Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Sea food noodle

I ate seafood noodle at the top of Mt. Ege. Eating instant noodle at the top is my boom.
I could spend in a good time at the top. Rest at the top is most special deluxe time.

Mt. Ege

I climbed Mt. Ege. I could reached the top only for 1 hour when I was in best condition in summer. But, I needed about 1 and half hour today. Because I didn't train in these days.
This was the last climbing in this year. I could climbed many mountains in this year. It was nice year for me.

Hard road

On the climbing road to Mt. Ege, there was a branch which was to Mt. Fukunaga. The board said that the road was very bad.
After I walked the road for 5 minutes, I retired. Because, the bush was covered the surface of the road. I decided that I had to bring the grove and the map. Someday, I'll climb the mountain.
In spring and summer, the bush must be glow more. So, I should climb in winter.

Monday, December 22, 2014

Cup noodle

I always bring hot water flask and instant noodle to mountain. It's my trend in these days. It supply me hot food in cold wind.
Eating hot noodle in cold wind is luxurious.

Mt. Takao

I climbed Mt. Takao yesterday. It was rehabilitation for my backache. Mt. Takao was nearest mountain from my home. I could reached the top for 45 minutes. The height was only 260m. So, it was suitable for may rehabilitation.
As a result, there was no damage for my back. It was good train. When I don't train enough, my backache always apper. So, I have to continue to train.
There were many elders on the top from Saka town. So, the top was busy for a while. But, I could stay alone after they climbed down there.

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Heavy snow

It was heavy snow yesterday. It was very rare case which was such a heavy in Hiroshima on December.
As everyone in south Hiroshima have no preparation for snow, traffic jam and accident always happen in snow.
Hard traffic jam appeared predictably. So, transfer was hard job yesterday.

Monday, November 24, 2014

Colored leaves

There was a temple which famous for the colored leaves beside Mt. Soko. The road of climbing down through the ground of the temple. So, I could see beautiful colored leaves there. Many visitors watched the leaves and photoed by camera.
It was good option of the climbing.

Cup noodle at the top

I brought a hot water flask with cup noodle. I thought I would eat hot cup noodle by the boiled water in the flask, because the flask had a good performance for keeping the heat.
As a result, I could eat delicious hot noodle at the top. I'll bring it to the mountain in winter.

Mt. Soko

I climbed Mt. Soko today. The mountain was one of the famous mountain in Hiroshima Pref.
Near the entrance of the climbing road, surface of ground was damaged by disaster of hard rain. So, it was difficult to walk. But, many climbers were there at the top.
The top had a good landscape. I could sea Hiroshima bay, Islands in Setouch sea and city Hiroshima. It was a nice climbing.

Saturday, November 22, 2014


It was there near the cycling station. It was hunger for bicycles. I thought it was nice design.

Salt ramen

I went to island Hakata as a business trip. Natural salt is famous there. In the island, I ate salt ramen. As the customer who stay there recomend, the restaurant's salt ramen was very delicious. After I ate the lunch, I ate salt ice cream at the beach.

Monday, November 10, 2014

Plastic model

As it was rain yesterday, I assembled plastic model. The model was space battle ship "Yamato" which was the machine in animation.
I am a fun of the animation. So, getting the 3D model was very happiness. After I assembled it, I watched it for a long while.

Monday, November 03, 2014

Four legs

At the depth of deep valley, 4 branches ceder was there. The road from top of Mt. Togo to the tree was very hard. The slope was very heavy. And the surface of the road was often hidden by bush. And the surface of the road was muddy by the rain in the last night.
I often thought that I should abandon to reach there, because the road was too long and I thought I might miss the road.
When I found the tree over the deep bush, I was very happy.

The tree was very strange. branches were connected each other by the iron rings and chains as if they are handcuff. And the atmosphere around the tree was eerie and dark.
After I returned home, I heard the legend about the tree. It was more than 400 years old. And the tree had walked by the 4 legs in Edo period. So, the people in the age connected the 4 branches in order to inhibit it walk.

I could understood the strange atmosphere around it. It was mysterious and interesting experience.

Simple top

There were no landscape from the top, because there were surrounded by many trees. There were no board which showed the top of mountain. I could see only signal for ceder which have 4 branches.
But, it was nice climbing, because I could see beautiful colored leaves around the climbing road.
Mt. Togo was famous mountain in Hiroshima pref. But, I met nobody at the top and climbing road. So, I could enjoy loneliness.


