Tuesday, September 26, 2017


I went to eat ramen with my colleague for lunch. It was there near the Hiroshima prefecture's hospital.
It was very simple taste, and old style. But, I like it. I'll go to eat it, again.

Monday, September 18, 2017

Winery Miyoshi

I went to eat grilled meat to winery Miyoshi. In these days my daughter and son don't join such family event. I think that it can't be helped to that they don't join. Because my daughter is college student, and my son is junior high school student. When I was such age, I was so, too.
My wife and I could enjoy drive without our children after a long while. Local road in autumn was very beautiful. I'll enjoy such a event with my wife.

Friday, September 15, 2017

JOJO's manga artist

I bought a manga from Amazon. It was drown by my favorite manga artist Hirohiko Araki. He was famous of his JOJO series.
It was very nice manga. It had reached to the level of art. It had been my treasure.

My lanking: ★★★★★

Monday, September 11, 2017


Bicycle's drive computer showed that I'd run 5,000 km at last. I bought the computer in September 16, 2016. So, I'd run 5,000 km in one year.
Distance between Hiroshima to northern cape Souya in Hokkaido is about 2,000km. So, I think that the distance I ride bicycle was very long.
In this one year, I rode bicycle for commuting, cycling to island Edajima alone and race in island Tobishima.
I'm enjoying bicycle's life instead of auto bike. I think bicycle is more safety and healthy than bike.

Sunday, September 03, 2017

In the Shinkansen

As the traffic accident on JR line between Hakuba and Matsumoto, the train stopped for a long while. Some years ago, I faced such trouble on same line when I came back from some mountain. The railroad may be suit for me.
In Nagoya station, I bought lunch box for dinner. It was Miso Katsu (Pork cutlet which tasted by miso) which was one of famous food in Nagoya. It was not bad.

Local foods

I always eat local famous foods after I climbed.
Nogano's famous food was soba (Japanese noodle). Hakuba town's famous food was horse's meat, according to web site. So, I searched the restaurant where I can eat both soba and horse's meat by smart phone. And, I found it near the Hakuba's JR station.
At first, I wanted to eat raw meat of the horse. But, it was soled for 3 peoples. It was too much for me. So, I selected grilled meat with ginger. But, it was too deep taste for me. So, I couldn't judge the horse meat was tasty or not.
After I'd eaten horse's meat, I ate soba. It was very tasty. I like soba than udon, basically. But, there were a little soba restaurant  in East Japan. So, I always want to eat soba in Nagano and Gifu pref.
I always feel happy when I eat local foods after climbing. My stomach was full of food. My heart was full of satisfaction.


After I went out from bathroom, I ate sweets in the spa's small restaurant. In the mountain I often thought I want to eat ice cream. On the ground it was very easy. I can eat everything with only paying.
What is climbing ? Perhaps, I went into deep mountains in order to get inconvenience. But, I felt happy when I get convenience after I left mountain. Is it a contradiction ?


There were many spa around Happou. So, I went there directly. As I didn't wash my body for 3 days, it was very comfortable spa. I always feel happiness in spa after long climbing. In hot water, I remembered many peaks, cliffs, rocks and climbers, etc. with laugh. It may be the happiest time in the climbing. I couldn't go out from there for a long while.

Descend easily

After I drunk coffee, I descend mountain. I passed some sightseeing point such as pond Happou without watching. Because I was not interesting in normal sightseeing point.
I ran down beside such place in many tourists.
I used gondola and rope way from Happou to Hakuba. It was in deep mist near the topside. But, it was fine near the lower side. I realized the difference of whether in the mountain.
As I was alone in such vehicles, descend mountain was very easy and comfortable. I could moved height more than 1,000 m easily.

Nice coffee and mountain

I stayed in elegant time with coffee in front of Mt. Karamatsu. It may be most delicious and nice coffee in my life.
At entrance of lodge Karamatsu, it was written to the coffee delicious. So, I decided to buy it and drunk. I thought that the drink must be suit for the end of my the climbing.

Top of Mt. Karamatsu-dake

As it was easy mountain, many people were there on the top of Mt. Karamatsu.
I talked with a woman for a while. She was a little strange lady. She told me her many brag about mountain and the gears. But, I could listen it without aversion. It may be because satisfaction.
After I stayed there for about a few minutes, I went back to lodge Karamatsu with a little loneliness. I regret the end of pleasant climbing.

