Monday, December 23, 2013

Small peak

There is a small forest near my house. I found the entrance of the forest and entered it with my son in this morning.
There was a small peak in the forest. It must be the nearest peak from my house.

Walk in the morning

In these days, I don't jog in the morning. After I climbed Mt. Tsurgi and Mt. Daisen, I didn't jog.
So, it was hard job to climb Mt. Ibuki.
Jogging in the morning make tough body. I don't have a cold in the season when I jog enough.
I jogged in this morning after a long interval. It made me comfortable now.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013


I'm very busy in these weeks. There is no leeway to write this blog. I don't know when I'll write next.

Monday, December 09, 2013

Human Relationships

Human relationships is difficult.
In these days, I often ignore it because it is messy. It's maybe because of my increased age.
Perhaps, it is not good.

Wednesday, December 04, 2013


I found the YAMAHA WR250R was there in central market in Hiroshima. It is the best bike which I yearn for.
It is the most powerful and high spec bike in 250cc class. But, it is very expensive. I'm really emvious the owner.

Shrimp rice bowl

I ate shrimp rice bowl for lunch today. The restaurant is there in the central market in Hiroshima. As my customer said that it was delicious, I entered there.
As a result, it was delicious. If I'll be around there in lunch time, I'll eat it again.

Tuesday, December 03, 2013

Gentle and Beautiful Mountain

When I reached ground, the weather had changed fine. Mt. Ibuki looked gentle and beautiful. Nobody could not understand that much snow was there on the top.
During I walk from mountain to station, I satisfied myself. Climbing is most interesting action. Preparation, transfer, climbing, on the top and descendant are all interesting.
What mountain will I climb next ?

Preparation is important

When I was descending from the top, I often slipped on the snow. So, I used light climbing iron which I bought for the climbing.
It made good effects. I could run first at the snowy slope. I understood that preparation was very important for climbing.

Triangulation Point

This was a triangulation point of Mt. Ibuki.
When I step it, I always can realize that I conquer the mountain. So, I always look for it on the top of mountain. But, it may be out of manner.

If it was fine・・・

If it was fine, I could see Mt. Yarigatake. The landscape must made me be moved. Because the Mt. Yarigatake is special mountain for me.
But I was in deep mist on the top of Mt. Ibuki.

Top of Mt. Ibuki

I reached to top of Mt. Ibuki.
Mt. Ibuki is one of 100 most famous mountains in Japan. This was the 10th mountain which I conquered.
There was a ugly statue at the top. It made the ambient bad.
Mr. Kyuya Fukada who defined 100 most famous mountains said this statue was very bad, too.
But, the top was very nice except the statue. I'll never climb this mountain. But, this was nice memory.

Snow mountain

It was deep snow world around the top. It was surrounded by deep mist. So, there were no landscape. I was surprised by the difference between the top and ground.
A little snow fell. Cold wind blew. The temperature must be under 0 ℃.
During I walked it was warm. But, I felt cold at 10 second after I stopped. So, I wore the dawn coat.
Despite it was hard weather, it was a pleasurable situation for me. I enjoyed walking on the snow.
I would reach the top, soon.

Cloudy and cold

It was cold and windy. Mist ran on the surface of ground. As it was bad weather, only several climbers were walking around me.
When I walked, it was hot. But, when I had rest, it was cold. Control body temperature was difficult for such climbing. I want enough wear. But they are very expensive.

Entrance of climbing road

After I walked for about an hour, I reached the entrance of climbing road. There are some hotels and restaurants for tourist around there. They must be for climbers and skiers. But, it was silent town.
A primary school student hailed me loudly. The event made me love this local town. I understood that good hail had a power.
In the cold wind, I started to climb.

Ohmi Nagaoka station

Ohmi Nagaoka station is there in local area in Shiga pref. Nobody was there except me on platform. Station staff was not there, because it was local station.
Distance between this station and entrance of climbing road was about 5 km. But, there was no good transport system for it. And, there were no taxi in front of the station.
So, I decided to walk. Walking is my hobby, too. So, there was no stress to walk for long distance.

Station in early morning

In the morning of climbing day, I checked out the hotel at 5:00, and I boarded the first train which would leave Nagoya at 5:43.
There were nobody except me in the platform. It might be the first experience.
I ate breakfast in the train and waited the train reached the station which was there near Mt. Ibuki.
It may be the most pleasurable time when I'm moving by train.

Sleep in Nagoya

Object of this journey was joining to the meeting about professional mechanical engineers. It is held at this season every year. I always joining it.
But, I couldn't enjoyed the meeting. It's may be because I didn't have motivation about studying about mechanical engineering.
So, I didn't join the drinking party after the meeting. I won't join it next year.
After I reached the hotel, I ate dinner in the room and swept early for climbing in the next day.
By the way, I always put all baggage and items on the floor in the hotel. Because I can find every items easily when I check out from the hotel.

