 in the morning. At the second, I swept between 15 to 18. All I had done today was that went out to have a lunch with my family. I won't sleep well in this night.


  1. Last night I also could not well .

    Because I became nervous for today's TOEIC test.

    The primary purpose of English study was not to take high scores for TOEIC.

    Therefore I will not focus on TOEIC as always.

    By the way, are you able to go to our secret forest for
    a camping on Oct.6-7 with our Mr.T..

    My concern is that I injured my self when I lifted up a turbine blade of 11kg at the factory.

    A main part of ham strings ware damaged .

    But now I am getting better day by day.

    1. Your invitation to forest road and camping is very magnetic. But, I have to exam for other license about electricity on October 6. As the paper test is easy, it's not need to study hard. But, I have to attend it. And I have to go to old home in Okayama on October 7 to 8 in order to meet with lonely my father.
      As I can't promise now when I can go there with you, please go there only you and T. I'm very very sorry.

  2. I could fully understand your situation.

    I would go there with Mr.T .

    And never mind ,please!

    We will certainly have a chance to go there in this Autumn .