I met a huntsman at the entrance of climbing road. He advised me that I shouldn't climb alone. Some climbers met bear in the mountain.
There was warning board there, too. The board said that "Asiatic black bear often appeared in Yuki town. When you enter the mountain, you have to bring a bell for avoiding bear. Or, you should use radio."
After I met huntsman and saw the warning, I feared to enter mountain. But, I couldn't stop climbing because I wasted more than 1 hour to reach there.
I entered mountain by sounding music loudly by mobile phone, because I didn't have the bell and radio.
I often be surprised when I watch black stone or black stub.

Mt. Togo

I climbed Mt Togo in the morning. Mt Togo is famous for the ceder which have 4 branches.
I have a book which introduce 52 famous mountain in Hiroshima. I have a goal which I'll conquer all of them. Mt. Yogo is one of the mountains.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014


My wife and daughter had a cold. At first, daughter had it, and wife had caught the infection.
I had a headache from this noon. I may catch the cold.

Saturday, October 25, 2014


My son recognized his drawing in 5 continuous years. I think he was great. We went the award ceremony.

Cloud sea

I could see cloud sea from the top of Mt. Ege. I often could see it at North Alps. But it was first experience at Mt. Ege. Deep cloud flow over the ridge line.

Sunrise at the top

After a long interval, I climbed Mt. Ege in this morning. I reached to the top at the sunrise. Top of mountain always give me the deluxe time.

Friday, October 24, 2014

Worst lunch

I ate worst lunch yesterday at restaurant near my office. The main was croquette which must be frozen food. Side menu was only potato, cabbage, miso soup and simmered dish, etc.
It was 530 yen. It was too expensive. We can eat such level by only paying 300 yen at convenience store. I was blue in the afternoon.

Wednesday, October 01, 2014


Mt. Ontake exploded in a few days ago. Many people were died there.
There were few sign before it exploded. So, there are same risk at every other volcano.
Mt. Kujyu which we climbed in a week ago is such a volcano. So, there were same risk with Mt. Ontake.
But, I can't stop to climb mountains.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Silent camp site

After we descend mountain, we went to camp site near Kujyu. After we construct a tent, went to buy meat to shop in town Kujyu. And enjoyed grilled meat beside the tent.
There was hot spring in the camp site, we could wash our body and take a good rest.
There were a few campers there because it was on Sunday.
It was very nice camp site.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Mysterious lake

Mysterious beautiful lake was there between Mt. Kujyu and Mt. Naka. The color was emerald green. When we returned from Mt. Naka, we walked beside the lake. It was a interesting event.

By the way, when we reached to Mt. Nakadake, the deep mist appeared again. So, we couldn't see landscape from there despite it was the highest mountain in Kyushu island. The fine times when we stayed at top of Kujyu was very lucky time.

At the top

Best landscape was appeared in front of us on the top. We could see cloud under our feet. We could see Mt. Aso, and Mt. Sobo, etc. My son said that we'll climb them someday.
Staying on nice top was most nice time. We stayed there for a long while and ate rice ball.
It was my 12th mountain of the 100 most famous mountain in Japan. It was second one for my son.


When we reached near the top, it changed to be fine. Good landscape appeared in front of us. Some climbers who went down from the top said that there was no landscape because of deep mist. It may be miracle.
Top of Mt. Kujyu was ï½’ight side of this picture. We could see many climbers were there on the top. We would reach the top soon.

In the mist

When we reach Nishi-senri, it was very misty. Distance which we could see was only about 10 meter.
I heard that it often be deep misty in Mt. Kujyu. But, it was very hard. If I lost my son once, it must be impossible to find him. So, I didn't make distance from him.
Sight seeing was very bad. But, it was nice experience to him.

Mt. Kujyu

I swept only about 2 hours in the car after I drove from 20:00 on Saturday to 3:00 on Sunday. Later, I started to climb Mt. Kujyu with my son.
Mt. Kujyu was one of the 100 famous mountain in Japan. So, I wanted to climbed for a long while.
Climbing with my son was very interesting despite it was misty and rainy.

