Sunday, November 27, 2011

He is a climber.

I met a friend at the store near my house by coincidence.
He is one of my friend who have same hobby with me, such as climbing and bike. He said he stay in Yano, too.
When I met him, he had a climbing boots and pickels sticks. He said he climbed Mt. Ege and walk to Tenno in the mounrain until then. It is the course which I've walked sometimes. As it is a nice and useful course, I may meet him in the mountain someday.
He brought his wife at the time. Perhaps, he walked with her. As my wife don't like climbing, I'm really envious of him.


  1. by coincidence:偶然に

  2. Mt. Ege:絵下山

  3. Why did he have pickels?

    He had climbing sticks, did not he?

  4. It was climbing sticks. I can't remember why I write to pickels instead of sticks.
    By the way, I want to try hard climbing in winter with pickels someday.