Called "Not return"

During I was going to top of Mt. Karamatsu, I could see Mt. Hakuba and famous difficult area "Kaerazu-no-ken".
Kaerazu-no-ken means that Difficult area which can't to return. It was said that the difficulty was more than the kiretto's one. When I started to plan the climbing, I planed to through it at first. But, I thought that it will be too hard to through it after I'd through the kiretto. So, I abandoned through it and climbing Mt. Hakuba in the climbing.
Famous climber Yoki Tanaka said that Hodaka's kiretto was more difficult than the Kaerazu's one. It may be easy for me, because I'd through Hodaka's kiretto.
I have no plan to through it now. But, I may through it someday, if I'll want to conquer all 4 kiretto in Japan. Because, I'd already conquered 3 of them.

Mt. Karamatsu-dake

Mt. Karamatsu was one of the 300 famous mountain in Japan.
The style was very gentle and beautiful. If we call Mt. Goryu-dake to tough guy, Mt. Karamatsu should be called to lady. I like the looks.
It was the last major mountain in the climbing. After I put my backpack beside the lodge, I started to climb it.

Beginner climbers

In front of lodge Karamatsu, there was a difficult point which called Ushikubi (means cow's head). But, it was easy point for me who through North wall of Kashimayari, kiretto, G5, G4 and Goryu, etc.
On the Ushikubi, 4 beginner climbers came against me. Two of them handed poles in their hand at such a rock's wall. An old lady could not keep 3 point.
As I had a tolerance because of clear the hard point, I could wait them with laugh. And, I said them "Don't need to hurry. come on slowly". And, I advice to their leader to put their poles into their backpack.
My heart might be grew up on the climbing.

What a great landscape

I could see beautiful Mt. Tsurugi and Mt. Tate-yama. There will not be there such a beautiful landscape at many another place in Japan.
It was fine in all day in my climbing. Good weather often give me a good landscape.


My shadow was reflected on mist, and it looked like giant. The phenomenon called to Brocken. It appears under some situation such as sunrise and mist, etc. It was my first experience. My friends said that my brocken was very beautiful and clear.

Cloud flow

I could see cloud flow over the mountain in front of Mt. Goryu. It was very beautiful cloud sea in my life.
I walked in the cloud under the hard wind. It was my good memories.

Fuji and Yatsuga-dake

I could see Mt Fuji. I always be happy when I could see Mt. Fuji. It may be because that I'm Japanese.
Beside Fuji, I could see Mt. Yatsu-gadake. I'd climbed it 3 years ago. It was nice climbing, too. I'm happy when I see mountain which I'd climbed.
In the climbing, I could see many 100 famous mountains in Japan such as Hakuba, Goryu, Kashimayari, Tateyama, Tsurugi, Yakushi, Washiba, Suisyou, Yari, Hodaka, Yatsu, Tateshina and Fuji. It was a good climbing.

Mt. Goryu-dake

I could see Mt. Gory's full body at last. It was very powerful style in morning sunshine. I was tired and concentrate to walk on dangerous road yesterday. And it was misty. So, I couldn't see the mountain well.
Goryu means that five dragons. Why ancient people named so ? It maybe because that the sharp ridge lines looked like dragons.


I started to walk in 4:30 before sunrise in order to reach Mt. Karamatsu.
During I was walking, color of sky changed from black to blue, purple, orange and red. What a beautiful sunrise it was ! Sunrise in mountain always be different with in the town.


When I watch inside surface of flysheet, the inside was freezed. It means that the temperature was under 0 ℃.
As it was too cold, I cooked inside of tent. I remembered a Tsurugi-sawa campsite with my friend in 4 years ago. It was very cold, too. But, I get a experience and good gears for this 4 years. I could stayed smoothly than 4 years ago.
But, I have to be care about weather in high mountain.

Saturday, September 02, 2017

Colorful camp site

I like to see colorful camp site.
In hard wind, I assembled my tent speedy and start to sleep at 14:00 without eat something.
When I wake up at 21:00, it was very very cold. So, I wore all clothes such as dawn jacket and rain wear, etc.
I always had no apatite when I was tired. But, in order to get power, I ate a little. I ate only miso soup and cheap noodle newmen. Newmen was Japanese thin noodle. It could be cooked only giving boiled water. Everything was bothersome.
After I ate dinner, I waited for the morning.