Pork Cutlet with miso

Pork cutlet with miso is a specialty dish of Nagoya. I ate it in the restaurant which was there under the Nagoya station.
I didn't expect the taste, because the restaurant must be for travelers. I entered the restaurant, because I wanted to have a experience which I had eaten pork cutlet with miso.
But, it was more tasty than I expected. The cutlet was very crispy despite the surface was covered by miso. And, smell of miso was fit with cutlet.
If I'll go to Nagoya, I want to go the restaurant again.

Mt. Ontake from Castle Tower

I could see beautiful and large snow mountain from the window of Nagoya castle. It was Mt. Ontake which is one of 100 famous mountain in Japan. It is there in mid Alps.
I was really envious of climbers who stayed in Nagoya. They can go mountains in Japan Alps easily. I should enter a company which was there in Nagoya. But, I was not interested in mountains when I was student.

Colored leaves

Many colored leaves were there on the ground around the fosse. They had many colors. It was like a beautiful carpet.
As this is so beautiful, I use this photo to background of this blog now.

Nagoya Castle

As I had long time until the castle open, I walked around the fosse of Nagoya castle.
Nagoya castle is famous because of the size and the beauty. I had watched it many times in histlical TV programs.
I photoed it with willow leaves because I like the tree. Swan which is swimming in lake make this photo nice.

Midnight Bus to Nagoya

I went to Nagoya by midnight bus. I rode in Bus in Friday night. And I reached Nagoya in Saturday morning.
As I was used to traveling by midnight bus, I could sleep in it well. During I was in deep dream, the bus reached to Nagoya.

Monday, December 02, 2013

1000th letter

This is 1000th letter for this blog ! Congratulations !
I started on August 2010. I continued 3 years and 3 months.
I don't know whether my English level change good or not. But, I'll continue.

Light climbing iron

It is snow in these days in north side of Japan. Mt. Ibuki is there at the area where it have heavy snow. So, I bought light climbing iron.
As it is small and light, there is no stress for bringing it.

40L Backpack

I bought 40 litter backpack on Thursday. At first, I prepared 30 litter's one for travelling Nagoya and climbing Mt. Ibuki-san. But, it was too small. So, I bought it.
The maker is Millet. I thought that this backpack have many useful function. This is the most nice backpack when I compare with other two my backpacks.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Mt. Myojin-san

I climbed Mt. Myojin-san with my son today. The road to the top is very interesting. But the top is not good, because there is no wide view at the top.
As we started to climb late, it was dark when we climb down. But, I always bring head lamp in mountain. So, we could return with out danger.
It was good training for climbing Mt. Ibuki-san on next Sunday.


I stayed in Miyoshi from Monday to Friday in last week. It was because of business trip.
It was very cold. I saw snow was falling. It was the first in this winter.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Spanish food

I went to Spanish restaurant "Peperone" in Yokogawa with my friend in the day before yesterday. There are many good restaurant in Yokogawa. So, I often go there with him.
The restaurant was recommended by his English teacher. I'd never gone Spanish restaurant. So, it was interesting experience for me.
Famous Spanish food Paella was tasty. Shrimp and Shell's soup made good tasty rice. But the Spanish drink Sherry was not good for me.
I promised him to eat there again.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Walk in Yano

I walked in Yano town with my son yesterday. It was because he said that he wanted to see the stone marker which was carved to "Ittyou". He studied it in lesson of rocal history in his school.
"Ttyou" is a old unit about distance. "Ittyou" is about 109m.
As the Yano is old town, there are many ruins. I often find strange things.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Mt. Ibuki-san

I'll go to Nagoya at the end of November to join the meeting about professional mechanical engineer. After the meeting, I'll climb Mt. Ibuki-san in Shiga pref.
If I can climb it, it is 10th mountain in 100 famous mountains in Japan. But, I heard that the mountain is worst mountain in the mountains. So, I'll climb it in order to get the record. It may be not interesting.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Long week

I worked yesterday despite it was Sunday. The week which start from Sunday always long. I already tired now despite it is Monday today.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013


Many typhoon attack Japan in these days. Is this because of warming temperature ?

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Silver medal

My son win the silver medal of picture contest. He get some medal in 4 continuous years. When he was first year grade, he got gold medal. And, bronze medal in second and third grade.
He must have a talent about painting.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Announcement of test results

It was date of announcement of test results about electric chief engineer, today. Of course, I succeeded it. But, it was hard examination. I had studied for about 2.5 years about it.
I think knowledge of electricity is important for machine engineer. Width of my job will be spread than now.
What kind of study should I do next ? My motto is "study until die."

