Wednesday, October 12, 2011

High speed

After my bike's trouble was dissolved resolved, it runs very fast. I can enjoy to riding even for commuting. Mechanical performance rose up. But my riding technique is not risen up. So, I have to be careful not to crush.


  1. I would like to comment on your writing .

    I think that "solve" or "resolve" is better for your meaning than " dissolve".

    Please do not mind .

    It is just only my opinion .

    By the way , a puppy came my home.

    Her name is "Nana". She was born two months ago.

    The dog is classified in the breed of Japanese dogs as "Shiba-Inu" .

    She must bring me a rest .

  2. Thank you for your advise. I welcome such a comment in this blog.
    By the way, Are you thinking how to eat the puppy?
