Monday, October 31, 2011

A sunny weekday

It is a sunny weekday today. I could commute by bike comfortably.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Awards ceremony

My son was commended a bronze title for drawing. My wife and I attended the awards ceremony. He was commended two continuous years. He may have a talent for drawing pictures.

Between nail and flesh

A place between nail and flesh was split open. It is giving me the hard ache.
The accident happened when I using the driver for screw. It must be the fatigue failure. But I bolted only about 50 screws. Human's body is weak more than I supposed.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Traffic jam

When I returned from Onomichi in last evening, I got caught in traffic jam. The length of a line of cars was about 7km. I always come back from there in 1.5 hours. But it took about 3 hours. At the end of the line, a large trailer was stopped by out of order.
This is the photo of the trailer. It's impossible to photo clearly in the dark by mobile phone.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Blue Tuesday

I often take a paid holiday on Monday in order to take 3 continuous holiday. After taking continuous holiday, it's blue to go to office on Tuesday.
I hesitated to leave my home in this morning. I considered whether I should take one more holiday or not.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Paid holiday

I took a paid holiday today、because I felt tired to work when I woke up. I stayed home almost all day long. I'm considering now whether I'll go to work or not.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Center of prefecture

There was a epigraph of prefecture's center near the entrance of climbing road. It says that the point is the center of Hiroshima pref.
Is there any value to make such a monument ? I think it is waste of money.

Mt. kannoki

Top of Mt. kannoki was a large rock. We could see the nice landscape between city Mihara to city Hiroshima. I did't expect that it was such a nice mountain. I want to climb there once again in someday. The altitude is 892m.

Mt. Takanosu

When we reached to top of Mt. Takanosu, it was deep mist there. But, after we had a rest  for a while, a part of mist was disappeared. And, we could see the sea around Hiroshima. The height is 922m. It was the highest point in my son's experience.

Climbed with my son

I climbed two mountains in city Higashi-hiroshima with my son today. The forest road was wet. So, we slipped many times. But, my son walk fast. It was a good training for him to climb Mt. Daisen in next spring.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Shift gears

During I was commuting in last afternoon, I ride bike with new boots. At the time, I found that shifting gear is difficult by new boots,  especially on neutral position. Because, the thickness of toe is heavy and the ankle is fixed. I have to be used how to control it.
By the way, "shift change" is not correct English. "Shift" and "Change" has a similar meaning each other.

Friday, October 21, 2011


I bought new boots for off-road bike. It's cool. It looks tough. It resist rain. So, It must be good for commuting ,too.
I want to go to forest road as soon as possible.


I've gotten through the examination of licensed electrician. I checked it on the net.
But, I'd taken exam only the subject "Theory". I have to exam the rest three subjects in next year.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Fuel consumption

I cleaned inside of muffler on Sunday. There were heavy carbons.
I found the fuel consumption was improved at gas station in this morning. It was improved from 18.6 km/â„“ to 20.5 km/â„“. I did a environment friendly conduct.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Large lake

I found a large lake in Ube when I watch the map before I go to the travel. The name is Lake Tokiwa. So, I walked there in the first morning.
But, the way to the lake was more long and hard than I expected. During I was walking to there, I afraid that I would be late to meet my customer. So, I had to run.
I had no time to walk the park beside the lake. After I photoed the end of the lake, I returned to hotel. Can you find the end of the lake in this picture ?
Definitely, I'd run more than 10 km in the morning.


There were many artistic carvings and structures, etc. on the streets in Ube. But, most of them couldn't be understood by me. University's students may create them.

Industrial city

Ube is empty town for me. There are no nice landscape, no historical site and no mountain for climb. There are only industrial factories and universities. I would not be able to stay such a city.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Business trip

I'll go to City Ube as a business trip in this afternoon. I worked yesterday, too. I'd no holiday in this weekend. I'll come back on Tuesday.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Unique shop

A unique shop will open near by my company. It is famous as they are treating various items. When it will open, I will go to see inside of the shop.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Traffic accident

When I was commuting in this evening, the traffic jam had happened. As I rode bike, I could through the side of the road. But many cars couldn't move.
Later, I saw the hard traffic accident. 4 cars was clashed and awful damaged. As it was hard rain, the tail end of the crashed cars must be slipped and crashed.
When it rain, it is easy to slip especially for bike. So, I don't like to ride bike in the rain..