Monday, October 14, 2013


I went to festival which was held at shrine near my house. He brought 700 yen which was given by his mother. He bought lot twice. One lot is 300 yen. He embarked almost every money to the lot. Of course, he lost the lot.
I did't advised about it. Because, being faked in young age must be good experience.
But, after he lost the lot, he said " I'll win next year". He don't have understood yet.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Have a rest

I'll have a rest all day long today. Staying home all day long is after a long interval. I worked or went out to play in the weekend for about a month.
All I'll do is going to library and read book today.

Saturday, October 12, 2013


I went to drink beer with my colleague yesterday. All we could drink and eat for 3,000 yen. It was very cheap. Of course, it was not so tasty. But, I enjoyed talking with them.
I'm working now with hungover despite it is Saturday, today.

Tuesday, October 08, 2013


I ate a cup noodle for lunch today. This one is very delicious. So, I always can't stop to drink all of the soap.
The soap must be include much salt. It must be bad for middle's health.

Monday, October 07, 2013

Forest road

I went to forest road in North Hiroshima yesterday.
As it was after rain, road condition was very bad. I'm rude for riding of dirt road, I stopped before the big stones and large holes. But, my partner have an experience of race of off-road. So, he could rode on such hard stones and holes.
By the way, dirty off-road bike is very cool.

Wednesday, October 02, 2013


I'd bothered by muscle ache until yesterday from the day after I climbed Mt. Daisen. My son played and ran around with his friend without muscle ache in the day we came back from there.
Aging is heartless.

Monday, September 30, 2013

Camp in forest

We constructed tent and stayed in forest after we downed from Mt. Daisen. As it was out of season for camp, it was empty. So, we could sleep in silent deep forest.
Nice mountain and nice forest made me comfortable. It was very nice weekend.

Out of bounds

There was Kengamine which was real top of Mt. Daisen over this board. This board said "Don't walk as it is dangerous". This is road only for professional level.
I explained my son about this warning and the reason. But he said he wanted to go there. He may climb there after he grow up.

Top of Mt. Daisen

There were wood's road near the top in order to keep environment for plants. We could see clouds run on the ground as if we were there on Castle in the sky "Laputan". It was fantastic.
Beautiful sight, cool wind and many plants were there. I hadn't know Mt. Daisen was so nice. This is not defeated by mountains in North Alps.
As it is near, I'll often climb it.

Walked over the cloud

Near the top, we could see cloud which were there under us. We could see Japan sea and Yonago city. He looked as if he was walked in the sky.
Climbing Mt. Daisen was nice more than I expected.

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Climb with my son

I'll climb Mt. Daisen with my son, today. Before do it, I have to drive to under the mountain. And, We will stay in tent until tomorrow.
As I came back late in last night, they must be the hard job.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Damn Lake

I went to Haji damn with my family. We played to ride bicycle and rode boat. It was hot today.

Thursday, September 05, 2013


It is cool in the morning in these days. It was very hot about 2 weeks ago. The season is changing suddenly. It may be because of warming temperature. Beautiful four seasons may disappear soon.

Wednesday, September 04, 2013

After Examination

I'd finished examination on Sunday. So, there is no need to study in these days. I can read manga after I returned home. I can watch TV programs. I can wake up late in the morning.
After I have a rest for a while, I'll start to train for climbing. I'll climb Mt. Daisen with my son in October.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Returne home

I went back to my hometown the day before yesterday. As my daughter had to study, she and my wife didn't go there. My son and I went there.
As my mother died two years ago, my father stay there alone. When she had alive, she made us delicious food. So, I had a pleasure to go back to home.
In this summer, all we did with my father was going to eat broiled meat. There is no value to go there now. There is no value to lonely old guy. I'll be such a guy about 20 years later.

Tuesday, August 06, 2013

Korean climbers

I heard the news that the some Korean climbers were died in Middle Alps in the day when I was in North Alps. It was rainy and cold day. I felt cold and afraid to die at the day, too. Same whether must be attacked the Korean climbers.
I pray for the victims of distress. They and I are the same climber.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

After hard climbing

I stayed in hotel in Toyama city after I returned from Murodou. We ate delicious foods and drink saki. We ate shrimp, squid and fishes in Toyama bay. Toyama bay is storehouse of many seafood.
It was deluxe night.

Bus center

At first, I planed to climb Mt. Tateyama which is there near Tsurugi. But, I gave up it. Because, I was tired and lost brave heart, and fuel cartridge was empty.
When I returned to Murodou bus station, many tourists in normal wear were there.
I ate hot Udon there. It was hot and tasty. I always feel restaurant food very tasty when I eat after long climbing.
By the way, I understood that staying in civilization is very cozy.

