Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Large lake

I found a large lake in Ube when I watch the map before I go to the travel. The name is Lake Tokiwa. So, I walked there in the first morning.
But, the way to the lake was more long and hard than I expected. During I was walking to there, I afraid that I would be late to meet my customer. So, I had to run.
I had no time to walk the park beside the lake. After I photoed the end of the lake, I returned to hotel. Can you find the end of the lake in this picture ?
Definitely, I'd run more than 10 km in the morning.


  1. Of course I can find the end of the lake in your photo.

    Because I lived in the place near Lake Tokiwa 23 years ago.

    Maybe you could find many contemporary arts

    such as fabricated structures made of steel in

    Tokiwa Park around Lake Tokiwa.

    Ube is famous for contemporary art from the past.

    I could not also understand the value of the art.

    I also thought that Ube was empty town when I visited Ube first .

    Especially I compared Ube with Hiroshima.

    I sometimes remembered the song "My hometown" by Shogo Hamada during my stay in Ube.

    However "There is no place like home." was true.

    I still like Ube with bittersweet memory .

    There is no place like home.:住めば都

  2. If I had enough time, I would walk around the lake. But, I couldn't.
    By the way, I remember City Matsuyama when I listen the song "My hometown". The song maybe refer to youth.
