Tuesday, July 30, 2013

I couldn't climb enough

At first I planned to climb Mt. Tsurugi-dake, Mt. Okudainichi-dake and Mt. Tateyama.
But, I could climb Mt. Tsurugi-dake only. So, I can't be satisfied when I think about the volume of distance of walk. But, climbing Mt. Tsurugi-dake was very hard job. So, I can be satisfied when I think about the content.
The reasons why I felt it hard are my bad condition and bad whether.

1 comment:

  1. Mt. Tsurugi-dake:剱岳(日本百名山)
    Mt. Okudainichi-dake:奥大日岳(日本二百名山)
    Mt. Tateyama:立山(日本百名山)