Return from Tsurugi alive

We reached to camp site at 3 PM. We returned from Tsurugi alive.
It was very cold. Inside of wear was wet by my sweat. So, I felt a chill. If I might miss judge, I must have a cold or die by hypothermia.
So, we stayed together in one tent in order to warm up and save fuel. Burning stove in tent was very dangerous. But, there was no other idea.
When I go out from tent after sunset, surface of snow goï½’ge was iced. So, the ambient temperature must be under 0℃ despite it was on end of july.
In the tent, we ate hot miso soup. It was very warm and tasty. It was warm heaven in the tent.
As a result, this experience was best memory in this climbing. I can't forget the taste of eggplant in miso soup.

Heavy weather

During we return from top to camp site, it changed to very bad weather.
It was thundered on the ridge line. So, we often hide beside big rocks.
Hard rain make river on mountain road. So, I often slipped on the road. I was wet inside rain wear.
Amazingly, hailstone dropped on my head despite it was the end of July.
If we missed judgement, we might die in the mountain like Korean climbers in Mid Alps.
There is no picture about this, because I had no allowance.
It was the hardest climbing in my life.


"Kani-no-yokobai" means that crab walk sideways. It's famous for the danger like "Kani-no-tatebai". When I turn at the corner, I feared, because I couldn't see the point which I would step.
Many climbers stand in line before there. I had heard that some climbers couldn't go there and made long line.

Triangulation point

Someone said that stepping on triangulation point is out of manner. But I always step on it at the top of mountain. When I step on it, I think I conquer the mountain.
I had read a book which treated about a guy who built this triangulation point. I respect him, of course.

The top

This was the top of Mt. Tsurugidake.
I've seen the photo which a small shrine stand on this top. It might be blown by wind.
I heard that this road to top was most difficult in Japanese mountain. I reached there at last. It was one of the most favorite mountain for me.

Near the top

The top appeared in front of me.


This is famous "Kani-no-tatebai". The meaning is that the crab walks vertically.
In the web, everyone said this was dangerous and terrible road. But, it was easy for me as a result. Because, stable foothold and thick chains were there. There were more dangerous point in this mountain.

Thunder bird

I could see charming thunder bird. I'd seen him in Mt. Suishoudake about 2 years ago. This was the second experience. As he is a rare species, every climbers want to see him.
By the way, he must be more important than I for nature.

Unstable road

He is my partner in this climbing. We passed many unstable road until the top.

Hard road

There were many chains and ladders in Mt. Tsurugi-dake. But, I used to climb such a road because I had many experience in Mt, Hotaka-dake in last summer. I could enjoyed them.


It was cloudy in the morning when I climbed Mt. Tsurugi-dake. I couldn't see the top. But, I decided to climb. I had no worry at the time.

Great mountain

Mt. Tsurugidake was big and looks steep. When I watched it from the camp site, I afraid that I can't climb to the top, because the top is very far and stay over the hard rocks.
But ・・・ What a cool mountain the Tsurugi is ! I thought I wanted to climb with fear.

Snowy gorge

There were many snowy gorge between Murodou and Mt. Yarigatake. So, I prepared climbing iron. Walking on snowy gorge in summer was very nice.
The length of this snowy gorge was some kilometers. So, if I sliped on the snow, I would clash to rock and died. I walked there carefully.

I couldn't climbed Mt. Okudainichi-dake

I planned to climb Mt. Okudainichi-dake before I would go to the first camp site Tsurugisawa. But, I couldn't. Because I was under bad condition. I had a cold.
I decided to cancel to climb this mountain in order to save my power for climbing Mt. Tsurugi-dake in the next day..
As a result, it was a good judgement. When I reached the camp site, I was very tired and had a fever.

I couldn't climbed Mt. Tateyama

Mt. Tateyama is one of the 100 most famous mountains in Japan. And it is there near Mt. Tsurugi-dake. So, I planned to climb this mountain, at first. But, I couldn't. I'll write the reason later.
By the way, landscape from Murodou was wonderful. I thought I was stay in Switzerland. There must be no place like this in Japan.
I hope I'll climb this mountain in the future.

I couldn't climb enough

At first I planned to climb Mt. Tsurugi-dake, Mt. Okudainichi-dake and Mt. Tateyama.
But, I could climb Mt. Tsurugi-dake only. So, I can't be satisfied when I think about the volume of distance of walk. But, climbing Mt. Tsurugi-dake was very hard job. So, I can be satisfied when I think about the content.
The reasons why I felt it hard are my bad condition and bad whether.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Forest road

I went to forest road by bike yesterday. As it was after hard rain, condition of the road was very bad. Many big rocks appeared from the surface. Some point of the road was collapsed. So, I drove my bike slowly and safety.
It was hard job. But I could felt a sense of fulfillment.

Climbing iron

I bought climbing iron because I'll walk snowy gorge near Mt. Tsurugi-dake. I had a image that climbing iron is for professional climber. Using such item is my pride. I have to train how to walk with it.


I bought a spoon which can be folded. I can include this spoon into cooker set. Such function is one of the most important performance for climbing item.