Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Return from Tsurugi alive

We reached to camp site at 3 PM. We returned from Tsurugi alive.
It was very cold. Inside of wear was wet by my sweat. So, I felt a chill. If I might miss judge, I must have a cold or die by hypothermia.
So, we stayed together in one tent in order to warm up and save fuel. Burning stove in tent was very dangerous. But, there was no other idea.
When I go out from tent after sunset, surface of snow gorge was iced. So, the ambient temperature must be under 0℃ despite it was on end of july.
In the tent, we ate hot miso soup. It was very warm and tasty. It was warm heaven in the tent.
As a result, this experience was best memory in this climbing. I can't forget the taste of eggplant in miso soup.

1 comment:

  1. return from ~ alive:~から生還する
    feel a chill:悪寒がする