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Luggage carrier

Luggage carrier of my bike was broken when I rode in forest road. Luggage bag was too heavy. So, it couldn't absorb the repeated load on dirt road.
I have to fix it.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

High speed

After my bike's trouble was dissolved resolved, it runs very fast. I can enjoy to riding even for commuting. Mechanical performance rose up. But my riding technique is not risen up. So, I have to be careful not to crush.

Monday, October 10, 2011


In the forest road, my elder friend forced me to eat strange natural mushroom. He called the mushroom "Naratakemodoki". Later, I checked the breed variety on the net, and I found it. Certainly, it was written to edible. Fortunately, I didn't have a stomachache.


In the forest road, I met friends by a coincidence. They have same hobbies with me such as climbing and bike. So, I often play with them.
Staying at such far from living area at the same time is very rarely happening. I was surprised very much.

Sunday, October 09, 2011

Power up

When I ride the bike in this morning, power of it was suddenly declined. On the flat road, the maximum speed was only 40km/h. On up slope, it was only 15km/h.
So, I once abandoned to go to forest road today. But I bring it to bike shop and it was fixed. The reason of power decline was blocking of muffler. Mass of carbon blocked the narrow pass.
After deleting the mass of carbon, my bike ran smoothly and powerfully. I recorded the fastest speed of the bike 90km/h. So, I could pleasure riding in forest road today.

Saturday, October 08, 2011

Tomb stone

My mother's tombstone had built. Buddhist event was held today. A priest read a Buddhist chant. It was a final event about my mother's death.

Junior high school

This is a junior high school which I attended. I walked there in this morning. Now, my daughter is a junior high school student. What fast the time goes by !

Italian traveler

When I enter the train yesterday, a foreigner try to take bicycle to higher rack. It looked too heavy to bring it alone. So, I helped him.
He was an Italian traveler. He came to Japan at middle of September. Until then, he went to Tokyo, Mt. fuji, Kyoto, Nara and Hiroshima.
I talked with him from Hiroshima to Okayama in local train. So, I could spend pleasure time. I'm really envious of him to do such a journey.

Friday, October 07, 2011

by Local train

I'll go home in Okayama in this evening. The reason why is that the Buddhist's event about my mothers dead will be held tomorrow. As I go there alone, I'll go by local train. It's a long journey when I use a local train.

Thursday, October 06, 2011

Plastic model

My son assembled a plastic model of robot in animation. When I was a kid, I made such a plastic model, too. But, there is a large difference between modern model and old one. The difference is a elaboration. My son's one can move flexibly at elbow, knee and wrist, etc.
Everything is developing every day especially in these days. Of course, it's also about the toys.

Wednesday, October 05, 2011


On next Sunday, I'll go to forest road in North Hiroshima with my friend. My bike's condition is not good. So, I'll run slowly and carefully. But the surface of forest road is wild. I may fall.
I expect it will be fine.

Monday, October 03, 2011


It is my holiday today in spite of Monday. Getting holiday in weekday is very pleasure. It is interesting to play during the others are working.
But, my wife order me to reform the floor carpet of bathroom, because the floor was gotten moldy. We bought the materials at home center in the morning. I changed the carpet in the afternoon. It was hard job. But, the floor changed to beautiful. It was good job.

Sunday, October 02, 2011


I found a big spider in my room. The width was about 6 cm.
There is famous novel treat spider in Japan. The title is "Kumo no ito" which means sting of spider. On the novel, offender was helped by spider in the hell. Every Japanese knows the story. So, I can't kill spiders.
When I tried to catch him, he escaped and hide under my bed. It was a serious mistake. He may walk on my face in the night. I can't sleep well until I catch him.