Lodge Goryu

As it was Saturday, and the lodge was near the entrance of climbing road, there were many climbers were there.
In front of lodge Goryu, I had a happy meeting. A solo climber who talked for a while at the Jii-gadake was there. After then, he stayed lodge Tsumetaiike in last night. And he walked rear of me. During I climbed top of Goryu, he pass it and went to in front of me and had a rest at the lodge. I talked with him for a while. And I went to campsite, and he started to walk to lodge Karamatsu. He was tough more than his looks.

Top of Mt. Goryu

At last, I reached to the top of Mt. Goryu after I through many dangerous peaks, valleys, chains, bridges and stairs.
At the top, many climbers were there. Most of them must be come from easy side which was from lodge Karamatsu.
It was my 19th mountain in 100 famous mountains in Japan. But, I had only a little memories about the top. The road to reach Goryu was there in my memory. But, my heart was full of satisfaction. At last, I walked from Kashimayari-gatake to Goryu-dake through the dangerous kiretto! After I stayed there only for a few minutes, I left there and went to campsite.


There were many sharp peaks such as G4 and G5 near Mt. Goryu. As I was tired, I couldn't photo them enough. But, I photoed the strange rock like Godzilla. He opened his big mouth to the sky.
As soon as I would reach to Mt. Goryu.

Thunder bird

Around most dangerous area G5, a thunder bird appeared in front of me. It was my fourth experience.
He didn't afraid me and walked in front of me. He gave me a power in dangerous, but monotonous walking.
Number of them which alive in Japan was said to about 3,000. They are more important than I, off coarse.

Dangerous road

Difficult road continue in front of tired my body. All I could do was go front.
No rain saved me. If it was rain,It must be more more dangerous and I stayed at lodge Yatsumine Kiretto in one night.

Wasted power

When I reached to a small peak Kitaonenokashira, I'd been tired. And, my concentration was a little. Continuing climbing must be dangerous on such hard road. So, I decided to get enough rest time.
I put my backpack on the rock. And, I sit on rock and ate a moving foods.
After I got such rest, my fighting spirit appeared again in me. I understood that the rest was very important.

Long stairs

There were long long stairs before I reaches to Mt. Goryu. It was one of my longest stairs. I'd a memory which I walked such long stairs in Mt. Yatsuga-dake.
Such many obstacles cat my energy and concentration.

How to built it

Lodge Kiretto was built in deep valley. There were no flat space. How to built it ? It must be hard construction at the place where hard to walk.
I bought a cold milk there and had a rest for a while.

Lodge Yatsumine kiretto

A solo climber in this photo stayed in same campsite last night. During I photoed slowly at northern peak of Mt. Kashimayari-gadake, he approached my back. So, I walked fast. On the dangerous road until this lodge, we walked fast as if it was a race. The normal course time from northern peak of Mt. Kashimayari-gadake to the lodge was 2 hours. But, we through it in one hour. Moreover, camping gears were full in our backpack.
He was a enemy on the race. But, I felt friendly him very much.
During I used toilet, he disappeared.
Later, I would found his tent in next campsite.

Lodge appeared

After I through dangerous zone around Kiretto, at last I could see lodge Kiretto. There was no rest point on the road from Northern peak of Mt. Kashimayari-gadake. So, I felt happiness.
By the way, don't you think the last stairs looks very dangerous ? At the time, I was very used to such dangerous stairs, chains and rocks, etc. So, I could walk down the stairs easily.


Kiretto is a Japanese word which means cat door. There are some Kiretto in Japan Alps. All of them are at dangerous climbing road. I'd walked 3 Kiretto such as Hodaka's, Yatsu-dadake's and this one. I thought this Kiretto was most deep valley.
Can you see a guy walking on narrow road in the mist in under photograph ? He was walking from Toyama prefecture's side to Nagano prefecture's side. Left big rock was Mt. Kashimayari-gadake's one and right big rock was Mt. Gryu's one.
What a crazy geographical features it was ! Deep mist make it mysterious. It was hard road. But, it will remain my memory for ever.