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Midnight run

I'll drive the car to Oita pref. in this night. The object is climbing Mt. Kujyu with my son. 
I have to drive about 400 km. I'll reach entrance of climbing road at about 1 AM tomorrow. It must be hard work. I'll have to take care not to sleep during I'll drive.
We'll sleep in tent tomorrow night, and we'll climb Mt. Aso. They are hard, but interesting event.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Autumn sky

I lied down on grass and saw the sky. Autumn sky was very beautiful. As the Shobara was high elevation area, the cloud was very near.

By bicycle

We run around the park by rental bicycle. They are my wife, daughter and son.

Park in north side of Hiroshima pref.

I went to Bihoku kyuryou koen which was the park on hill with my family. We can stay slowly and feel easy. So, we go there in autumn almost every year.
My son enjoyed play equipment like a small child. We ate lunch box on grass. It was a easy holiday.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Short cut by ship

When we were returning, we used ferry between Iguch in Ohmishima island and Tadanoumi in mainland.
Distance between Tadanoumi and my home was very near. It was out of my imagine. So, I didn't be tired.
It was a very nice event. I want to go to Shikoku island through these bridges from Iguchi with them in spring.


This is a bridge which constructed between Hiroshima pref. and Ehime pref. I could through this bridge by only I paid 100 yen.
As my bike size was under 125cc, I through the area which was for walker and bicycler. My friend's bike was over 125cc, they paid 600 yen for the bridge.
I realized that my bike was very good for economy.


One of the object of this touring was eating octopus at Setoda. Setoda was famous of octopus.
We ate many dishes, such as law octopus, boiled octpus, flied octopus, soup of octopus and tempura of octopus etc. It was very interesting time.
As the meat of octopus was lively, my jaw was very tired.
By the way, I didn't photoed this. This was photoed by my friend.

Touring with friends

I ran Shimanami sea road by bike with my friends yesterday.
I often go to mountain road. But, touring only on the asphalt road was first time after I married.
It was very interesting. During driving bike, we couldn't talk each other. But, it was very interesting when we ran together.
When I was university student, I did such touring with friends. I remembered the days.

Monday, September 08, 2014

Climb after a long interval

I climbed Mt. Ege yesterday. I had not climbed mountain after I climbed Mt. Yatsuga-dake. So, it was after a long interval.
I could climb fast and powerful despite I didn't train enough. Powerful muscle and lung were sustained more than 1 month. It was nice news for me, because I'll climb Mt. Kujyu and Yufu in the week after with my son.

Sunday, September 07, 2014

Mountain road

I went to mountain road with my friend yesterday. It was first challenge by new bike.
As the diameter of the tire was larger than the old one's, It was easy to over the rock.
After we ate lunch beside the stream, it started to hard rain. But, I could enjoyed it. Much of stress in my heart was deleted.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Land slide

A big land slide happened in Hiroshima in early morning the day before yesterday. More than 50 people already died.
Hiroshima is basically safety area. That was a rare case.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Start training

I started to run in this morning. It was first train after I climbed Mt. Yatsuga-dake. Less of train always make me backache. So, training is important for me. I ran in bay side in Saka.

Saturday, August 09, 2014


A big typhoon is coming. So, I'll stay in home today and tomorrow.
As I haven't fixed from tiredness of climbing, it is a good rest for me now.

Wednesday, August 06, 2014

Cheap lunch

I ate cheap lunch today. Octopus ball was 100 yen. Lunch box was 184 yen. Total was 284 yen. They had a volume enough to be full stomach.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Shao mai

I bought shao mai lunch box in Shin-Yokohama station. Because Yokohama is famous for Kiyoken's shao mai. Normal shao mai lunch box was sold outed. So, I bought shao mai and fried rice set lunch box.
Eating lunch box in Shinkansen super express is always dalicious. I read a book and swept in the train until it reached Hiroshima.

in July 28, 2014

Station for return home

After I swept well in the hotel, I ate breakfast in the hotel in the morning. And, I prepared slowly, and I went to station Chino. As the railroad to Nagoya was broken by landslide, I had to through  Yokohama in order to return Hiroshima.
I regret about that I couldn't climb Mt. Tateshina. But, I could climbed main object Mt. Akadake. So, I should satisfy the climbing. What mountain will I climb in next summer?

