Sunday, October 16, 2011

Business trip

I'll go to City Ube as a business trip in this afternoon. I worked yesterday, too. I'd no holiday in this weekend. I'll come back on Tuesday.


  1. Ube city withered two decades ago.

    I have not been to Ube city for 15 years .

    If you have a opportunity to go to the downtown near the Ube-shinkawa station to drink and eat ,
    I recommend you to go to the bar called "Deigo" which was a my favorite bar in the far past.
    But I am concerened that the bar does not exisist now.

    Any how , I hope that you can enjoy the stay in Ube city.

    You can eat the true "Tonkotsu-Ramen" in Ube .

    Because the food culture of Ube city is equal to

  2. As I didn't watch your comment, I didn't go to eat the shop despite I walk to Ube-shinkawa station in the morning.
    I ate Ringer hut's Nagasaki Chanpon as a dinner. That's one of the culture of Kyusyu.