Bridges and chains

The hard climbing road started from Northern peak of Mt. Kashimayari-gatake. There were many chains, bridges and stairs. There were many place that I would be die if I missed moving my hands and legs.
I afraid and avoid such a rute, basically. But, after I through such course, I always be full satisfy. I may love such a dangerous climbing road.
I'd through such a coarse alone after 5 years interval in Mt. Hodaka. I'd through with my friend after 4 years in Mt. Tsurugi. All of them were hardest in my climbing life. I thought I should climb such mountains during I'm still young.
Until when, can I will climb such a hard road ? At the time my legs don't move well, my life will be end.

Northern peak of Mt. Kashimayari-gatake

When I reached to Northern peak of Mt. Kashimayari-gatake, the sun raised up enough and I could see beautiful landscape around there. It was a nice weather. Basically, I'm a lucky man about the weather when I climb.

Hang ridge line

It was called hung ridge line. It was lowest point on ridge line between two peaks of Mt. Kashimayari-gatake.
From near there, climbing road changed to dangerous. So, I set a helmet on my head. The hardest climbing had started.

Top of Mt. Kashimayari-gadake

When I reached to the top of Mt. Kashimayari-gatake, nobody were there. So, I could enjoy photo, making many pose and sit on stones, etc.
It was one of the 100 famous mountain in Japan. It was 18th mountain which I'd climbed in them.
Mt. Kashimayari-gatake had twin peaks. So, I left there in order to stand on another peak.

Mt. Yari-gadake

At last, I could see Mt. Yari-gadake. I always look for it when I climb mountains around Alps. I could see it 4 continuous years. I could see it from Mt. Yatsuga-dake, Haku-san and Kita-dake before last summer.
I could see Mt. Hodaka. I'd climbed it 5 years ago. It was hard climbing, too.
What a good landscape it was ! I love mountains !!!

Mt. Kashimayari-gadake

I could see Mt. Kashimayari-gadake's beautiful mountain style from Mt. Nunobiki. I had to stand on the both peak and go over there today.

Mt. Nunobiki-dake

I pulled every items in my backpack early, and I left camp site 4:30 AM. I started to climb before sunrise. It was my rule for climbing.
Before I reached Mt. Kashimayari-gadake, I through Mt. Nunobiki-dake. There were a good landscape. I could see full of Kashimayari-gadake for the first time.

Friday, September 01, 2017

Good camp site

When I reached the camp site, only a climber was there. I assembled my tent at far a way from his tent. Because, single climber must be like loneliness like me.
Until the sunset, one team of climbers reached there and assembled their tent. It was a wide and silent camp site.
By the way, I could mail to my wife from there. New smart phone's performance was good more than I hoped. My wife always worry about me during I climbed. So, it was good news for us.

Lodge Tsumetaiike

I reached to lodge in about noonday. I bought 3 litter water and moved to camp site after I payed money.
On the web site, someone write the worker in the lodge was very bad. But, they were very nice guys for me. Kramer use web site and attack many peoples. Internet is very useful. But, it have many bad side, too.

Mt. Tsurugi-dake appeared

Mt. Jii-gadake had 3 peaks. I could climbed 2 peaks in them. I couldn't find the road to last peak. There were no road on the map, too. So, I abandoned it.
At the second peak, I met a lonely climber. And, talked for a while.
The landscape from the peak was one of my best landscapes in my climbing life. The mountain which had deep valley and sharp ridge line was Mt. Tsurugi-dake. I'd climbed it about 4 years ago. But, I'd never seen this side of the mountain. What a great mountain it was ! I couldn't move for a long while, and watched it.

Mt. Jii-ga-dake

Mt. Jii-gadake was one of the 3oo famous mountains in Japan. I stand on there for a while alone. I like to stay peak alone very very much. Nobody in the world knew that I was there.

Cat's ears appear

Mt. Kashimayari-gadake have twin peaks. Some people say them to cat's ears.
In the mist, I could see them. It was very beautiful. I would stand on the two peaks tomorrow.

Short trees and mist

After I left the lodge, I walked in cold mist and wind in order to reach Mt. Jii-gadake. On the ridge line, only short trees were there. Because the wind was too hard for high trees.
In such situation, thunder bird often appear in front of me. So, I hoped to meet them. But, they didn't.

Lodge's food

In these years, I was using lodge's food. They are very expensive. But the value must be more than the payment.
It was instant carry. But, it was very delicious in mountain. I'll use lodge's food more.