in July 28, 2014

Buckwheat noodle

After I wash myself in hotel in Chino, I walk to Buckwheat noodle restaurant. It was a most sought after restaurant in Chino. I checked it on web before I left Hiroshima.
Chino is a city in Nagano pref. The area is famous for Soba (Japanese buckwheat noodle). Soba and beer after climbing is always royally delicious.
The soba was tasty. But the length of noodle was too short. I like to slurp up long noodles. What Buckwheat noodle restaurant will I go next summer ?

in July 27, 2014

Choose a wrong pass

I choose a wrong pass here after I climbed down from Mt. Kitayoko-dake. I should turned left, but I turned right.
The reason were hard rain, tiredness and careless miss. But, the most reason was bad signal on the marker at the branch.
When I noticed the mistake, I walked about 1 hour. If I returned to the branch and climb Mt. Tateshina, I would reach camp site after 18:00. As it was bad weather, it must be dangerous.
So, I decided to abandon climbing Mt. Tateshina. Climbing Mt. Tateshina was one of the most important object for the climbing. So, I was frustrated. But, I knew that such judgement was most important for climbing.
After I decided so, I climbing down to asphalt road. And I went to Chino town by bus.
I regretted for a long while after I went back to Hiroshima.

in July 27, 2014

Mt. Kitayoko-dake

It was under the hard wind and cold rain at the top of Mt. Kitayoko-dake. As it was too cold, I escaped from the top early. Some climbers left there early, too.
I left there and I went to the road to Mt. Tateshina.

in July 27, 2014

Deadwood's mountain

Mt. Mongare was famous of the standing deadwoods. As it was misty, the landscape of the forest was very fantastic and beautiful.
But, as I was alone for a long while, I felt loneliness. I met only a couple climber in the mountain.
When it was busy in mountain, I feel bad. But, when it was alone, I feel loneliness. I thought I was selfish.
Now it was good memory.

in July 27, 2014

Lonely road

Mountain road from mountain pass Mugikusa to Mt. Mongare was very hard. It was dark and rain. No climber walked. I was alone.
Large rocks were there on the road. It was like a depth of river. So, it was difficult to walk, and I sometimes slipped on the rock.
I continued to walk in order to reach some peaks. It was one of the most bitter climbing in my life.

in July 27, 2014

Wanted to ride

Third day was very hard. As the cold front through this area, it often be hard wind and rain.
When I reached the mountain path Mugikusa , I found bus stop. It was beside the National route. As I had been tired and it was bad weather, I wanted to wait bus and go to town.
But, I resist the temptation, and started to walk again.

in July 27, 2014

Camp site in lake Shirakoma

After I walked long long mountain road from morning, I reached camp site at last. The site was there near the lake Shirakoma.
Janitor of the site was surprised when I told her that I left the lodge kiret in the morning. Nobody walked to there after such long walking.
As the site was near the asphalt road, many campers (they are not climbers) were there with many heavy items.
I assembled my tent at the end of the site.
As clean water was there enough in the site, I washed my body by wet towel. But, my body must be very bad smelling.

in July 26, 2014

Icy food and drink

I could ate shaved ice and drunk cool drink at lodge Takamiiwa. They were civilized foods after a long interval. They were very delicious and cold. But, they were very expensive.
As the lodge was there near the car's road, many normal tourists were there. It was only sightseeing area. I escaped from there after I ate them quickly.

in July 26, 2014

Mt. Tengu-dake

Mt. Tengudake was one of 200 famous mountains in Japan. And it was one of Yatsuga-dake mountains. So, climbing this mountain was important object for this climbing.
But, too many climbers were there on the top. And a climber listened the radio with big volume. So, I don't have nice image to this mountain. After I ate some foods, I escaped from this mountain.

in July 26, 2014

Japanese serow

After I left Mt. Iou-dake, I met Japanese serow. It was first experience for me.
He (She?) walked slowly and ate grasses. When I closed up to him, he didn't afraid me and continued to eat grasses. And, he often watched me by his gentle eyes. He was elegant and beautiful.
It was my max nice event in the climbing.

in July 26, 2014

Volcanic vent

This big wall was called "Exploded volcanic vent". I could see it from top of Mt. Iou-dake. This might be the best point in Yatsuda-dake mountain system. It had a stringency.
The wall had made at the big explosion of volcano in old day.
I left there after I saw this wall for a while.

in July 26, 2014